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Criss Angel Coffee Trick


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
hes awesome :thumb:
I'm hoping you are referring to fashion style or colour of nail polish - as a magician he is a fraud. I'm not referring to the slight of hand or illusion in preforming the tricks but most notable magicians use real audience members instead of Angel's plants who swear up and down on camera that he is performing real magic when without their duplicity - there is no trick.

Two famous Angel's tricks exposed:

Walking on water:

Walking through a window:

I like illusions but if they have people who are part of the trick lying about the circumstances that they were a part - it's sleaze. I saw the windo0w on his show and guys who had to have seen the trick from behind the show are saying they saw nothing and Chriss is amazing.

After seeing the previous tricks exposed, I figure the girls are part of the trick. It wouldn't surprise me they stopped the camera three or for times. The only people who really are amazed at the trick are in TV land - not the studio actors surrounding him..


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Criss Angel Mindfreak



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
continuous shot, my ass.

i think his show and popularity died when his magic tricks were exposed on youtube to be nothing but camera editing.


Dec 1, 2012
I'm hoping you are referring to fashion style or colour of nail polish - as a magician he is a fraud. I'm not referring to the slight of hand or illusion in preforming the tricks but most notable magicians use real audience members instead of Angel's plants who swear up and down on camera that he is performing real magic when without their duplicity - there is no trick.

Two famous Angel's tricks exposed:

Walking on water:

Walking through a window:

I like illusions but if they have people who are part of the trick lying about the circumstances that they were a part - it's sleaze. I saw the windo0w on his show and guys who had to have seen the trick from behind the show are saying they saw nothing and Chriss is amazing.

After seeing the previous tricks exposed, I figure the girls are part of the trick. It wouldn't surprise me they stopped the camera three or for times. The only people who really are amazed at the trick are in TV land - not the studio actors surrounding him..
I did not know that thanks for enlightening me

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
criss and his producers should be charged with fraud

I do not understand why entertainers get a free pass on fraud


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
stunningly incompetent editing

Angel has no shame in his lies


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
here he does the wonderfully classic hiding behind the mirror trick but lies because he stops film then inserts a mirror and the pretend vacationers are actors in on it

all magic tricks "lies" in a sense but telling the audience the participants are not in on it when they are is total bullshit and camera editing is beyond the pale

Karma gonna get him in his next life when he comes back as a dung beetle



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You need to get a life.

Magicians have used collaborating assistants since time immemorial.

All tricks are illusions. Magic is not real.

What's truly disgusting is that this masked 'magician', is making money revealing how tricks are performed. He has broken a cardinal rule of all magicians (thou shall not disclose the secret behind the trick).

This is why this COWARD wears a mask. He has done nothing original. He just makes money revealing the secrets behind magic tricks. I hope he turns into a frog!

I'm hoping you are referring to fashion style or colour of nail polish - as a magician he is a fraud. I'm not referring to the slight of hand or illusion in preforming the tricks but most notable magicians use real audience members instead of Angel's plants who swear up and down on camera that he is performing real magic when without their duplicity - there is no trick.

Two famous Angel's tricks exposed:

Walking on water:

Walking through a window:

I like illusions but if they have people who are part of the trick lying about the circumstances that they were a part - it's sleaze. I saw the windo0w on his show and guys who had to have seen the trick from behind the show are saying they saw nothing and Chriss is amazing.

After seeing the previous tricks exposed, I figure the girls are part of the trick. It wouldn't surprise me they stopped the camera three or for times. The only people who really are amazed at the trick are in TV land - not the studio actors surrounding him..


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
here he does the wonderfully classic hiding behind the mirror trick but lies because he stops film then inserts a mirror and the pretend vacationers are actors in on it

Using TV to assist in the illusion is like taking the lazy way out, but having assistants is not fraud.

Read my point #14 hereunder.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Using TV to assist in the illusion is like taking the lazy way out, but having assistants is not fraud.

Read my point #14 hereunder.

having a stage hand assist is totally acceptable, there would be little magic without it

but when you say they are not assistants and they are is sleaze ball magic

i love the mirror trick in post 15

but he ruins this wonderful illusion by stopping the film then inserting the mirror then everyone pretending they are not in on it

then he has the balls to say in post 11 he would never do a trick on TV he could not do live

the sleaze ball has zero pride to lie like that

In his defense I suspect there are a lot of people making money off of him and pressuring him to step up his magic so he is forced to lie

Vegas has a history of Mafia control

I do not think he started out as a charlatan

he needs a better editor

changing the number of people in the background between edits is highly amateurish


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Using TV to assist in the illusion is like taking the lazy way out, but having assistants is not fraud.

Read my point #14 hereunder.
I also agree , I have no problems with one or two audience plants, or an assistant, but if a trick requires any sort of editing it's not an illusion.

We all know illusion are misdirection of one form or another, the fun is knowing that and still not being able to spot it, but once you start using camera tricks, that's just lazy.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What you see is an illusion, the audience is in on the trick and the cameras are manipulated to enhance the illusion.

The scaffolding, drape and audience are all on a movable platform and to make the statue disappear all they have to do is move the platform.
The audience is also in on this illusion.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
how is that one done?

Henning uses his body to hide her escape

the table has a false bottom

her head remains in the box but her body is upside down under the table with her feet at the mirror end

inside a hidden compartment

the clever part is making the compartment appear invisible

but WTF is the mirror for?
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