David Letterman's Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
sailorsix said:
I think the real reason is that blacks are not stupid enough to watch guys drive around & around in a circle for hours on end.

Other than recognizing that it is a huge money maker I just don't get NASCAR or people who arrange their family vacations to watch it.
Probably for the same reason that many white people don't get hip hop or rap. See, it offends me to think that any man thinks of women as bitches and hos but as we know, the second a white guy says something like that, (don imus) the world throws up it's arms in a tirade.

I say if you can't laugh at things that are funny, no matter WHAT your colour, then you're a loser in my books.....


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
bangcamaro said:
Well, if being a bigot, neo-nazi skinheaded redneck is your thing, then go for it man. Let me know how it goes.
Isn't that the profile of your typical NASCAR fan ? Except I think they have mullets.
Jul 4, 2002

This so reminds me of when those white girls were shotgunned at the just desserts restaurant on Dupont: They released a stat that showed black people committed 50 or 60% of the crimes with only 20% of the population. The black "leaders" of the city were outraged....well, I said yeah, be outraged, and then do something about it, don't be mad at the stats, be mad that the stats were what they were.


I would say that 50 or 60% of the prosecuted crimes. While there is little question that there are a disproportionate amount of crimes committed by blacks in the city, i also believe that because of profiling a bunch of white criminal are not prosecuted as the police are more focused on the black community.

That said I agree with the inappropriateness of the hollow outcry by community leaders, UNLESS they are also admitting that there are problems that need correctign in their own community.

My primary point was to point out the irony that the number 2 race car driver in the world right now, and soon to be number one, is BLACK. See the irony???

As for relaxing, am quite relaxed thank you, as I had Brooklyn, Candy and Jordan come by for a little party on the weekend. Every bone in my body is relaxed thanks.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Top Northerner said:
My primary point was to point out the irony that the number 2 race car driver in the world right now, and soon to be number one, is BLACK. See the irony???
Not as ironic as the fact that the greatest golfer (Tiger Woods) is black, and the most popular rapper (Eminem) is white.:p


New member
Sep 15, 2001
guyroch said:
The only way this is acceptable and funny is if Chris Rock says it ...
Okay, I laughed. I think it is quite funny, and until it was pointed out, I thought it was one of Letterman's better top 10 lists. It is playing on a very commonly-used stereotype. Humour frequently relies on this kind of devise. And I agree with guyroch that if Chris Rock said it, it would be widely accepted as extremely funny. If Letterman would say it, it would be pushing the envelope, and I doubt CBS would not let him go that far. It is risky and dangerous because there are so many people out there who believe the stereotype in fact represents all or most black people. It would be extremely offensive, imo, if uttered by a redneck racist. Yes, that's right, the same words uttered by 1.) a redneck racist or 2.) Chris Rock, would make for an entirely different context and would be the difference between extremely offensive/racist and brilliantly funny. Strange, but that is how humour works.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
sailorsix said:
I think the real reason is that blacks are not stupid enough to watch guys drive around & around in a circle for hours on end.

Other than recognizing that it is a huge money maker I just don't get NASCAR or people who arrange their family vacations to watch it.
That's okay I don't get why people watch baseball, golf, or bowling. That's why tvs have more than one channel. So I can watch what gives me enjoyment and you can watch what you like.

just as a funny side note: My friend thought just like you, couldn't see what got us so excited. Then he found out he could bet on it. :) Now he's more into all the stats and racing news than I'll ever be.


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Sep 15, 2001
dickpound said:
Humour is so much about the context. Are you laughing about the stereotype, or are you laughing about the people being stereotyped? The context (who is telling it, with what purpose, who is listening to it, what are they getting from it) determines whether the joke is racist or not, far more than the joke itself.
Excellent point dickpound. You know that a redneck racist telling that top 10 list is making fun about the people being stereotyped while Chris Rock, for example, would be making fun and laughing at the stereotype. That is all the difference in the world. It is not the joke but rather the context that determines whether it is racist or funny.


{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
Yeah, you bunch of inbred, needle-dicked, beer-bellied, no-jumping, can't dance, nasally-voiced, slow running, pasty-skinned Rednecks! :D


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007

....I found it funny...

But then again, I forget that I'm black sometimes! ^_^ That's why my name is Noir, so that I don't forget!

Racist or not, you'd have to agree that every stereotype or generalization is based off of some form of truth. *sigh*


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Noir said:
....I found it funny...

But then again, I forget that I'm black sometimes! ^_^ That's why my name is Noir, so that I don't forget!

Racist or not, you'd have to agree that every stereotype or generalization is based off of some form of truth. *sigh*
Noir? you're black?? lol....but it's funny you say that. I have a buddy of mine (bob) that used to complain constantly about hating the US and travelling there. I mean CONSTANTLY....so I asked a mutual friend (Ron) (who knew him longer than I had) wtf was Bob's problem? Why did he hate the US so much? My buddy Ron says: the race thing. I said what race thing? You know, how in the US there is so much bias towards blacks? I said, what they hell does it have to do with Bob? My buddy said, umm, he's black you doorknob!! I said "oh shit...lol, you're right..." I had NEVER looked at him as black, white or whatever, he was just Bob.....I told Bob that later on and he laughed his ass off and shook his head......I still laugh about that to this day.....

