Discreet Dolls

The Leafs...LMFAO

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I'm am depressed.:(

The Leafs are the only hockey team I support, but I refuse to drink Richard Peddie's kool-aid. I haven't watched a single hockey game all year.

The Leafs have been exploited for profit for over 40+ years, and since Peddie forced out Ken Dryden, they have been in slow decline. During that time he has thrown many of his colleagues under the bus. I hope that, this summer, he finally gets to go suck on a fender.


New member
Dec 1, 2006
byerent said:
we interrupt this fascinating thread for an important annoucement....

lets go flyers
Habs sweep the Flyers in Round 1. Downie -7. :D

the_big_E said:
Montreal wins a round and nothing more....too European.
Carey Price shuts down Mike Richards, Sid the Kid, Elias and Getzlaf on his way to the Conn Smythe : )


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
Bottom line, the Habs aren't built to go the distance. They may luck into the 2nd or 3rd round, but they will be toppled by a much hungrier team. Never liked the Habs or their fans. Lothe them as much as the Sens. Love the Leafs, hate the management and hate their chances. Give Cliff Fletcher a chance to do something and perhaps we will one day see the Leafs and Habs battle in the playoffs.
Feb 21, 2007
I think it's an English/French language thing that's spilled over into sports. Every rabid Habs fan I know has a "French Canadian" sounding last name.

The "Quebecois" still haven't got over being beaten by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham......and now it appears Mother France wasn't too upset when she "lost" her claim in the New World.

Habs fans hating the Leafs is just another way of giving the finger to English Canada. Of course, they can't hate Ottawa too much...that's were all that federal money comes from to fund the separtatists.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
There is no dominant team in the East, so I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if New Jersey wins the conference because they have the best goalie, and New Jersey plays that style.

Carey Price is a nice story, but the NHL playoffs aren't the AHL playoffs. Has Kovalev done anything ever in the playoffs?? I typically cheer for Western Canadian teams when Toronto isn't there, but I cannot under any circumstance cheer for Montreal or Ottawa. Naturally I don't like those teams, and this year isn't any different. Like I said the East lacks a dominant team, but when 3 rounds are done and dusted, I highly doubt Montreal will be left standing.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
If it wasn't for Montreal, Quebec would have already seperated.

I used to admire Mats Sundin, but what did he think he would accomplish by not waving his no trade clause? Now he expects us to believe that he'll play again, this season, with a groin tear. The Leafs talent pool is a puddle and they don't have enough draft picks. If Sundin is signed for next season, it means that Richard Peddie is still in control of the franchise.


Apr 7, 2005
Insidious Von said:
and since Peddie forced out Ken Dryden, they have been in slow decline.
Uhhhhh. . . . the Ken Dryden years were a disaster too. Dryden got nothing done and won nothing in his tenure. Slow decline? You mean like the last 39 years?

notenufmuff said:
Give Cliff Fletcher a chance to do something and perhaps we will one day see the Leafs and Habs battle in the playoffs.
Don't hold your breath he'll be gone within a year.


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
Sorry Leaf fans , but the nucleous of the leafs powerhouse all have no trade contracts ... so unless MLSE wants to buy out contracts ...

your counting on McGabe, Kaberla, Side show Bob and Kabina (and maybe Sundin will play from Oct - Feb.) who have successfully lead the charge to the Golf course for 3 years

The Fans and Hockey management may want the buyouts , but the Shareholders will not want to increase expenses with no return.

Hey Maybe that Metroplit guy on the bruins is available, at $500,000, he has as many points as Tucker !!

Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
If Montreal plays Washington...

elmo said:
LOL you're right...it's wonderful to, as a fan, support an organization that is continuing to play...hockey that is. I'm not saying the Habs will win the cup, not even saying they will make it past the first round, but I do know they will get farther than the Leafs this year!
... I could see Washington win !

Besides Washington, I think Montreal wins a round though


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
Spiker said:
Indeed! And if by some fluke they make it the final, they will face the same fate as the Sens did last year. A much bigger, stronger and tougher Western Conference team (Ducks, Sharks) will annihilate them. It wont be pretty.

Well, one thing to watch ... if the West teams manage to beat the crap out of each other ..

The East may play the walking wounded from the West .. Be that the Ducks or wings .. wings ... yes wings :)


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Hank Reardon said:
... I could see Washington win !

Besides Washington, I think Montreal wins a round though
As of right now the Habs would face the Bruins. Montreal has owned Boston winning 10 or 11 straight.

Hank Reardon

New member
Dec 26, 2007
Uh, my point was ....

elmo said:
As of right now the Habs would face the Bruins. Montreal has owned Boston winning 10 or 11 straight.

.... not as of ''right now'' which changes daily.

My point to you was what it was.

How do you thing the Caps would fair


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
The Cunning Linguist said:
I think it's an English/French language thing that's spilled over into sports. Every rabid Habs fan I know has a "French Canadian" sounding last name.

The "Quebecois" still haven't got over being beaten by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham......and now it appears Mother France wasn't too upset when she "lost" her claim in the New World.

Habs fans hating the Leafs is just another way of giving the finger to English Canada. Of course, they can't hate Ottawa too much...that's were all that federal money comes from to fund the separtatists.
I'm not sure how your comments have any relevance, although I do thank you for your contribution and your version of the history...

If you look at the Montreal and Toronto teams you will find a lot of names that are neither English nor French. Names like Sundin (Swedish) and Koivu (Finnish) come to mind...

