Toronto Escorts

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  1. G

    Best Bumper Stickers

    " I have an imaginary friend too...but his names not Jesus " Guy
  2. G

    Best Country Music Line

    " I'm going to hire a wino to decorate my home, so you won't have to leave here, and you won't have to roam " " Whiskey river don't run dry .... " Guy
  3. G

    Orlando Clubs

    Hey Everyone, I've got to head to Orlando, Florida this weekend. Anything worth checking out ? I don't really care about Disney World or Sea World. Guy
  4. G

    Prank Call.......

    OUCH ! Guy
  5. G

    Paul Krugman nails Rove & the Repubs

    Governments relationship with the people is similar to any interpersonal relationship. You tell one lie and you have to cover it up with another and another and another. Until the lie comes out in the open and vicitm of these lies ends up never trusting that person again. The damage the...
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    Meditations from the Centre

    If your using the Quenn's English, centre is correct. If your using a bastardized form of the English language, center is also correct. Guy
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    Comedy Centrals Top Ten Comedians Of All Tme

    Henny Youngman belongs in the top ten. Richard Pryor was in a class by himself. Guy
  8. G

    seriously guys, what's so bad about women at the Valhalla Hotel?

    Guy's who can't meet women at the Valhalla ! Guy
  9. G

    Stripper Naming Application

    I got " SCANDAL ". And I'm not even a stripper. Guy
  10. G

    Terrell Owens to the Raiders

    Even if T.O goes to the Raiders it's not going to make a lick of difference. Oakland has NO offensive line. Both Collins or Gannon won't have anytime to throw to them. Oakland needs help in too many areas to be a contender anytime soon. Guy
  11. G

    Should Media Ban be allowed?

    Unfortunately, right or wrong, you don't have a choice. It's part of living in a Democracy. She has rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The same rights every Canadian has. I'm not willing to give up those rights because of this scum. Guy
  12. G

    Small business help ???

    Get an accountant you can trust. Ask him if having a .INC is the way to go. In other words a numbered company. Or you can name it if you like. Do your books monthly. Don't fall behind. It's just a pain in the ass to fix later. If you do a numbered company ( .INC ), you'll be subject to GST...
  13. G

    Predictions for Bush’s speech Tuesday night

    I would hope that in times of crisis, our leaders lead. Not dance...LEAD ! That's what I expect from a leader. Thank God this group wasn't around during WWII. We'd all be goosestepping to work. Guy
  14. G

    Your Maytag repairman speaks Mandarin?

    Don't have the same work ethic ? I just got back from China. The women in the factory I visted couldn't have been older than 14. If this is the competition and we're going to allow it, then all our children will be working the cafeteria at Walmart. The other thing to keep in mind is that the...
  15. G

    3000 and I am done here.

    Lange, Didn't alway's agree with you but you were never dull. Good Luck. Guy
  16. G

    Upheaval Ahead

    This war is not going to be won anytime soon. But there is no out without absolute disgrace for America and it's Allies. There between a rock and a hard spot. Lange feels we should carpet bomb the place. Well Lange, the last I heard there were over 100,000 Iraqi's killed in this campaign. And...
  17. G

    Where do you want to be buried ?

    I'd like to be stuffed and left at my buddies cottage. That way I'd always have a great view of the lake. Sunrise and Sunset's. And never miss a party. They could just lug me around from bar to bar. Guy
  18. G

    Will the REAL Idiot Please Stand Up

    What I don't understand is how a Yale graduate can possibly speak the way GWB does. Sometimes he does sound a little....well, uneducated. Which makes me believe that he's putting the " aw shucks " schtick on. Which would explain a lot. Guy
  19. G

    Breaking NEWS...Felt Goes Public as Deep Throat

    What about Nixon's decision to bomb Indo China ? Hanoi ? It was an outright case of murder that flew in the face of International Law. The US still hasn't apologized for it and most American's don't even acknowledge it. Nixon was a freak and psychopath. Guy
  20. G

    Canadian Air Carriers Slam Into Patriot Act

    OTB: Where are you flying to every week ? Is it from Canada to the US ? That's where I experience the worst delays. But I hate flying at the best of times. I just find it objectionable to have to have my pants pulled open everytime I cross the border. Apparently this is going to affect over...
Toronto Escorts