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Mississauga teen shoots his jeep 15 feet into the air on HWY 403. Ouch!


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Mar 31, 2009 06:30 PM
Jim Wilkes
Staff Reporter

Speed and inexperience led to the death of a Mississauga teen, whose Jeep rocketed five metres into the air :eek: and slammed into a Hwy. 403 overpass, police say.

Thomas Jasinski, 17, was killed instantly when his Wrangler left the road about 1:30 a.m. today, veered into a ditch and flew into the concrete abutment at Glen Erin Dr.

Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Dave Woodford said the vehicle almost cleared the overpass, but was flattened when it slammed into the facing and fell to the embankment below.

The Jeep's roof sheared off and landed on the pavement on Glen Erin, he said.

"There wasn't much left of the vehicle," Woodford said. "To get up that kind of height, he had to be going at a high speed."

Woodford said police have ruled out alcohol as a factor in the deadly crash, but suggested fatigue may have played a part.

"The chance of surviving something like this at high speed is almost nil," he said. "The tragedy is that a young life has to end like this because of speed."

Jasinski lived in Mississauga, but attended school in Oakville, where he was a student at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School for the past two years.

Friends described him as a "computer genius."


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
So, 1:30 in the morning during a school night driving like an a-hole. Sounds like he is the product of quality upbringing. To bad the spoiled brat had to learn such a hard lesson.


Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
May have been a test to see if the computer model of a jeep jumping onto an overpass was physically possible. He may have forgotten to calculate for Gravity?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Update from The Star:

Jasinski, a student at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School in Oakville who had been accepted to University of Toronto for business studies, had returned earlier Monday from a trip he had organized to Niagara Falls for 21 friends. He had planned the trip as a sweet sixteen party for his stepsister, Victoria, his father Tony Jasinski, Ursula's ex-husband, told the Star last night.

Jasinski later told his mother he was going out to Rattlesnake Point in Milton with friends to watch movies on a DVD screen in his Jeep, which had the vanity plate "Jastech" – the name of the company he started two years ago doing multimedia for weddings, baby showers and business presentations.

"He came back four times" for movies and other things he had forgotten before finally getting underway, she said. Tony Jasinski said his son's friends have told him he didn't meet up with friends for a movie, but instead visited a female friend in Oakville on his own.

The OPP said excessive speed and driver fatigue were the cause of the crash.

OK, so he got back from the falls, then at 9:20pm told his mom he was going to hang out and watch movies with his guy friends in Milton, but his real plan was to go to Oakville and see a girl for a date. So he is driving home at 1:30am after his date with the girl, driving really fast and 3 minutes from home (3 minutes at the speed he was going - Warp 1 perhaps) when he in all probability fell asleep at the wheel. The Jeep then left the road and was catapulted up in the air, where it collided with the concreate overpass, killing him instantly.

Doesn't look like he planned to jump the Jeep in the air. Bad luck for him. Moral of the story is: if driving at excessive speed late at night, falling asleep is not a good idea....or, if you are falling asleep at the wheel, regardless of your speed, pull off the road, get out and splash cold water on your face and take a break/get some air.

Note for moms - teenage son says he's going out at 9:30pm on a school night to watch DVD movies with his male friends in the back seat of his Jeep, in winter, in another town? Um...with their parent's houses having big screen TV's probably, plus movie theatres in the area...and he comes back four times becuase he is nervous and is forgetting things...sounds like a cover story for a hot date with a girl to was the case.
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