Ashley Madison

Climate Change


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Quebec man charged with arson in connection with numerous forest fires in Chibougamau

Quebec provincial police have arrested a man in connection with numerous forest fires that burned earlier this summer in the province's north.

Brian Paré, 37, appeared by videoconference at a courthouse in Chibougamau, Que., about 700 kilometres north of Montreal, late Thursday afternoon to face two charges of arson.

According to the indictment, the Chibougamau resident allegedly set fire to a fishing cabin on May 31 and to forests in the area between July 8 and Sept. 5.

Sûreté du Québec Sgt. Hugues Beaulieu says police were assisted by behaviour analysis experts, criminal profilers and forensic psychologists in their investigation.

After investigating for several weeks, members of the SQ's major crimes unit were able to nab the man.
If convicted, Paré faces a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison. He will remain in custody until his court date on Monday, Sept. 11, police said.

In early June, 7,500 residents of Chibougamau were temporarily forced from their homes because of fire and poor air quality.

The major crimes unit is trying to determine whether the alleged arsons are connected to the forced evacuations in June.

Chibougamau Mayor Manon Cyr says she was relieved when she learned of Paré's arrest.

In an interview Friday, the mayor said the fires that Paré is accused of starting were unrelated to the two massive wildfires that forced the evacuation of the town in June.

"We'll see what's said in court on this," Cyr said. "But the big fires that caused the evacuation were caused by lightning."

However, Paré is accused of deliberately starting fires at a time when the government had temporarily banned open-air fires and forbade people from entering the forests.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Climate scientist exposes top journal for publishing his intentionally overhyped research on wildfires

(LifeSiteNews) — A climate scientist admitted to overhyping the effect global warming has on wildfires.

Patrick Brown, a lecturer at John Hopkins University who holds a Ph.D. in Earth and Climate Science, said that he chose to present data in his research paper in a way that focused on climate change in order to get published in the prestigious Nature magazine.

In a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter), Brown explained that in his recently published article titled “Climate warming increases extreme daily wildfire growth risk in California,” he focused on the effect that warming has on forest fires instead of highlighting other relevant factors.

Brown said his “research looked at the effect of warming in isolation, but that warming is just one of many important influences on wildfires with others being changes in human ignition patterns and changes in vegetation/fuels.”

“So why didn’t I include these obviously relevant factors in my research from the outset? Why did I focus exclusively on the impact of climate change?”

“Put simply, I’ve found that there is a formula for success for publishing climate change research in the most prestigious and widely read scientific journals and unfortunately this formula also makes the research less useful,” the scientist stated.

Brown explained that showing climate change has an impact on something, without quantifying that impact and comparing it with other relevant factors is usually sufficient to get published in Nature.

“In the paper, I focused on the influence of climate change on extreme wildfire behavior but did not quantify … the influence of other obviously relevant factors like changes in human ignitions or the effect of poor forest management,” Brown stated.

“I knew that considering these factors would make for a more realistic (and thus useful) analysis, but I also knew that it would muddy the waters of an otherwise clean story and thus make the research more difficult to publish.”

“This type of framing, where the influence of climate change is unrealistically considered in isolation, is the norm for high-profile research papers,” Brown asserted.

The researcher furthermore said that another part of the “formula” to get published in prestigious journals is “to ignore or at least downplay near-term practical actions that can negate the impact of climate change.”

“If deaths related to outdoor temperatures are decreasing and agricultural yields are increasing, then it stands to reason that we can overcome some major negative effects of climate change. It is then valuable to study this success so that we can facilitate more of it.”

“However, there is a taboo against studying or even mentioning successes since they are thought to undermine the motivation for greenhouse gas emissions reductions,” he continued.

“Identifying and focusing on problems rather than studying the effectiveness of solutions makes for more compelling abstracts that can be turned into headlines.”

