Ashley Madison

Climate Change


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Sorry, Al Jazeera, War And Poverty Driving Migration, Not Climate Change

A recent Al Jazeera article claims climate change is increasingly responsible for refugee crises around the globe due to weather-related disasters like flooding, drought, and related food shortages.

This is false.

Global weather is not getting more volatile. Regardless of climate change, crop production and food availability waxes and wanes, especially in regions with political strife and war. [emphasis, links added]

The article, “Climate change displacement: ‘One of the defining challenges’,” claims that weather patterns are becoming more volatile, so “the prospect of climate-induced migration is increasingly becoming a core issue.”

The author cites a United Nations article that says extreme weather like “heavy rainfall and droughts have caused “an average of more than 20 million people to leave their homes and move to other areas in their countries each year.”

The UN report itself actually speaks more broadly, listing “[h]azards resulting from the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, such as abnormally heavy rainfall, prolonged droughts, desertification, environmental degradation, or sea-level rise and cyclones[.]”

While it may be true that 20 million people, or about 0.2% of all people on the planet, per year may need to leave their homes due to some kind of weather-related disaster or environmental degradation, this does not mean that climate change is responsible.

Weather, seasonally, annually, and over the course of decades, has throughout the Earth’s history impacted crop production and peoples’ living conditions.

Extreme weather events have not been more frequent or intense, as discussed many times in various Climate Realism articles, including flooding and prolonged droughts.

With such a large sample region as the entire planet, there will always be some kind of extreme weather event to point to, but this is not proof of increasing volatility.

Al Jazeera specifies that climate-induced migration is “a movement pattern caused by the effects of climate-related disasters, including droughts leading to a food and farming crisis.

Examples used are western and central Africa, “which suffer from frequent flooding,” but what the article neglects to mention is that these regions historically have swung between extended drought and long periods of heavy rains that bring flooding, like in Ghana, but despite these extremes, food production has continued to rise in the region.

The places that are seeing the worst food shortages are ones where war, government corruption, and ongoing extreme poverty are already impacting a country.

Bad weather exacerbates these preexisting troubles. It’s not uncommon for the media and the United Nations to try to shift blame from war and corruption to climate change.

The Climate Realism post, “NPR Wrongly Blames Climate Change for Suffering Caused by Civil War, Corruption, and Weather,” refutes this argument made for famously unstable countries like South Sudan and Somalia.

From Guatemala to Syria and beyond, war, poverty, and corrupt or authoritarian governments are repeatedly responsible for mass migration.

There is no data showing climate change is a factor. Outside of climate-focused reporting, the United Nations will admit that human violence and conflict is the primary cause of famine.

Towards the end of the Al Jazeera article, some of the experts interviewed for the story admit as much.

For instance, one United Nations spokesperson interviewed, Eujin Byun, admitted that western and central Africa deal with “continuing conflict,” which is pushing people to flee for safer places to live.

Sanjula Weerasinghe, coordinator of migration and displacement at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), told Al Jazeera that only some of the migration can be said to be even related to climate, “but some of it may be related to the governance around where they live. Some of it relates to their livelihoods, which may be impacted by climate, but preexisting conditions and how they were able to or unable to earn an income[.]

In other words, poverty and poor economic conditions are fundamental factors driving mass international emigration. Weerasinghe also cautioned Al Jazeera that “[t]o just highlight the climate as the key reason why is not entirely accurate.

This is true. In fact, the evidence showing that extreme weather events are not increasing in frequency or intensity suggests that climate change might not be playing an identifiable role at all in the forced migration problem.

In addition, focusing on the issue of climate change above other humanitarian concerns won’t help the people most impacted.

Preventing underdeveloped countries from investing in affordable, reliable fossil fuel energy infrastructure will only continue the extreme poverty there, preventing these places from [reducing] their vulnerability to the impact of extreme weather events.

Al Jazeera and the United Nations should not be trying to find ways to blame the modest warming of the past hundred-plus years for problems that are directly associated with government corruption, lack of secure property rights, war, and underdevelopment.

Rather, they should encourage the kind of development that climate-obsessed activists oppose, so that people in the most vulnerable countries and regions become wealthier and develop the institutions and infrastructure allowing them to flourish regardless of the weather.

People in the United States, Europe, and Japan, for example, don’t migrate to new countries en masse when extreme weather strikes, rather they anticipate, recover, rebuild, and evolve laws and institutions to minimize the harmful impact of the future extreme weather events.

