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Toronto Escorts

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  1. N

    Where will Dany Heatley end up this season?

    Heatley would be unwanted baggage for TML. As far as the Canucks go, who would they want from the current Leaf roster?
  2. N

    How do you feel when you see a total loser eating chocolate ice cream?

    I drink your milkshake
  3. N

    What the hell is this?

    My bud was coming out of a SC when it passed by. He was supposed to be at work at the time. I wonder if his boss or gf will find out? hehe
  4. N

    Mississauga teen shoots his jeep 15 feet into the air on HWY 403. Ouch!

    So, 1:30 in the morning during a school night driving like an a-hole. Sounds like he is the product of quality upbringing. To bad the spoiled brat had to learn such a hard lesson.
  5. N

    Israel now enlists Palestinian children with cancer to praise Israel

    Dude, reading through your various threads and posts you sound so anti-semetic. Other than bashing Israel, do you have anything else positive to say?
  6. N

    How is Female Circumcision Trivialized?

    It's called female genitalia mutilation. Just like after a muslim lady has a baby and she gets herself sewn up tight. No respect for women.
  7. N

    Tories on the run!!

    Are you insane? He screwed us over more that once and you want to give him the opportunity to do it again? Paul Martin is apparently involved in this fiasco too. The Liberal/NDP/Bloc alliance is totally assinine.
  8. N

    Save Democracy! Save Canada!

    I don't think that many Canadian predicted an ill-conceived coalition when they voted. Coalition governments were originally intended during wartime. This is just a convenient way for the Liberals & NDP to desperately grasp at power. How long before these idiots stop agreeing and we wind up...
  9. N

    Poll: Britney Spears Or Jlo?

    JLo is extremely overrated. Britney in her prime would have been a tastey treat.
  10. N

    Harper's leaky ark

    Chretien/Martin = Caligula and the Court Jester Blah blah blah, sounds like a lot of Liberals are pissed 'cause their ineffective leader couldnt pull off a majority win. Its simple economics, Liberal governments dont work during recesions. Thank God for the Conservatives. 'nuff said
  11. N

    Harper accused of plagiarizing 2002 Harris speech

    No doubt Ontario will lamely and blindly vote Liberal, even though Dion is a blabbering fool!
  12. N

    question for ebay users

    Agreed! Whatever you do, don't let them ship by UPS
  13. N

    Montréal Canadiens - Quest for Cup #25

    Habs will not win the cup Even if they make it to the finals, they will be beaten by a western team.
  14. N

    Rogers Cell Phone

    Tiger Direct and Factory Direct often sell unlocked phones.
  15. N

    The Leafs...LMFAO

    Bottom line, the Habs aren't built to go the distance. They may luck into the 2nd or 3rd round, but they will be toppled by a much hungrier team. Never liked the Habs or their fans. Lothe them as much as the Sens. Love the Leafs, hate the management and hate their chances. Give Cliff...
  16. N

    The proof Cretien was a moron

    There is a difference between not having a way with words and being barely coherant. That wasn't the first time (or the last time) that Cretien spurted out mumble jumble. But it is by far, the funniest.
  17. N

    The proof Cretien was a moron

    It will be a minority government, but it's too soon to say which party will win.
  18. N

    The proof Cretien was a moron

    Not that anyone really needed any proof, but here is a timeless classic from old Jean himself:
  19. N

    What no posts about Mr. Harper?

    Historically the Liberals are #1 for scandals, bribes and corruption.
Toronto Escorts