Brown admitted that he followed this formula to get published “because I began this research as a new assistant professor facing pressure to establish myself in a new field and to maximize my prospects of securing respect from my peers, future funding, tenure, and ultimately a successful career.”

“I am bringing these issue to light because I hope that highlighting them will push for reforms that will better align the incentives of researchers with the production of the most useful knowledge for society,” he said.

Climate scientist exposes top journal for publishing his intentionally overhyped research on wildfires - LifeSite (
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Climate scientist exposes top journal for publishing his intentionally overhyped research on wildfires
You already posted this one.

He's an energy policy/lobbyist trolling climatology.

It comes out in this interview.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Fact Check: Is This The Hottest Summer On Earth?

Claim: “This summer is on track to be the hottest recorded on Earth.”

An article in Barron’s about rising food prices made the claim on Wednesday morning.

CNN’s headline proclaimed: “The world has just experienced the hottest summer on record – by a significant margin.”

You can find similarly alarming headlines from CBS News, the Guardian, and the Associated Press. [emphasis, links added]

Verdict: Misleading. Compared with most of the Earth’s history, this summer is unusually cold. The “record” referred to is kept by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus. It only goes back to 1940.

Researchers for the Smithsonian Institution surveyed the Earth’s temperatures over the last 500 million years. As you can see from the chart below, the Earth has been much hotter for most of the past 500 million years.

This study was not undertaken by climate change deniers. In fact, the researchers who undertook it wanted to prove how devastating climate change can be to life on Earth.

“The two researchers also thought a temperature curve could counter climate contrarians’ claim that global warming is no concern because Earth was much hotter millions of years ago. Wing and Huber wanted to show the reality of ancient temperature extremes—and how rapid shifts between them have led to mass extinctions. Abrupt climate changes, Wing says, ‘have catastrophic side effects that are really hard to adapt to,’” the Smithsonian wrote in 2019.

Even earlier on, the Earth was much, much hotter. When our planet was young and still being bullied by wayward mini-planets smashing through the solar system, the heat of these collisions would have kept Earth molten, with temperatures upward of 3,600° Fahrenheit, according to this piece on

That website——is the official climate information site of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a scientific and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Commerce.

Even if we zoom in on the time scale, as did in their article, we can see that the Earth is far from the warmest it has ever been.

Let’s quote again:

Modern human civilization, with its permanent agriculture and settlements, has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global (if not regional) climate stability.
Compared to most of Earth’s history, today is unusually cold; we now live in what geologists call an interglacial—a period between glaciations of an ice age.
So what is going on with all these media organizations claiming this is the hottest recorded summer on Earth? A lot of misleading work is being done by the phrase “on record” or the word “recorded” in the news stories.

The “record” referred to is kept by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus. It goes back only to 1940.

Apparently, the headline writers thought “Hottest Summer Since 1940” was just not alarming enough.

The records of fossilized corals, leaf shapes, ancient glaciations, and hothouse periods show that global temperatures are nowhere near as warm as they have been in the past.

It may be hot out there this summer—perhaps even the hottest in decades—but we are nowhere near the hottest temperatures the Earth has experienced.

Read more at Breitbart

Fact Check: Is This The Hottest Summer On Earth? - Climate Change Dispatch


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Pacific Typhoon Frequency Trending Down, Defying Previous Climate Predictions

The number of Pacific typhoons has decreased over the past seven decades.

That’s the trend according to the latest data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

Today we look at the data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for the number of typhoons formed in the Pacific in August, now that the latest data are available [emphasis, links added]:

Data source: JMA. Chart by Kirye
This past August saw six typhoons, and so over the past 70+ years, the overall August trend in terms of frequency has been modestly downward.

The so-called “climate experts” have been wrong since they claimed tropical storms would intensify and become more frequent as a result of a warmer planet.

That hasn’t been the case in the Pacific.

The annual trend also downward

Next, we look again at the latest data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for the number of typhoons formed annually in the Pacific since 1951 [when record-keeping began].

