Pickering Angels

Obama says some voters are angry, bitter


New member
Jun 1, 2005

Of course people tend to focus on religion in bad times. The whole concept of religion stems from people's fear of death and the unknown (i.e bad times). Why else would you be religious? Religion, guns and nationalism are for those who have never gotten past thumb-sucking. Obama was bang on with his comments but shouldn't have said them obviously.

PS Mr. Smirf: Who is the girl in your avatar? She has an ass to die for.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
solitaria said:
Of course people tend to focus on religion in bad times. The whole concept of religion stems from people's fear of death and the unknown (i.e bad times). Why else would you be religious? Religion, guns and nationalism are for those who have never gotten past thumb-sucking.
And of course that is the sort of "I'm so much more intelligent than you" attitude that drives a good 80 to 92 percent of the American electorate nuts since they don't believe a word of it. However, they do believe in God, and around 96 percent of them believe in the Trinity.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
Watching it as I write this. Thanks for the heads-up.
So, what did you think?
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
So, what did you think?
I didn't get to watch all of it. I was watching it while I was working and the wife came home and flipped it over to American Idol.:eek: I wasn't too disappointed though, listening to Hillary gets on my nerves and Mariah Carey was looking smokin hot!

From what I saw it was pretty much the same thing. Hillary stumps like a sleaze and is a smile fest and cordial during the debates.

I thought Obama did a good job addressing the "bitter" issue. Of course it won't be enough to sway those with a bias againt him. Hopefully the undecided voters were paying attention.

What did you think? Did I miss any fireworks?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
I didn't get to watch all of it. I was watching it while I was working and the wife came home and flipped it over to American Idol.:eek: I wasn't too disappointed though, listening to Hillary gets on my nerves and Mariah Carey was looking smokin hot!

From what I saw it was pretty much the same thing. Hillary stumps like a sleaze and is a smile fest and cordial during the debates.

I thought Obama did a good job addressing the "bitter" issue. Of course it won't be enough to sway those with a bias againt him. Hopefully the undecided voters were paying attention.

What did you think? Did I miss any fireworks?
Still watching it, different time zones. Fairly low key. They remind me of two fighters who are in the final rounds and are too worn out to throw punches anymore, just hoping the other will make a slip. All in all, Obama is coming off better. Hillary is very canny, but I think she has lost peoples trust in her honesty, and there is no way she can repair that.
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
Still watching it, different time zones. Fairly low key. They remind me of two fighters who are in the final rounds and are too worn out to throw punches anymore, just hoping the other will make a slip. All in all, Obama is coming off better. Hillary is very canny, but I think she has lost peoples trust in her honesty, and there is no way she can repair that.
Pretty much the same thing as the others. That's what I thought. It's strange that the campaign is so bitter yet there is no heat in the debates. Obama tries to call Clinton on her negative stump remarks but she just smiles it off.

Hopefully Obama prevails. The debates between him and McCain will be extremely good theatre.


New member
Jan 16, 2004
solitaria said:
PS Mr. Smirf: Who is the girl in your avatar? She has an ass to die for.
Unfortunately the identity of the lovely young lady has remained a mystery for me. I can only ASSume she’s of Brazilian origin. I know I know...now that’s like finding a needle in a hay stack.

But hey...I guess sometimes you gotta take what you can lol and smile.
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