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
You have to remember the southern USA is where slavery was once legal long time ago. Thats were most of the NASCAR teams are based. There still is racism in the USA and the South and West part of the country is the worst-I am not black but thats how I see it.

New York state is cool-hold on maybe not more I think about it-, same with some other states but many others are not.

Tiger Woods became a pro golfer only because he was so darn good, the whities could not stop him. Still today, how many pro black golf players are there-very few-Tiger might be it.

Baseball is going down hill too. Seen that only 9% of pro baseball players are now black and only 3% of the pitchers are black-WTF is with that.

Its sad people can't be more like T-Boy and not notice peoples skin color. I have to admit, when booking a date, race plays a part in my pick.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
S.C. Joe said:
Its sad people can't be more like T-Boy and not notice peoples skin color. I have to admit, when booking a date, race plays a part in my pick.
I have to agree, race plays a part in my dating habits as well. Now to decide... Do I fell like South American, Chinese, African, Caucasian. So many choices, how's a man to decide?:confused:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
a 1 player said:
I have to agree, race plays a part in my dating habits as well. Now to decide... Do I fell like South American, Chinese, African, Caucasian. So many choices, how's a man to decide?:confused:
LOL it's funny you say that. I used to work in a small office with a black co-worker (used only for reference!) and he was always teasing me about how I'd never "had" a black woman, even though I'd gone on dates with one or two before, never hit a home run as it were. So he's on and on about it for MONTHS.

So I had a date with this sista and whoop, there I go....

So I come in monday just WAITING for him to start up again and sure enough, he comes: man, you have to try a sistah, you never be the same again....so I say: Man, you're right, I DO feel TOTALLY different....lol

He stops in his tracks and looks at me....YOU? YOU HAD A SISTAH??? LOL yup oh man, you shoulda heard him then, telling evry'one 'bout I finally tried de black steak mon, I be coo now, oh man it was funny, tellin' da courier driver that always stopped by, oh then the BOTH of them started...lol it was really TOO funny....


New member
Jan 16, 2004
Questor said:
Excellent point dickpound. You know that a redneck racist telling that top 10 list is making fun about the people being stereotyped while Chris Rock, for example, would be making fun and laughing at the stereotype. That is all the difference in the world. It is not the joke but rather the context that determines whether it is racist or funny.
Along the same lines aswell..one has to be aware of the racial history of descrimination behind it. I don't think "white" people have ever been descriminated and oppressed like the black people have had throughout American history. Its really a complicated issue..but I can see how being white and not being allowed to make racial jokes might feel like your being descriminated againsts but really you have to enlighten yourself if your thought process is that way because throughout history it has been "white" people who've done the majority of the descrimination againsts minorities therefore people become much more sensitive when its a white face delivering such jokes. Since it could be seen as just as a continuation of historical descrimination.

Its a vastly complicated issue but hey sometimes bothsides of the line need to relax and take jokes as jokes on face value even when its being delivered by someone who doesn't belong to that particular race or heritage.

Take for example this question, which might be seen more on a negative light by listeners.. a Frenchman making "Dumb American" jokes or an American making "Dumb American" jokes? Both will find critics but I'd say the American making fun of Americans would catch less heat. This can be partly due to how historically french society has felt like they are superior to that of American society and has often looked down upon it.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I have date black ladies and mix breed too-half white, half black-she was my favorite,lol But it was more than just her looks, we were like the same.

Once while waiting for a room to open up-was in Detroit at an old house many ladies were working out of-me and her were talking away. Some younger guy who was helping out up in front said to us "you two should get married" We laugh, he was like "no, I mean it, I see many guys coming in here but you two are like made for each other" Me and the lady both said "I'm never getting married" at the same time, saying the same thing! I never forget it, everybody was cracking up afterwards.

But then she felled on hard times you could say, was going down hill fast last time I seen her many years ago :( and most likely never see her ever again.

This hobbie has its ugly side too.


May 27, 2005
tboy said:
This so reminds me of when those white girls were shotgunned at the just desserts restaurant on Dupont: They released a stat that showed black people committed 50 or 60% of the crimes with only 20% of the population. The black "leaders" of the city were outraged....well, I said yeah, be outraged, and then do something about it, don't be mad at the stats, be mad that the stats were what they were.
The reason why there was an outrage is because the media took that unfortunate incident as an opportunity to turn this into a "white black" thing...and when the media does that things never work out; blacks usually end up getting vilified as an entire group of people. Many educated people know better than to do this but the reality is the average person doesnt know better at all. This doesn't help anything....it just exacerbates things
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