Harper accused of plagiarizing 2002 Harris speech


New member
Oct 22, 2004
I know the guy who cribbed the Howard speech has "retired" from his position as Harper's speechwriter. But it looks like someone in Harper's camp has also cribbed a Mike Harris speech from 2002. I'm sure Harper will just shrug it off and claim it was the same speechwriter who fed him the Howard speech but this excuse is getting older by the minute. Appearances matter and Harper is now appearing like a guy who:

A) surrounds himself with serial plagiarists who can routinely dupe him into repeating just about any second-hand dogma - as long as it is sufficiently right wing in content.

B) has a propensity to accept (and endorse) messages from semi-disgraced leaders who were either much too "in sync" with the Bushies and their military excesses or who allowed their right wing ideology to override their duty to protect the public. ie: Mike Harris' "Common Sense Revolution" made risky cutbacks that contributed to the deaths or serious injuries of a great many people in Walkerton. So the fact that Harper was happy to repeat Harris' message will resonate with voters.

C) claims to understand, represent and protect Canada's business community - ie: those crucial creators of wealth and employment - from our largest multinationals all the way down to our smallest mom & pop operations. So if Harper was such an astute and capable business maven, how did his organization get caught out by a lowly staff speechwriter who was basically fucking them with second-hand material because he knew it was exactly the kind of right wing shit his employers wanted?


Harper accused of plagiarizing Harris speech
Updated Fri. Oct. 3 2008 2:04 PM ET

CTV.ca News

For the second time in five days, Liberals are accusing Conservative Leader Stephen Harper of plagiarism.

In a press release issued by the Liberals, Ottawa-South candidate David McGuinty accuses Harper of copying a speech given by former Ontario Premier Mike Harris in 2002.

The press release compares the speaking notes used by Harris on December 4, 2002, which are posted on the website of the Montreal Economic Institute:

"Thinking about things from a new and different perspective is never easy. It takes courage, conviction and the strength to know that in taking a new and innovative course, you are making change for the better. Genuine leaders are the ones who do the right thing."

Two months later, on February 19, 2003, Harper gave a similar address in the House of Commons in response to the Liberal budget:

"Thinking about things from a new and different perspective is not about reading the polls and having focus group tests. It is never easy because it takes courage, conviction and the strength to know that taking a new and innovative course is going to make change for the better. Genuine leaders are the ones who do the right thing."

The new allegations come just days after a campaign worker for the Conservatives resigned after admitting he used parts of a speech from then-Australian prime minister John Howard in a 2003 speech for then-opposition leader Stephen Harper.

McGuinty accused the Conservative leader of lacking the capacity to think for himself.

"It's time for the prime minister to take responsibility for his repeated plagiarism, for passing off the thoughts and words of others as his own. Or perhaps he'll simply find another junior speech writer to fire," McGuinty said in the release.

The Conservatives initially downplayed Liberal candidate Bob Rae's accusations of plagiarism on Tuesday.

But Conservative aide Owen Lippert, who had been Harper's former speechwriter, took responsibility for cribbing Howard's words and resigned.

"Neither my superiors in the office of the leader of the Opposition nor the leader of the Opposition was aware that I had done so," Lippert said in a statement.

"I apologize to all involved and have resigned my position from the Conservative campaign."


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Quite frankly unless you do a "Joe Bidden" and claim someone else's life experience as your own, or claim to have written a book you didn't, or take a famous speach as your own, who truely cares? After all this isn't University or Secondary School.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Aardvark154 said:
Quite frankly unless you do a "Joe Bidden" and claim someone else's life experience as your own, or claim to have written a book you didn't, or take a famous speach as your own, who truely cares? After all this isn't University or Secondary School.
My guess is that voters who are hesitant about Harper because they fear he's a bit too far to the right will be even more hesitant now that they realize that many of Harper's words first came out of the mouths of these right wing poster boys. If it turned out that Harper had plagiarized a speech first given by George W Bush, for example, wouldn't this conjure up all sorts of unwanted connections in the minds of voters? ie: How could such a nice moderate boy like Harper be repeating the words of a power drunk little creep like Dubya? And so on.

Regardless of the differences between academia and politics, it still looks shabby to be pretending that someone else's words were your own. It isn't kosher. If it was really as trivial as you say, why did that speechwriter get "disappeared" when this first came to light?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Hang-em I say ! :) Do you really think that anyone outside of Toronto begrudges him spouting some Harrisisms ?

Well no one will accuse Dion of plagerizing - the man is barely coherent .


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
train said:
Hang-em I say ! :) Do you really think that anyone outside of Toronto begrudges him spouting some Harrisisms ?

Well no one will accuse Dion of plagerizing - the man is barely coherent .

No doubt Ontario will lamely and blindly vote Liberal, even though Dion is a blabbering fool!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
notenufmuff said:
No doubt Ontario will lamely and blindly vote Liberal,
I was under the impression that there were a number of seats in Ontario at play. Further, not all that many are need to gain a majority.


Jan 15, 2004
Sheik perhaps you should learn the difference between quoting from a report as both speeches did and plagiarism.
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