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    Say A Big "NO" To Property Tax Hike By GTA/Mississauga!

    Its seriously is pretty sad. I mean picture this you only have to hit $120k a year to have to give up 46.41% of your income to the government in taxes. Thats insane, and really probably the major reason for things like the brain drain that happens. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative...
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    Asian women seek white, groveling men

    Hmn this seems to be a huge rising trend, not only here in north america but aswell in asian countries. So much so now businesses are arising to meet that demand.. lol Something you'd notice with the "white only" asian...
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    Rachael Ray, Terrorist Supporter

    Hmnn if only all the ultra conservative nut jobs looked like her...they'd be easier to listen to lol: For a conservative nut case...shes pretty liberal with her apparel.
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    "Mission Accomplished" May 1, 2003

    Instead OIL prices are skyrocketing ..the irony..
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    David Letterman's Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers:

    Along the same lines has to be aware of the racial history of descrimination behind it. I don't think "white" people have ever been descriminated and oppressed like the black people have had throughout American history. Its really a complicated issue..but I can see how being white...
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    The clothing thread.

    they'll be just weaving through that question, no doubt.
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    100% Proof Hillary Clinton Will Be President!

    lol your real funny. So just because some british snobs throw a party for hillary..that dictates that the american people will bend over to the power of british high society influence and usher in Hillary into power. Right. Americans have a way of disliking being told what they should do or how...
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    The clothing thread.

    I don't think this thread will end until the fat kady sings.
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    David Letterman's Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers:

    You've got to be kidding at first I really thought you were joking..thats sad. I mean sure sending it around to your buddies but your office is just asking for it.
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    Censored video of Israel's terrorism

    My friend the end does not justify the means. The thing is more is expected from Israel specially when they are being so heavily funded by our tax dollars over here. Even if they were accidents the frequency of accident death tolls is huge and aren't acceptable to most people with a care for...
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    Economic Inequality

    College* ...a point well taken. lol Sorry, I just couldn't help it.
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    1080p on Sale

    You might not like their warranty work but you can't knock their products on most cases. Sony Bravia is a spectacular TV ....the picture quality is superb...I might have to look into this.
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    Britain wants to recolonize Zimbabwe?

    That fella is a maniac plain and simple. I'm just amazed at home much support he still has among the population. But I guess when people are down on times they "cling" to things. ( No reference to Obama intended :D)
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    US Jewish lobby gains new voice

    Extremism of all forms need to be corrected. The Jewish lobby needs something to balance it out. So this is great to see. Isn't that the fundamental principle the U.S. government was built on? Checks & Balances. The founders had the right idea..but now its seems to be dominated by one or another...
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    Unfortunately the identity of the lovely young lady has remained a mystery for me. I can only ASSume she’s of Brazilian origin. I know I that’s like finding a needle in a hay stack. But hey...I guess sometimes you gotta take what you can lol and smile.
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    Also here is the full clip of the comments that are in full context. Instead of all the rephrasing and spinning:
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    For those of you who still don't really understand what Obama meant. Take a look at this which is more Explicitly stated all the way back in 2004 on Charlie Rose. Take a look... Of all places I found out about this tape on Fox News lol.
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    Funny thing is people hate politicians and are dissolution by politicians because most politicians (like Hilary) will say and do anything to become elected. But when people hear the truth about issues stated completely uncensored they can't handle it. Yet they want a politician who will be...
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    No your interpretation is off base. The point he is getting across is that people at times of hardship are clinging to WIDGE issues, and are not able to get past them to resolve the real issues that are causing the hardships. For example blaming the economic downturn of America on free trade...
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    Obama says some voters are angry, bitter

    LMAO, oh my someone just got burned. People will read into things the best way it suits their political ideology even ignoring relevant range when it suits them.
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