Censored video of Israel's terrorism


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
What a bunch of crap. What exactly is censored in the video? Its a bunch of talking heads complaining but providing no specifics. Oh, there's a few pictures/videos with no context so not much to go on there.
I guess Israel should just recruit children to be suicide bombers so that the liberals will think they are moral...


New member
Aug 30, 2001
ocean976124 said:
What a bunch of crap. What exactly is censored in the video? Its a bunch of talking heads complaining but providing no specifics. Oh, there's a few pictures/videos with no context so not much to go on there.
I guess Israel should just recruit children to be suicide bombers so that the liberals will think they are moral...
No specifics? These videos are replete with identified individuals who are tell their own stories. All of the stories of torture have been repeated over and over and documented by many human rights organizations.

You just need the courage to face the truth.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
gryfin said:
No specifics? These videos are replete with identified individuals who are tell their own stories. All of the stories of torture have been repeated over and over and documented by many human rights organizations.

You just need the courage to face the truth.
I didn't watch all the videos. I watched the first one which had absolutely nothing in it.

Torture? Of course Israel tortures, as does EVERY country in the Middle East. Go pick on Egypt or Syria, oh wait, sorry, there's no Jews there so what would be the point...

I'd like to see how you'd respond when terrorists bent on destroying you start blowing up women and children on a regular basis and rain rockets on your towns on a daily basis.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
ocean976124 said:
I'd like to see how you'd respond when terrorists bent on destroying you start blowing up women and children on a regular basis and rain rockets on your towns on a daily basis.
You are talking about Israel's attacks on Gaza aren't you? Israel killed 5 Palestinian children last week.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
gryfin said:
You are talking about Israel's attacks on Gaza aren't you? Israel killed 5 Palestinian children last week.
Yes, Israel purposely targeted children. Are you insane? Hamas hides amidst women and children so that in order for Israel to hit them the explosion/attack will create civilian casualties.

Hamas purposely targets civilians are their main target.

I know to see the diference would require an average intelligence level but I think you might be able to recognize it.


New member
Jan 16, 2004
ocean976124 said:
Yes, Israel purposely targeted children. Are you insane? Hamas hides amidst women and children so that in order for Israel to hit them the explosion/attack will create civilian casualties.

Hamas purposely targets civilians are their main target.

I know to see the diference would require an average intelligence level but I think you might be able to recognize it.
My friend the end does not justify the means. The thing is more is expected from Israel specially when they are being so heavily funded by our tax dollars over here. Even if they were accidents the frequency of accident death tolls is huge and aren't acceptable to most people with a care for humanity.

The sad thing about this is neither of the camps (Zionists / Palestinian Nationalists) seems to see each other's plight. Each party is extremely disillusioned to their respective corners.

This is turning into a zero sum game and the only way out is some cooperation among themselves and being able to put yourself in the prospective of your "enemy" on the issues that stand.

Just a side note, imagine this; parts of America being occupied and a new map of the territory being redrawn by native americans and turned into a religious fundamentalist state …do you think Americans would simple bend over and take it up the ass..specially if say even another foreign power like China happens to be funding that expedition? I'd think Native Americans have the same if not even a stronger case they could make about the land being originally theirs.

And on the other hand picture yourself being afraid to take public transit or go to major public events worried that someone from the other side might decide to blow himself or herself up that day you happen to be out. Picture having to have bomb shelters built in your home or backyard not knowing what tomorrow holds and which next Arab country that wants your throat.

As you can see both sides are suffering and its easy to sit here thousands of miles away completely oblivious to this and just taking on the view point of your heritage or religious prospective. Its always better to approach everything with an open mind and try to recognize your baises. We're all human we all have baises.

War will inhibit progress and the standard of living specially when its in your own backyards so I wonder when will these two opposing forces ever learn to work with each other because at this point I don’t think either of the sides is ever going to leave.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
MrSmirf said:
My friend the end does not justify the means. The thing is more is expected from Israel specially when they are being so heavily funded by our tax dollars over here. Even if they were accidents the frequency of accident death tolls is huge and aren't acceptable to most people with a care for humanity.
Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your intelligent contribution to this issue. Its rare and I appreciate the manner in which you've made your thoughts known.
Now that being said... ;)

There's always going to be civilian casualties when terrorists hide amidst civilians. Israel considers its primary responsibility to protect Israelis. Its unfortunate that Hamas considers its primary responsibility to kill Jews and not protect their own people.
The sad thing about this is neither of the camps (Zionists / Palestinian Nationalists) seems to see each other's plight. Each party is extremely disillusioned to their respective corners.
Israel is not blameless, please don't get me wrong on that. But in Israel people actually demand accountability from their government. They protest military actions and vote accordingly.
The Palestinian people either have never demanded their leaders act responsibly or they support them. I've yet to figure out which.
This is turning into a zero sum game and the only way out is some cooperation among themselves and being able to put yourself in the prospective of your "enemy" on the issues that stand.
I think Israel has at least tried to make concessions and give the Palestinians something. When Arafat rejected the grand offer, it was made clear to the Israelis they will get nothing for their willingness of compromise.
And recently when Israel withdrew from the Gaza strip, what happen? Rockets are now regularly launched from there. Why withdraw from anything when it is only used against you?
Just a side note, imagine this; parts of America being occupied and a new map of the territory being redrawn by native americans and turned into a religious fundamentalist state …do you think Americans would simple bend over and take it up the ass..specially if say even another foreign power like China happens to be funding that expedition? I'd think Native Americans have the same if not even a stronger case they could make about the land being originally theirs.
The USA has been a real country for over 200 years. The "Palestinians" have been part of one empire or another until partition in '48. They should have welcomed it as a recognition of their "identity" instead of attacking Jews.
War will inhibit progress and the standard of living specially when its in your own backyards so I wonder when will these two opposing forces ever learn to work with each other because at this point I don’t think either of the sides is ever going to leave.
The Israelis, I truly and sincerely believe, for all their faults, are actually looking for a partner for peace. Problem is, they can't find one. Fatah doesn't have the guns to enforce any major agreement and Hamas will only agree to limited cease-fires.
The Palistinians needs their "Northern Ireland" moment where they realize they can't win.


blow me please
Oct 26, 2002
east of TO
ocean976124 said:
Yes, Israel purposely targeted children. Are you insane? Hamas hides amidst women and children so that in order for Israel to hit them the explosion/attack will create civilian casualties.

Hamas purposely targets civilians are their main target.

I know to see the diference would require an average intelligence level but I think you might be able to recognize it.
When Japan was nuked I guess it was on Military targets. Does the end justify the means only if you are the winner. I guess so.
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