US Jewish lobby gains new voice


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
WOW, just what the USA needs, another Jewish Lobby group!...:eek:
What will really be funny is watching the wacked-out far reich conservative Jews brand these liberal Jews as being anti-Semites!

US Jewish lobby gains new voice

By Max Deveson
BBC News, Washington

Are liberal Jewish voices in America being drowned out by powerful conservative lobbyists? A group of prominent left-leaning Jewish-Americans thinks so.

They have launched a new lobbying organisation, called J Street, which they hope will redress this perceived imbalance.

"The term 'pro-Israel' has been hijacked by those who hold views that a majority of Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike, oppose," says executive director Jeremy Ben-Ami, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton.

He says J Street will campaign for a two-state solution to the conflict in the Middle East.

Its political fundraising sister group - J Street PAC, for political action committee - will raise money and donate to sympathetic politicians.

Furious debate

The group is billing itself as a counterweight to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the most prominent Jewish lobbying organisation in the US.

J Street says Aipac does not reflect the liberal views of a large number of its existing donors, let alone the mainstream of Jewish-American opinion.

The role of the pro-Israeli lobby - and of Aipac itself - in American politics has been the subject of furious debate in recent years.

In 2006, academics Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago caused a storm when they published an article arguing that groups like Aipac had pushed US foreign policy in a pro-Israeli direction often against America's national interests.

Critics of the two academics countered that the pro-Israeli lobby should be allowed to make its case to government just like any other interest group, and that characterisations of Jewish lobbyists as "well-funded" and "powerful" were liable to play into the hands of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.

The team behind J Street do not necessarily buy into the Walt-Mearsheimer analysis, but they do believe that America's current policy tilts too strongly towards Israeli right-wingers, and is in the long-term interests neither of Israel nor the US.

"The most pro-Israel thing any American politician or policy maker can do is help to bring about a two-state solution and a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and her neighbours," says Mr Ben-Ami.

No threat

Although Aipac have not publicly commented on J Street's launch, they are - perhaps unsurprisingly - not thought to be particularly supportive of the new group's aims.

Nor are they concerned that they will lose their pre-eminent position within the Jewish-American community.

"I believe that Aipac has very broad support and will continue to enjoy it," Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, of which Aipac is a member, told the Washington Post newspaper.

Financially, J Street is certainly unlikely to pose a threat to Aipac.

Its first-year budget of $1.5m (£750,000) will be no match for Aipac, which has an endowment of more than $100m (£50m), over 100,000 members and 18 offices around the US.

J Street hopes that its voice will be amplified by some of its more high-profile backers, including former senator Lincoln Chafee.

It may also be able to draw on the power of online fundraising groups like, from which some of J Street's organisers have come.

A similar attempt to create a liberal Jewish pressure group took place in the UK last year, with the launch of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV).

IJV set itself up as an alternative to the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which it said was too uncritical in its attitude to Israeli policy.

'Vague approach'

At its inception, IJV was able to unveil a number of high-profile supporters, including the writer Stephen Fry and the film director Mike Leigh.

But it was criticised by some for what journalist Seth Freedman described as its "vague, indistinct approach", particularly in its attitude towards the controversial proposal from members of the UK-based University and College Union to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

In November 2007, one of IJV's leading members, Rabbi David Goldberg, resigned from the group, citing the organisation's "lack of direction".

J Street will be more focused on raising money and lobbying influential politicians than IJV, and the American group is unlikely to engage in divisive political campaigns.

But it is likely to draw criticism from more conservative pro-Israeli factions.

"[J Street] will get hammered and accused of being anti-Israel," University of Florida political scientist Ken Wald told the Jewish Week newspaper.

"A lot will have to do with the way they actually frame their arguments," he added.

J Street may not succeed in its ambition to become a rival to Aipac and the other pro-Israeli lobby groups.

But the vibrant - and sometimes fractious - Jewish-American conversation will certainly be getting a little louder.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Until the US & other countries do the sensible thing & enforce a total ban on foreign intrest lobbyists the next best thing is to have a more balanced spread of them.

ANYthing that limits the influence of AIPAC is desireable.... & anything that reminds the world that the Jews are just like any other group with various differing dispositions & opinions & aren't all zionazi Likud party members can only benefit everyone involved.....


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
themexi said:
Until the US & other countries do the sensible thing & enforce a total ban on foreign intrest lobbyists the next best thing is to have a more balanced spread of them.

ANYthing that limits the influence of AIPAC is desireable.... & anything that reminds the world that the Jews are just like any other group with various differing dispositions & opinions & aren't all zionazi Likud party members can only benefit everyone involved.....

but wait anyone who bad mouths Israel and its foreign policy has to obviously be an anti Semite :D
but one has to ask why are most of the pro Israel crowd just really pro Likud neo cons and not of the state itself


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
Woody there are times when it really makes sense not to have posted something.
It looks like there is a new group of very rational Jews that don't agree with you!....;)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
WOW, just what the USA needs, another Jewish Lobby group!...:eek: ...

Wait, are you pissed that there is a new Jewish lobby group or are you glad that there is another opinion being promoted that opposes AIPAC (or are you just posting because you have nothing better to do)?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
It looks like there is a new group of very rational Jews that don't agree with you!....;)
I bet that AIPAC has some very rational Jews as well. At least admit that the difference has nothing to do with rationality but only that you agree with the politics of one group and not the other.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
basketcase said:
Wait, are you pissed that there is a new Jewish lobby group or are you glad that there is another opinion being promoted that opposes AIPAC (or are you just posting because you have nothing better to do)?
All foreign lobby groups should be banned. Govt has enough problems being corrupted by domestic lobbies let alone foreign ones.

