Hey CM, this is off topic but I have to ask for your response to Netanyahu's latest calls.So when are you going to give up your use of fossil fuels and their products. Don't be an eco hypocrite
Are you still backing the Israeli government?
Hey CM, this is off topic but I have to ask for your response to Netanyahu's latest calls.So when are you going to give up your use of fossil fuels and their products. Don't be an eco hypocrite
I use far less than I used to.So when are you going to give up your use of fossil fuels and their products. Don't be an eco hypocrite
50 years of predictions that the climate apocalypse is nigh
For the past two weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, world leaders have gathered at COP 26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, to listen to the same message: Disaster is just around the corner.nypost.com
Wow, yet another thread franky tries to warp to his Israel obsession.Hey CM, this is off topic but I have to ask for your response to Netanyahu's latest calls.
Are you still backing the Israeli government?
I'll move this to one of basketcase's Israel threads.franky's history of racism and support for terrorists and anti-semitic hate crimes
The UNFAO, however, reports an entirely different story. According to the UNFAO, global rice production set a new record in 2021, the latest year for which data is available.“Most seriously of all, rice yields across southeast Asia have fallen sending prices up across the board. A rapidly escalating rice crisis is unfolding in Asia that has put hundreds of millions of people at food security risk. … The poor rice yields are going to get worse in the coming months due to the record-high seawater, this year’s El Niño effect is expected to be especially strong, which will cause rice yields to fall further. The food issue and soaring prices in Yangon in Myanmar have already become so bad that residents are turning to charity-run food banks for help as they are unable to feed themselves.”
Blaming climate change for Myanmar’s declining crop production is giving a pass to political brutality and human rights abuses.“Since staging a coup on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military has carried out a brutal nationwide crackdown on millions of people opposed to its rule. The junta security forces have carried out mass killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, sexual violence, and other abuses that amount to crimes against humanity.”
You think NASA is faking data?Has Sea Level Data Been Faked? ‘Corrections’ Employed To Show Rapid Acceleration
Climate Change Dispatch
You can't tell the difference between science and anti science disinformation, can you?
Sorry pal but you're the one who brought you Jew hatred into this thread.I'll move this to one of basketcase's Israel threads.
Keep your defence of apartheid to the right threads, please.Sorry pal but you're the one who brought you Jew hatred into this thread.
There is proven manipulation of data. Just like how the IPCC got rid of he Medieval Warm Period when they adopted Mann's phony hockey stick study.There is no doctoring of data.
There is no unaccounted urban heat island effect.
Climatologists are smarter than that.
Right wingers? Not so much.
Its pretty clear that you will keep saying the water is fine until the end.
When it comes to climate absolutely they are.You think NASA is faking data?
No, the Medieval Warm Period was local, not global.There is proven manipulation of data. Just like how the IPCC got rid of he Medieval Warm Period when they adopted Mann's phony hockey stick study.
I'm sure you also think they faked the moon landing.When it comes to climate absolutely they are.
‘No supporting evidence’ – a phrase you never heard Greenpeace use about genetically modified crops in its long campaign against them.‘In response to a tragic spate of whale deaths along the East Coast, anti-science media such as Fox News, long beholden to fossil fuel corporations, has amplified the baseless claims made – with no supporting evidence – by a small group of local mayors that offshore wind farming is somehow to blame.’
This is the most stupid claim in the history of stupid anti science bullshit.
Here's your guy, Patrick Moore claiming how safe water with glyphosate is to drink but refusing to drink it on camera.Oh boy. Climate sheeple won't like these comments.