Read more at Climate Realism

Sorry, Al Jazeera, War And Poverty Driving Migration, Not Climate Change - Climate Change Dispatch


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ignoring that the war and poverty are significantly tied to battles for rapidly decreasing environmental resources.

did you even bother to read the links that point to research materials?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
No, the Medieval Warm Period was local, not global.
Same with the US having a warm 1936, not global.

Science deniers are clearly pretty easy to fool.

If you wanted to check the science, the MWP happened as a result of a change to the AMOC, the same current they say may shut down entirely anytime in the next few decades.

Wikipedia is biased nonsense. The MWP was not local. And it was significantly warmer then than it is today.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I'm sure you also think they faked the moon landing.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Can you even talk about these conspiracy theories in public or are they only for late night rage posting?
Let me make this perfectly clear. Whatever my position is in these forums is exactly the same as what I say in public.
Its so blatantly obvious that bureaucrats have agendas. And that bureaucrats are overwhelmingly left wing. Eisenhower, the visionary, warned us of this.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The tragedy of the climate movement in the west is that it has ended
up playing into the hands of leaders aimed for winning political games.
If you listen to some of Steven Guilbeault's recent remarks on the
achievements of their climate policies you may figure that out. The
liberals are doing a good job combating climate change because
the conservatives are worse. Never would the ex-climate lunatic explain
why carbon emission has been trending up over the seven years since
Trudeau and the Liberals took power.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Won’t pretend to be a scientist. But I do know patterns when I see them. And I do know a little a bit about streams, how precious they are. How shit rolls down hill. I mean I volunteered blood and sweat trying to save a few.

Know a little about riparian zones, trees, soil erosion, run off that contains fertilizer from lawns, salt from roads and more.

Haven’t flowed the flooding in Greece or Halifax, or in Alaska all that close. I imagine similar to most floods..the problem is us. Or rather…………

Also know horse shit when I smell it. And pig shit, when people and politicians aren’t doing the things they should be. Instead pulling sheep wool over their supporters eyes, selling swamp gas instead of being straight.

As a result of urbanisation and deforestation, more people and houses were hit by floods, and there was less nature to soak up the stormwater
Deforestation and urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of floods. Deforestation, also related to soil erosion, is a major problem in Greece. Today only 18% of the territory of Greece is covered by forests, whereas at the beginning of the 19th century it was more than 40%. Deforestation was caused mainly by human activities such as fires, illegal land reclamation, pasturing etc.
Important reasons for floods in this area are anthropogenic, with streams converted into streets, buildings constructed over old stream beds, no priority to flood protection works and storm drainage network (which is still primitive)
Last edited:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wikipedia is biased nonsense. The MWP was not local. And it was significantly warmer then than it is today.
No, you are wrong.

Let me make this perfectly clear. Whatever my position is in these forums is exactly the same as what I say in public.
Its so blatantly obvious that bureaucrats have agendas. And that bureaucrats are overwhelmingly left wing. Eisenhower, the visionary, warned us of this.
You tell people you think NASA is faking science and people still talk to you?
The same people that are bringing back rock samples from an asteroid?

Its not bureaucrats that post the climate reports at NASA, its the scientists.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Won’t pretend to be a scientist. But I do know patterns when I see them. And I do know a little a bit about streams, how precious they are. How shit rolls down hill. I mean I volunteered blood and sweat trying to save a few.

Know a little about riparian zones, trees, soil erosion, run off that contains fertilizer from lawns, salt from roads and more.

Haven’t flowed the flooding in Greece or Halifax, or in Alaska all that close. I imagine similar to most floods..the problem is us. Or rather…………

Also know horse shit when I smell it. And pig shit, when people and politicians aren’t doing the things they should be. Instead pulling sheep wool over their supporters eyes, selling swamp gas instead of being straight.

If you know patterns you should be able to judge this one:

And if you're good with charts you should be able to read this and tell us what it means.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The tragedy of the climate movement in the west is that it has ended
up playing into the hands of leaders aimed for winning political games.
If you listen to some of Steven Guilbeault's recent remarks on the
achievements of their climate policies you may figure that out. The
liberals are doing a good job combating climate change because
the conservatives are worse. Never would the ex-climate lunatic explain
why carbon emission has been trending up over the seven years since
Trudeau and the Liberals took power.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts