Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

Montréal Canadiens - Quest for Cup #25


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Les_Habitants said:
The Montréal Canadiens completed the 2007-2008 NHL Regular Season in the Number One Position in the Eastern Conference.

A week ago, on Monday April 7, the day after the Regular Season ended, Mr. Gainey, one of the most respected and best hockey minds around, held a press conference. He was asked about the Habs' target for the upcoming 2008 NHL Playoffs and his response was:

"We began in October with 15 Eastern Conference teams and our objective was to make the playoffs, in the best position possible. Now that we're in the playoffs, our goal is to win the Stanley Cup."
......and this is supposed to mean something to us?

Gee, I betcha no other GM has ever thought of that? :confused: Freaking brilliant. I hate to break the news to you frenchy but ..........

Since 2000, there have been 16 Conference winners. Only 4 have advanced to the Stanley Cup finals and only 3 have actually won the cup. I wouldn't plan the parade yet.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Bruins coach realizes they won .....but work to be done

In a statement released after the Bruins win on Sunday night, B's coach uttered this shocking statement ........

"Obviously it's a great win for us for all the right reasons," said coach Claude Julien. "I think to get that monkey off our back - 13 [consecutive] losses from before - and obviously getting us, more importantly, back in the series. We realize we're still trailing and there's lots of work left to be done.

wow......... totally amazing. Plans are now in the works for a parade. :eek:


New member
Feb 13, 2004
mighty Leafs Nation
The Bandit said:
I liked the interview with Latendresse...learn some proper English buddy, even the Europeans speak better and they weren't even born in Canada. :rolleyes:
what do you expect for a bunch of poutine and Jos. Louis eating inbreds?


Un Montréalais À Toronto
Mar 25, 2007
CH - Habs Nation
Victoire Pour Le Bleu, Blanc, & Rouge

Nos Canadiens de Montréal vont amener la Coupe Stanley chez nous ici au Canada, où la Coupe doit être.

Ça fait quinze ans depuis la Coupe n'est pas ici. Nos Canadiens de Montréal ont amené la Coupe ici dernièrement en 1993 … et ça va être encore nos Canadiens de Montréal qui vont l'amener ici prochainement au Canada en 2008.

Cette année, ça va être la victoire pour le Bleu, Blanc, et Rouge.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Les_Habitants said:
Nos Canadiens de Montréal vont amener la Coupe Stanley chez nous ici au Canada, où la Coupe doit être.

Ça fait quinze ans depuis la Coupe n'est pas ici. Nos Canadiens de Montréal ont amené la Coupe ici dernièrement en 1993 … et ça va être encore nos Canadiens de Montréal qui vont l'amener ici prochainement au Canada en 2008.

Cette année, ça va être la victoire pour le Bleu, Blanc, et Rouge.
Your heads getting too big, it's going to explode soon.:rolleyes: You're so full of yourself. I can see the Frommage coming out of your ears.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
^^^ I'd rather bring back Alizee.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Montreal playing like little girls .......

Sorry I didn't post this in french, but I am Canadian and don't speak a foreign language of another country .......

Habs playing like 'little girls'

BOSTON -- When Tomas Plekanec stunned a room full of reporters yesterday by claiming he was playing "like a little girl," he could very well have used that same description when discussing the team's once-mighty power play.

On a side note, The Boston Bruins will show up tonight and finish out the best of seven series against the Montreal Canadiens. Even though plans are under way for a Stanley Cup parade in Montreal and the cup has been sent out for names to be engraved, the B's will still play it out. Besides, the golf courses in New England are still too wet to play on. :cool:


New member
Sep 30, 2004
I am a HABS fan. I never claimed that we will win the Stanley Cup. I just hope that we will. At least I can watch my team in the playoffs.

For all of you dissing the Montreal hockey club, I hope that your team is in the playoffs. If they are not, then they are an inferior hockey club compared to Montreal. Hence, any insults directed to the HABS only diminish further more your club.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
kirmit129 said:
I am a HABS fan. I never claimed that we will win the Stanley Cup. I just hope that we will. At least I can watch my team in the playoffs.

