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  1. M


    Going by Monica here just a month ago and with different phone number
  2. M

    can you believe I actually know this girl

    Wow lucky you....she is hot indeed
  3. M

    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    I know a couple of posters have already mentioned Kaylani Lei, she's my favourite by far, something about her look, so damn hot :-)
  4. M

    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    One of my favs, probably my #1 fav: Kaylani_lei Hopefully this link works
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    Do you believe in ghosts ?

    lmao, good one
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    Do you believe in ghosts ?

    I've always believed, but man your story, kind of creepy.
  7. M

    Trip to Montreal - 12 escorts

    LOL good one... but man that poster is my hero, just wow.
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    Best Pizza in the GTA?

    Pizza Pizza = Brutal, not sure how they got to be so damn popular, they suck. For chains, I'll take Pizzaville and Pizza Nova any day.
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    Criss Angel Coffee Trick

    Check out British magician Dynamo, he's pretty good.
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    SPs who provide "New Jersey" style service in Durham

    Ok I'll ask.... Can you explain what "New Jersey" style service is ?
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    HOLLY CRAP Ilya Kovalchuk is retiring !

    wow, never saw that coming. Didn't he just sign that big contract 2 years ago?
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    NHL Trophies

    Please, have you ever watched him play. Ya he runs his mouth from time to time (something he has toned down a lot this year, that will come with maturity - only 23) but he was by far the best Habs play this year, and honestly, probably the best D man. If you even watched him on Sportsnet as a...
  13. M

    upgrade to Rogers docsis 3 modem/router?

    Same here, Larry and Cryptic are bang on. Mine is set in the basement, however, in this case even if my laptop was in the basement right beside it, I could not get any decent speeds while connected. I had to switch back to Cisco and have had no issues ever since.
  14. M

    winter tires

    It's too bad you missed the Good Year Tent sale event by about 2 weeks in Scarborough. They usually have it twice a year. I was able to get Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice WRT winter tires (225/60/16) for $146. Canadian tire has these on for $192 right now, so that was a pretty good deal. They also...
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    Which of these female singers would you rather have sex with?

    All of the above.... agree with Revolver, where is Shakira... but if I had to pick from the list Rihanna
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    Internet Provider - What to Do?

    Oh by cap I meant that they suggested that I go to a lower tier like Sympatico light but there was a cap as to how much you can download. Since I already had unlimited download with my original contract with Bell High Speed, I told them not to bother to leave me at high speed with unlimited...
  17. M

    Mouse Keeps Jumping Back To Start

    Strange the Norton would cause this... i had an issue once where my mouse kept freezing after a few minutes, turned out to be the video drivers, once I updated them, it worked fine.
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    Internet Provider - What to Do?

    Keebler, I had the same issue as you. I read up a lot about it on [] and eventually found the email of a general manager there [] who was willing to help. In the end, they sent 4 technicians to my house but could never figure out why...
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    Can people see my VPN access to an XP machine while being at the machine?

    Yes I'm pretty sure they were able to see what you were doing. We use vpn at work to take over other's computers when dealing with issues, and they can see everything we do on the computers. Unless there is a setting in VPN that somehow allows you to hide what you are doing, and it's enabled...
  20. M

    The Hab-nots

    lol - so true...
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