Toronto Escorts

Montréal Canadiens - Quest for Cup #25

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I liked the interview with Latendresse...learn some proper English buddy, even the Europeans speak better and they weren't even born in Canada. :rolleyes:


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
The Bandit said:
I liked the interview with Latendresse...learn some proper English buddy, even the Europeans speak better and they weren't even born in Canada. :rolleyes:
I feel sorry for Saku Koivu. If and that is a BIG if ..... Montreal wins the cup (heaven forbid), that poor bastard is really going to get it from those loveable habs fans.

Picture this, Koivu in the Bell Center, standing at center h'ice, Bettman hands him the cup .... Saku says 'thank you Mr. Bettman' instead of merci boo coop missiere bettman, the freaking crowd goes beserk ......that will make the Richard riot look like a freaking a kindergarden push and shove match.

Poor guy, he is one of the only players on the team I like .... maybe it's because he doesn't speak french ......


New member
Sep 30, 2004
Mr. Lucky said:
That was a good game last night!

GO Habs GO! :cool:

I disagree. That was an awfull game for Montreal. If Boston had won the game, they would have deserved it.


New member
Sep 30, 2004
The Bandit said:
I liked the interview with Latendresse...learn some proper English buddy, even the Europeans speak better and they weren't even born in Canada. :rolleyes:

I'll be honest, I never liked Latendresse for the simple reason that there are more qualified players in the HABS system but Latendresse is playing with the team coz his name is "Guillaume Latendresse". I do agree that the HABS have been guilty of french Canadian bias over the years. As far as I'm concerned, you should be playing for the club coz you earned it and not coz of you last name. That's also true for the coaches and the management.(What qualification did Rejean Houle had anyway).

Anyway, lets just stick with hockey and leave the languages out of here. So what if he doesn't speak good english. Do you speak good french?


New member
Dec 1, 2006
Disagree about Latendresse being in the lineup because he's French. It didn't help Dandenault or Brisebois when they were benched for about 20 straight games.

However he does need to pickup the foot speed. Decent hands but a bit of a slug.
Feb 21, 2007
I thought the Montreal fans were singing "away, away, away...a---way...a---way...

not "ole".

BTW....where did the the old stand-by song...", hey, hey...goodbye goodbye" song come from?


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Les_Habitants said:
The Quest for Cup #25 - Status of 2008 Playoff Games Won: 2 Down, 14 More To Go :cool:

Alex Kovalev's costly penalty in the third period was, to use his own word, "selfish". But his winning goal in overtime last night put the Habs with a "2 to 0" stranglehold on the Bruins in this Best of Seven series.

Winning goal atones for 'selfish' penalty:
What do you think of your Stanley Cup Champions now?? Not so easy is it?

(listening for chants of Ole Ole ............ cue the crickets.........)

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Okay let's hear the excuses....wait, let me cue the violins! :p

Clearly shows they're "NOT" going "all the way".


Un Montréalais À Toronto
Mar 25, 2007
CH - Habs Nation
Montréal Leads Series "2 to 1" Against Bruins

Nobody ever said it was going to be easy … winning the Stanley Cup is quite a challenge. Just look around the league, there's one team that hasn't won the Cup not even once in the last forty-one years. ;)

The Habs had beaten the Bruins the last 13 times they had met … the Bruins had to win one game … it's the law of averages.

We're in it for the long run ... Go Habs Go

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Les_Habitants said:
Just look around the league, there's one team that hasn't won the Cup not even once in the last forty-one years.
Chicago? :p


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Les_Habitants said:
Nobody ever said it was going to be easy … winning the Stanley Cup is quite a challenge. Just look around the league, there's one team that hasn't won the Cup not even once in the last forty-one years. ;)

The Habs had beaten the Bruins the last 13 times they had met … the Bruins had to win one game … it's the law of averages.

We're in it for the long run ... Go Habs Go
That's funny there frenchy - you had them winning the cup and heading down St. Catharine street before the first game even started. You were on here chirping away like a dam budgie. If you are having this much trouble with Boston, wtf are you going to do against a good team.

By the way, I've never seen NHLers go down so easy like your boys do. They go down easier than beer at a dam frat party. You oughta be dam proud of that team.
Feb 21, 2007
I'm not a Habs fan, but I loaded up with their players in the office pool. I agree....the law of averages was in the Bruins favour.

As often the case, a hot goalie (Thomas) stole the game for them...some lucky bounces, a coupla of posts, etc.

It was lights on, and the horn blowing for the Bruins tonite. They were all out. I predict they will come out flat in game 4.

Still say Habs in 5.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Aloha511 said:
Tim Thomas stole the game.
If Montreal had outshot Boston big time then I could agree that Thomas stole the game...but Boston outshot Montreal. :confused: They won as a team...Montreal should face it they're lucky to not be down 2-1, they haven't played well the last 2 games. The referees won them the 2nd game.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
It ended up being a perfect night for me.

B's over Habs and silenced some of their 'front running' fans for at least one night. I still say Montreal wins but for just one night, we had none of that stupid ole ole garbage on here. I still say it has something to do with bulls and bullshit.

Then to make it complete, Sox beat the Yankees and take the weekend series 2-1.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Aloha511 said:
I really dont see anyone shutting down Kovalev, he takes total control of the game when he is on the ice.
Yes and he seems to be on the ice quite a bit. As in laying on the ice. Pathetic. Mike Ribiero must be making a mint from teaching these guys how to dive. That one back in 2004 takes the cake as the best ever.

Like Don Cherry says 'good Canadian boys don't dive."


Un Montréalais À Toronto
Mar 25, 2007
CH - Habs Nation
Our Objective is Clear

The Montréal Canadiens completed the 2007-2008 NHL Regular Season in the Number One Position in the Eastern Conference.

A week ago, on Monday April 7, the day after the Regular Season ended, Mr. Gainey, one of the most respected and best hockey minds around, held a press conference. He was asked about the Habs' target for the upcoming 2008 NHL Playoffs and his response was:

"We began in October with 15 Eastern Conference teams and our objective was to make the playoffs, in the best position possible. Now that we're in the playoffs, our goal is to win the Stanley Cup."

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