All opinions are welcome, no need to censor various points of view. Censoring other opinions makes your position look weak and unable to stand on its own merit. It makes you no different than the late USSR, Nazi Germany, Cuba, Red China, neocons, etc., that believe only one group will represent all.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You might have missed the fact that AIPAC and this new group ARE domestic lobbies. They are Americans who like every other lobby reccomend (pay for?) a course of action for the government. I would bet the pharma/medical/insurance and the oil lobbies have had a much greater negative impact on Americans than the two from the article ever will.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
woodpeckr said:
WOW, just what the USA needs, another Jewish Lobby group!
Aardvark154 said:
Woody there are times when it really makes sense not to have posted something.
It looks like there is a new group of very rational Jews that don't agree with you!
I believe you (deliberately?) misunderstand my post. It is you who stated that the U.S. has no need for another Jewish Political Lobbying organization.
WoodPeckr said:
All foreign lobby groups should be banned. Govt has enough problems being corrupted by domestic lobbies let alone foreign ones.
Seemingly what I wrote above is confirmed by your remark immediately above. Woody, pray tell us, are all American or Canadian Jews foreigners in their own counties? Seemingly this is what you mean when you mention "foreign lobby groups."


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just to save time, Woody will pretend he meant lobbies dealing with foreign affairs and I will bring up the Arab component of the oil lobby. He will then try and weasel out and say that AIPAC is about foreign politics and the oil one is economic, all the while ignoring the political aspects of the oil lobby such as US support for Saudi Arabia despite their promotion of the not quite moderate Wahabi brand of Islam.

Then cinelli will post about all the Israelis running the US government even though they are actually 100% American and we'll all have a laugh (or a good strong drink).


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 & basketcase

Boyz, I thought I made it clear I'm against ALL lobbies foreign or domestic!
They are all corrupting influences destroying the USA!
I'll leave it up to you two to act as apologists for these vermin who belong in prison or the gallows!....;)


New member
Jan 16, 2004
Extremism of all forms need to be corrected. The Jewish lobby needs something to balance it out. So this is great to see. Isn't that the fundamental principle the U.S. government was built on? Checks & Balances. The founders had the right idea..but now its seems to be dominated by one or another ideology.

The world is becoming rampant with extremism...we need a return to the center on all issues.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
Boyz, I thought I made it clear I'm against ALL lobbies foreign or domestic!
They are all corrupting influences destroying the USA!
I'll leave it up to you two to act as apologists for these vermin who belong in prison or the gallows!....;)
Good job ignoring the point/question.

basketcase said:
You might have missed the fact that AIPAC and this new group ARE domestic lobbies. ....
Aardvark154 said:
Woody, pray tell us, are all American or Canadian Jews foreigners in their own counties? Seemingly this is what you mean when you mention "foreign lobby groups."


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
basketcase said:
Good job ignoring the point/question.
Not ignoring it at all.
How much more clearly can it be stated that ALL lobby groups, both Foreign & Domestic should be outlawed for their corrupting effects!
It matters NOT who is in them. Your endless splitting of a pussy hair on this issue only comes across as more apologist obfuscation (something you do excell at) to the point you may be even confusing yourself in a vain attempt to create some convoluted sophistry to support your peculiar interpretation of what was posted to fit your ideas and not mine!....;)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
WoodPeckr said:
WOW, just what the USA needs, another Jewish Lobby group!
Not ignoring it at all.
How much more clearly can it be stated that ALL lobby groups, both Foreign & Domestic should be outlawed for their corrupting effects!
It matters NOT who is in them. Your endless splitting of a pussy hair on this issue only comes across as more apologist obfuscation (something you do excell at) to the point you may be even confusing yourself in a vain attempt to create some convoluted sophistry to support your peculiar interpretation of what was posted to fit your ideas and not mine!....;)
Just like Humpty Dumpty eh Woody. You should know very well that the statement you made was not "not another political lobbying group" but rather "just what the USA needs, another Jewish Lobby group!" Seemingly you and the junior Senator from Illinois share much in common.

"'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.'"

Through the Looking-Glass


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America

There you go again, as mindless Ronnie used to say.....

When ALL ELSE FAILS use the trusty ole fallback position, eh.
Not that is wasn't expected.
Guess it's OK to bash all lobby groups except for your Jewish lobby groups!
Thanks for making my point!...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
Not ignoring it at all.
How much more clearly can it be stated that ALL lobby groups, both Foreign & Domestic should be outlawed for their corrupting effects!
It matters NOT who is in them. Your endless splitting of a pussy hair on this issue only comes across as more apologist obfuscation (something you do excell at) to the point you may be even confusing yourself in a vain attempt to create some convoluted sophistry to support your peculiar interpretation of what was posted to fit your ideas and not mine!....;)
Good job backtracking. You have repeatedly mentioned only foreign lobby groups in this thread but now that you realize you don't have a leg to stand on, it becomes 'foreign and domestic.'


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
WoodPeckr said:
Guess it's OK to bash all lobby groups except for your Jewish lobby groups!
Thanks for making my point!...:rolleyes:
I must have missed your threads on the new pharma lobby or the new oil lobby. Judging by your comments, you must have posted threads criticizing them as well but stupid me cant find them.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
There you go again, as mindless Ronnie used to say.....

When ALL ELSE FAILS use the trusty ole fallback position, eh.
Not that is wasn't expected.
Guess it's OK to bash all lobby groups except for your Jewish lobby groups!
Thanks for making my point!
What the Hell are you babbling about. What Lobbying organizations have I previously bashed, and in particular have said shouldn't exist? :confused:
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