For all of you dissing the Montreal hockey club, I hope that your team is in the playoffs. If they are not, then they are an inferior hockey club compared to Montreal. Hence, any insults directed to the HABS only diminish further more your club.
I don't think anyone is dissing the hockey team, only the arrogance of some of their fans. Personally, I have conceded many times that my Bruins don't stand a chance to win this or any series. Cheer for your hockey team, but when you rub something in a persons face over and over again, it tends to get a little irritating. Besides, don't you have to win something (not won something) to claim bragging rights? Old videos of the glory days aren't going to win you another Stanley Cup.

Enjoy your team, they may go far in the playoffs. However, if they do not win, just be prepared for a lot of piling on from everyone whose faces you have kicked sand in.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
blueline said:
That's funny there frenchy - you had them winning the cup and heading down St. Catharine street before the first game even started.
Kinda like the Laughs on Yonge St before every season?

[/QUOTE] If you are having this much trouble with Boston, wtf are you going to do against a good team.[/QUOTE]

Boston is a good team...well at least better than the Laughs.

[/QUOTE]By the way, I've never seen NHLers go down so easy like your boys do. They go down easier than beer at a dam frat party. [/QUOTE]

Like the Laughs?

[/QUOTE]You oughta be dam proud of that team.[/QUOTE]

We are...first in the'd your team do?


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
elmo said:
Kinda like the Laughs on Yonge St before every season?
If you are having this much trouble with Boston, wtf are you going to do against a good team.[/QUOTE]

Boston is a good team...well at least better than the Laughs.

[/QUOTE]By the way, I've never seen NHLers go down so easy like your boys do. They go down easier than beer at a dam frat party. [/QUOTE]

Like the Laughs?

[/QUOTE]You oughta be dam proud of that team.[/QUOTE]

We are...first in the'd your team do?[/QUOTE]

Who said I was a leafs fan? If you think Bruins are a good team, you obviously haven't been paying attention, or you know squat about hockey.

Anyways, I guess I should cut you Montreal fans some slack. I mean what esle have you got to cheer for in that city compared to the city of champions - Boston?

Hockey - Bruins and Boston College vs. Habs
Baseball - Red Sox vs...... vs....... vs....... ???????
Football - Pats vs....... vs........ vs........?????, oh Alouettes
Basketball - Celtics vs........ vs........ vs......?????

The only two things you come out ahead on are hockey (barely) and adult entertainment. That is only because they shut the combat zone down years ago and that was one of the nastiest places on earth ....

Enjoy it now because once your habs become hab-nots, you won't have anything else to cheer about. Boston has championship calibre teams in every other sport.


New member
Feb 18, 2008
Boston's goalie is the reason why the 2nd game went into overtime, & he basically stole the 3rd game. Any team can win in the playoffs with a super hot goaltender


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
Habs will not win the cup

Even if they make it to the finals, they will be beaten by a western team.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Aloha511 said:
Boston's goalie is the reason why the 2nd game went into overtime, & he basically stole the 3rd game. Any team can win in the playoffs with a super hot goaltender
So then I guess it is okay for me to say the same for Price tonight? He stole the game, he is the reason they won. Habs sure don't look like Stanley Cup champions. The B's and their pop-gun offense are giving them everything they can handle. Nice to see B's whack the shit out of them too. Early in the game B's were winning all the battles for pucks, several times I saw Habs d'men backing off when pucks were going into the corners. Montreal in five, but that's okay, that's how it was supposed to be.


New member
Sep 30, 2004
blueline said:
I don't think anyone is dissing the hockey team, only the arrogance of some of their fans. Personally, I have conceded many times that my Bruins don't stand a chance to win this or any series. Cheer for your hockey team, but when you rub something in a persons face over and over again, it tends to get a little irritating. Besides, don't you have to win something (not won something) to claim bragging rights? Old videos of the glory days aren't going to win you another Stanley Cup.

Enjoy your team, they may go far in the playoffs. However, if they do not win, just be prepared for a lot of piling on from everyone whose faces you have kicked sand in.
Have you read my posts in the past? The only time I responded with some sarcasm is when I feel that something improper was said.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
kirmit129 said:
Have you read my posts in the past? The only time I responded with some sarcasm is when I feel that something improper was said.
If you read my post, I said some of the habs fans are arrogant. They are very easy to pick out on these threads.
Toronto Escorts