Do you believe in ghosts ?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
Who here believes in life after death, and ghosts. Has anyone else had any experiences with the paranormal that the would like to share. Heres my Ghost story.

About 10 years ago, I lived in a small town. Was living with y grandmother, moved into her farm house after my grandfater died to help her out. Was always close to my grandparents, stayed with them every weekend growing up, and every summer. A year after moving in I met a girl, and we got married and we moved out into our new house leaving my grandmother alone. About 3 months later im playing online poker, it was a hot summer night so the windows were all open. Around 1 am, we heard this tapping sound going up and down our street, sounded like a person walking with a cane. This went on for about 30 minutes. During this time our dog was going batshit carzy, howling and barking at the door which was very uncharacteristic for him. I go outside and there was nothing there, but I still couldnt find the source of the noise.

The next morning we get a knock on the door, telling us that my grandmother had passed away the night before around 1 am. They tried to get ahold of me, but back in the day all we had was dial-up internet. Then I remember what happened the night before. My grandmother always used to walk with the assistance of a cane. And her and my dog never got along. Id like to think it was her coming to say good-bye to me. Im sure there might be other answers, but thats what i believe.

Anyone else like to share a ghost story.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Maybe but I've never seen one and I don't think I want too.

Except years ago, I was riding my bike with a friend through trails and we came upon this English gent who was walking. We stopped to rest and we spoke a little and he asked if we believed in ghosts. We said no but he said, that's too bad because I do. So we listened to him talk about that while we were by the Humber River under a train bridge. It was sort of like a scene from the Omen, but he didn't creep us out. He was just interesting to listen to.

In any event, he wasn't some crazy person. He was an engineer. When I boarded a bus to go to university, I saw him board the bus dressed like Sherlock Holmes (he had a hounds-tooth overcoat with a similar cap) with his leather brief case (more like a classic looking bag). I just thought of that encounter again but didn't approach.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Do you believe in ghosts?

If a demon is the same being as a ghost then yes. Every once in a while I succumb to it. Never really wanted to hobby but some demon made me do it


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
I've seen ghosts. I didn't believe in them until I saw with my own eyes.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
I belive in ghosts. I had a encounter, a warm summer day, sitting on a park bench waiting to meet a friend in the St Lawrence Market area too go to a movie. I notice a beauitiful brunette woman walking her dog. She is trying to start a conversation with a man an other park bench speaking about her dog. I reconise her and the dog, she was a girlfriend I lived with for six years her alchol and drugs ended our relationship. She walks by, gives me a unfriendly glance and I was spechless. My friend shows up sees me staring at her, I turn away, a few seconds, she and her dog are gone!

It was 2006, I investigated too contact her! Found her Death Notice, and ordered a death certificate, she passed away in 2001.
I needed to get professional help to get over it.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It was 2006, I investigated too contact her! Found her Death Notice, she passed away in 2001.
I needed to get professional help to get over it.
That woman you walked by was not your ex-GF but her dead ringer. Ghosts are afraid of dogs and wouldn't walk
with them. Now if that dog looked exactly like your ex-GF's
long dead dog then it is something to ponder for a lifetime.


Well-known member
I believe that the souls and spirits of the departed are still with us....
I also believe animals can sense their presence...
We have 2 dogs..who will be sleeping on the floor then will jump standing on the back and neck..and look down our dark hallway...growl...turn their heads and stare into the darknessfor 5-10 they are studying something
Fucking freaks us out..!!!!


New member
Oct 27, 2006
That woman you walked by was not your ex-GF but her dead ringer. Ghosts are afraid of dogs and wouldn't walk
with them. Now if that dog looked exactly like your ex-GF's
long dead dog then it is something to ponder for a lifetime.
I am sure the dog passed away before her, its age would have been 24 human years.
I have a few but will mention the two most memorable to me.

I'm on the subway and sense a female presence beside me. Whoever she was she followed me home. This was disturbing to me and I was having trouble getting to sleep as I sensed her watching us in bed. I rolled over and told my boyfriend that I thought I was followed home by a spirit (he claimed to be able to see ghosts) and plain as day he says that she's right over by the wall, exactly where I sensed her, and to relax as she probably mistook me for someone and will leave once she figures out I'm not them. When I woke up the next morning she was gone.

A friend asked me to watch his place in the middle of nowhere while he was away for the weekend. He said I could sleep in his comfy King sz waterbed, so I took him up on his offer. It's summer and I tried taking a power nap before getting ready to go out later that night, as I knew it would be a long one. I couldn't sleep, so chilled out in bed and found myself in deep thought. At some point I started to sense a presence in the room. It mostly hovered near an area of the ceiling and would never come closer than the end of the bed. Dusk was setting in and I was getting freaked out so I quickly showered and left. I sensed it follow me to a certain point in his longer than usual driveway and then stop. When he arrived home late Sun. I ran it by him and he said, "Oh, you sensed him." I asked why he didn't tell me and he said not everyone does and didn't see any reason to upset me needlessly. Apparently an ex of his never sensed the spirit, but her daughter did and is who informed my friend that he (the ghost) was harmless. This makes sense as they say children are more receptive to these things. After that, I would catch the ghost trying to get our attention by playing with the radio reception. I would tell him to stop and he immediately would, so he was a prankster, but harmless like the girl said. My friend also said he sometimes liked to hide things on him. Maybe he was a young ghost.