Data source: JMA.
This is good news. All this talk about a climate crisis is fake and hype.

Read more at No Tricks Zone

Pacific Typhoon Frequency Trending Down, Defying Previous Climate Predictions - Climate Change Dispatch

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Just curious. Do you have the same attitude towards gun violence in the U.S.? It's too entrenched in their society and any measures "wouldn't make a lick of difference".
Comparing apples to oranges here but if you must know I'm all for putting in common sense measures to curb gun violence. It starts with locking up criminals who progressive backed DA's let out into the street. Then properly securing the border with Mexico. Enforce more comprehensive background checks, require gun safety courses, implement appropriate red flag laws and restore community based policing in high risk neighborhoods.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
A major new study involving 37 scientists from 18 countries has concluded that global temperature estimates since 1850 have been heavily contaminated by the growth of urban heat where the thermometers are sited.
I've been saying that for years. Don't forget the doctoring of data.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I've been saying that for years. Don't forget the doctoring of data.
There is no doctoring of data.
There is no unaccounted urban heat island effect.

Climatologists are smarter than that.

Right wingers? Not so much.
Its pretty clear that you will keep saying the water is fine until the end.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Baton Rouge, La. – Multiple wildfires have burned in Beauregard Parish in the past few weeks – most notably The Tiger Island Fire. Wildfire investigators with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s (LDAF) Enforcement Division have determined this fire to be a result of arson. LDAF investigators, Louisiana State Fire Marshal deputies, and the Beauregard Parish Sheriff’s Office detectives are actively investigating this matter.

Investigators urge you to call law enforcement if you or anyone you know has any information regarding this fire. To report an arsonist or information regarding this fire, call the LDAF 24-hour hotline at 1-855-452-5323, the Beauregard Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-462-8918, or the State Fire Marshal Office at 1-844-954-1221.

All calls to the LDAF hotline are anonymous, and the Louisiana Forestry Association is offering up to a $2,000 cash reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the crime.

The Tiger Island Fire burns east of Merryville, south of Hwy 190, and about five miles east of the Texas state line. The fire originated on August 22 in a wooded pine plantation and has consumed more than 31,000 forested acres. It threatened the town of Merryville and caused devastating damage to more than 20 homes and structures.

LDAF Requests Public Assistance Finding Arson Suspect Regarding Tiger Island Fire - Department of Agriculture and ForestryDepartment of Agriculture and Forestry (


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
View attachment 258966

Nothing to see here. Libya is always getting heavy rain fall.

The harsh climate of the Sahara is characterized by: extremely low, unreliable, highly erratic rainfall; extremely high sunshine duration values; high temperatures year-round; negligible rates of relative humidity; a significant diurnal temperature variation; and extremely high levels of potential evaporation which are the highest recorded worldwide.[19]


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The harsh climate of the Sahara is characterized by: extremely low, unreliable, highly erratic rainfall; extremely high sunshine duration values; high temperatures year-round; negligible rates of relative humidity; a significant diurnal temperature variation; and extremely high levels of potential evaporation which are the highest recorded worldwide.[19]
Frog in a pot.

Do me a favour and check this thread out and tell me that you think this just another normal year.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The harsh climate of the Sahara is characterized by: extremely low, unreliable, highly erratic rainfall; extremely high sunshine duration values; high temperatures year-round; negligible rates of relative humidity; a significant diurnal temperature variation; and extremely high levels of potential evaporation which are the highest recorded worldwide.[19]
Seriously? Cutting directly from wikipedia to ignore unusual climate events ?


So far in 2023, extreme climactic events in the US have caused 253 deaths and $57 billion in damage. By far a yearly record even though there are 3 months left.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Seriously? Cutting directly from wikipedia to ignore unusual climate events ?


So far in 2023, extreme climactic events in the US have caused 253 deaths and $57 billion in damage. By far a yearly record even though there are 3 months left.
So when are you going to give up your use of fossil fuels and their products. Don't be an eco hypocrite

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