Oh, and FYI...my name is not at all "French Canadian" sounding...it's Irish.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Hank Reardon said:
.... not as of ''right now'' which changes daily.

My point to you was what it was.

How do you thing the Caps would fair
I actually like the Caps - think they have a lot of energy. How they do depends on their star. When it comes to production, they are too dependent on Alex. I don't think they have the overall speed to defeat the Habs, but it would probably be an interesting series. The Caps are still a few years away from a really solid team, but they have a great nucleus.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
dj1470 said:
Uhhhhh. . . . the Ken Dryden years were a disaster too. Dryden got nothing done and won nothing in his tenure. Slow decline? You mean like the last 39 years?
Someone has a short memory. Ken Dryden was Leafs CEO/President (1997 - 2003), he signed Curtis Joseph, hired Anders Hedberg to scout in Europe and Pat Quinn was hired as coach. The team was competative and eliminated the Senators on several occasions in the playoffs.

Richard Peddie ( 2003........)
Removes Pat Quinn as GM and brings in JFJ. Fires the Leafs medical staff - precipitating the Owen Nolan compensation fiasco. Fires the Leafs North American scouting staff and replaces it with a younger, cheaper crew that hasn't produced a single notable prospect. Sets the agenda for JFJ - make the playoffs every year or else. Should I go on?


Apr 7, 2005
Insidious Von said:
Someone has a short memory. Ken Dryden was Leafs CEO/President (1997 - 2003), he signed Curtis Joseph, hired Anders Hedberg to scout in Europe and Pat Quinn was hired as coach. The team was competative and eliminated the Senators on several occasions in the playoffs.
And what?

What exactly did the Leafs win from 97-03???????????









Dryden was a failure. Just like every other GM since Conn Smythe.

The Leafs are the new Red Sox for the 21st Century.
The Red Sox curse lasted 86 years.
Only 48 more years to go before the Leafs win a championship then.

Feb 21, 2007
elmo said:
I'm not sure how your comments have any relevance, although I do thank you for your contribution and your version of the history...

If you look at the Montreal and Toronto teams you will find a lot of names that are neither English nor French. Names like Sundin (Swedish) and Koivu (Finnish) come to mind...

Oh, and FYI...my name is not at all "French Canadian" sounding...it's Irish.
First...your welcome...always glad to educate the great unwashed.

Second....do you pay attention to anything in the media other than the scores on the sports page? Do you not recall the recent flap over Koivu's inability to speak French? The separatist press blasting the Habs everytime they name a non-French-heritage captain? The uproar when Shane Doan was named captain of Team Canada because of his alledged French slur? Let's go back to when Rocket Richard was suspended by Clarence Campbell and the riots that followed. Rocket himself always whining that French Canadian players were second class citizens. The idea floated by the separatists that we should send two national hockey teams to the Olympics...one English speaking and one French.

My comment was in context with the thread. Habs fans always take great delight in pointing out their Stanley Cup sucess since 1967...especaily when it comes at the Leafs expense. It's just another way for them to deal with their cultural inferiority complex, cultivated since their defeat at the hands of the British by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham.

I have to give them credit....they sure know who to hold a grudge....


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
The Cunning Linguist said:
First...your welcome...always glad to educate the great unwashed.

Second....do you pay attention to anything in the media other than the scores on the sports page? Do you not recall the recent flap over Koivu's inability to speak French? The separatist press blasting the Habs everytime they name a non-French-heritage captain? The uproar when Shane Doan was named captain of Team Canada because of his alledged French slur? Let's go back to when Rocket Richard was suspended by Clarence Campbell and the riots that followed. Rocket himself always whining that French Canadian players were second class citizens. The idea floated by the separatists that we should send two national hockey teams to the Olympics...one English speaking and one French.

My comment was in context with the thread. Habs fans always take great delight in pointing out their Stanley Cup sucess since 1967...especaily when it comes at the Leafs expense. It's just another way for them to deal with their cultural inferiority complex, cultivated since their defeat at the hands of the British by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham.

I have to give them credit....they sure know who to hold a grudge....
I'll take the credit, thanks. However some of your comments don't apply. Being a fan of a team is not limited by geography...I'm English and live in Toronto. For me it's not a French/English thing, I just like the game and the Habs!


Aug 30, 2004
Hockey that matters

Say what you like about the Habs: they are a worthy rival. They lived through some pretty tough years too, and they live in a town where hockey matters, unlike most US cities where a Stanley Cup run is just an interesting diversion, after NFL, MLB, NBA, Tennis , Golf, College and High School.
I was in Montreal last fall just at the start of the season and everyone there was discussing who their #1 goalie would be for the season. Toronto media mostly predicted a fight between Leafs and Habs for one of the final playoff berths. Things can turn in a hurry with a pro like Gainey at the helm. The Leafs can change too if real hockey guys make the tough decisions.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
dj1470 said:

Dryden was a failure. Just like every other GM since Conn Smythe.

The Leafs are the new Red Sox for the 21st Century.
The Red Sox curse lasted 86 years.
Only 48 more years to go before the Leafs win a championship then.

I'll even go one better, the Leafs are the Chicago Cubs of hockey. The Red Sox did make it to the World Series during those 86 years. Not only have the Leafs not won the Stanley Cup since 1967; they havent been to the final since then. If Richard Peddie is still in charge in September it should send a clear message to ALL Leafs fans that, regardless of who the GM is, nothing will have changed.
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