Jan 16, 2004
I belive in ghosts. I had a encounter, a warm summer day, sitting on a park bench waiting to meet a friend in the St Lawrence Market area too go to a movie. I notice a beauitiful brunette woman walking her dog. She is trying to start a conversation with a man an other park bench speaking about her dog. I reconise her and the dog, she was a girlfriend I lived with for six years her alchol and drugs ended our relationship. She walks by, gives me a unfriendly glance and I was spechless. My friend shows up sees me staring at her, I turn away, a few seconds, she and her dog are gone!

It was 2006, I investigated too contact her! Found her Death Notice, and ordered a death certificate, she passed away in 2001.
I needed to get professional help to get over it.
I've always believed, but man your story, kind of creepy.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I am sure the dog passed away before her, its age would have been 24 human years.
Too many people have died without any communication to the living including Harry Houdini who set up code with his wife that he would use if he really could communicate. He never did and his wife declared him dead and gone ten years after. If you did die, would you have the same memories ? What is left with an Alzheimer's victim ? How about still born, monkeys, worms, bacteria, trees,and the entire animal kingdom including dinasaurs ?

When I die I might hang around and say hello to a few living friends & family .... unless there is a paradise that makes you want to leave your family behind .... maybe there is something to the 72 virgin story after all !


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Do you believe in ghosts?

If a demon is the same being as a ghost then yes. Every once in a while I succumb to it. Never really wanted to hobby but some demon made me do it
A demon is the opposite of an angel. A demon is not a regular ghost.

I remember a horror movie where a guy asked, Do you believe in the Devil? The respondents said no. He said, well if you believe in God then you must believe in the existence of the Devil because God indirectly created him.

When I was a kid, my brother told me that if you see the Devil, do the sign of the cross or pray to Jesus. I keep blessed dried palm leaves in my bedroom from Palm Sunday to ward evil away (or at least the comfort of that thought).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Too many people have died without any communication to the living including Harry Houdini who set up code with his wife that he would use if he really could communicate. He never did and his wife declared him dead and gone ten years after. If you did die, would you have the same memories ? What is left with an Alzheimer's victim ? How about still born, monkeys, worms, bacteria, trees,and the entire animal kingdom including dinasaurs ?

When I die I might hang around and say hello to a few living friends & family .... unless there is a paradise that makes you want to leave your family behind .... maybe there is something to the 72 virgin story after all !
I don't believe trees have a soul but there could be a lingering life force. Plants do not have a nervous system. Is the soul associated with that?
Another friend of mine told me a friend of his claimed to have seen a demon. Apparently the friend was in his father's downstairs workshop when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned his head and saw this demon turn and high tail it to wherever. A couple of days later the friend's father died and both my friend and his friend are convinced it's somehow related.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Another friend of mine told me a friend of his claimed to have seen a demon. Apparently the friend was in his father's downstairs workshop when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned his head and saw this demon turn and high tail it to wherever. A couple of days later the friend's father died and both my friend and his friend are convinced it's somehow related.
Jesus. Were they religious? Baptized? (I have the Silver Anniversary Edition of The Exorcist but I won't watch it alone).


Dec 1, 2012
I love watching "The Long Island Medium " it gives me chills. Yes i do believe in ghosts and spirits. I've seen ghosts through the years.


Rico Suave
Oct 3, 2013
So close and yet so far.
I work in a building that's more than 100 years old, and, it is believed, very haunted. Everyone at work has stories, especially the owners. I've never seen anything but once, a whole group of us were there when some windows between rooms (not outside) started opening and closing on their own. Nobody could have been doing it, no weird wind blowing through the building, just loudly opening and closing, by themselves, for a little while.

People have seen children playing and walking around often, when the building is closed to the public. Things go missing all the time, and reappear somewhere else eventually. A few years ago a bag of chocolate coins went missing, and the coins started turning up around the building. I guess some of this could be explained by a prankster, but no one has ever come forward and said that they did it. And some things, like the windows, I don't see how.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
I was at a seminar about paranormal activity, held in the auditorium of the university.
The speaker, Dr. Peter Venckman, started off by surveying the audience.
First, he asked that all those who believe in ghost to raise their hands. About 95% of the crowd did so.
Next, he asked if anyone ever saw a ghost, and about 50% of the people raised their hands again.
Then, he asked if anyone ever had any physical encounters with a ghost, and about 25% of the hands went up.
Finally, he asked is anyone ever had any sexual encounters with a ghost. Only 1 hand went up, way wayyyyy in the back of the room.
So, Dr Venckman askes this person to come up on stage, and here comes this wrinkled, grizzled old Scotsman.
Dr Venckman asks the man "Sir, is it true that you believe in ghosts, have seen ghosts, have had contact with ghosts, and also have made sweet, sweet love with a ghost?"
The Scotsman is taken aback and replies: "Ghosts? I thought you said GOATS!!"
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