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    One Hit Wonder Song

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    The Trump Presidency Is Over

    None of them. Butler claimed that a good thing to come out of the Holocaust was "providing a beachhead for democracy in the ME". Although it is a good thing that jews have their own homeland, the idea that Israel will be able to spread democracy to their neighbours seems absurd to me.
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    The Trump Presidency Is Over

    OMG that is so stupid. The vast majority of Jewish Nobel prize winners were European or American. Doubtless, there would have been many more Nobel prize winners and scientific breakthroughs had the Holocaust never happened. An incalculable amount of brain power was lost to the world. And as for...
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    Married Women

    Another rarity is having anal sex when you and the girl are both 12 years old, as you have once claimed. Sounds like you have led a very charmed life! :rolleyes:
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    Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids

    So why do you never throw cold water on the stupid shit posted by Kathleen, McNasty and others of their ilk? That's another thing that pisses people off. Your arrogance. You really are insufferable. You probably never learned to play with other kids when you were young. The thing is you are...
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    Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids

    I believe this an accurate assessment. He has no ideology; he only wants to argue and tell other people that they are wrong. Guys here spend a lot of time trying to out him as a secret Trump supporter. He probably isn't; he just appears that way because he enjoys throwing cold water on others...
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    Maxime Bernier says his party would cap immigration levels at 150K

    I don't think the percentage of the population employed is a meaningful measure or productivity. I recall reading somewhere that many French people are employed in bureaucracies doing meaningless, bullshit jobs.
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    Canada’s Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Since at Least 1976

    What exactly did Trudeau and the Liberals do to increase the GDP and employment? Not much as far as I can tell. You spend so much time on this board trying to rebut bullshit and propaganda from Trumptards, but you are often here exaggerating Trudeau's accomplishments, such as they are.
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    How to deal with panhandlers

    I've noticed this too. I wonder if it's because the dog is is malnourished, bored, or depressed because it realizes its owner is a loser. It makes me angry since it seems the panhandler is using the dog as a prop to garner sympathy. Also, it is not uncommon now for panhandlers to work the...
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    TSX Reaches a Record High Under Trudeau

    The TSX closed at 15287 on Dec 30/2016. It has been basically flat for the past 2 years. I can't think of anything that Trudeau has done that would have a positive influence on the stock market, other than the legalization of marijuana which has boosted the pot stocks. However this has nothing...
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    Ontario budget. record spending by dofo

    His plans are a joke. He wants the relief line to go to Ontario place!
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    What if Trump is a Russian Agent and there is indisputable proof?

    OPINION No longer a wild conspiracy theory: The possibility of Trump as Russian agent JARED YATES SEXTON SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL PUBLISHED 1 DAY AGO UPDATED JANUARY 14, 2019 Jared Yates Sexton is an associate professor at Georgia Southern University. He is the author of The People Are...
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    Gawd, I love 70's pop music

    This is a beautiful song that gives me a sort of melancholy feeling: This thread brings back a lot of good memories. It's hard to believe that back in the 70's, all these finely crafted pop songs were ubiquitous on AM radio. If you were to tune in to an AM station now, you will find the most...
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    Black people 'grossly overrepresented' in violent police interactions, OHC says

    I disagree. Genetics have some effect in determining intelligence and behavior. Probably more than most people are willing to admit. I know we are not supposed to talk about this, but if you allow yourself to consider this idea, it explains a lot of what is going on in a more straightforward...
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    Halloween songs

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    Average Venezuelan has lost 24 lbs

    I guess your day would be incomplete without trying to convince us what a malevolent and rotten country the U.S. is.
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    3 Men Shot at Queen St W and Peter St

    Yes we all have flaws but these people have serious social pathologies that cannot be dismissed. How do you know this? He had 13 siblings so I doubt that they or his mother are wallowing in grief. As for his daughter, odds are that he was providing no financial or emotional support.
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    3 Men Shot at Queen St W and Peter St

    Here is an interesting item about Smoke Dawg from a July 2 Globe & Mail article: Smart’s family released a statement Sunday saying that he leaves behind a one-year-old daughter and 13 siblings. “As a young man from Regent Park, he overcame poverty and grew into a responsible caring grown man...
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    Florida shooting - another white supremacist mass murder

    In another thread discussing intelligence differences among various ethnic groups, it was apparent you know little about science and could only provide links to pseudo-science and popular science articles to back your claims. Smallcock was correct when he called you a massive intellectual fraud...
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    Meanwhile in Trudeau land......

    I don't think so. What kind of leader acts like this? It is so undignified. This trip to India accomplished little of value. It was basically a taxpayer-funded opportunity to get some photo-ops and curry favour with Indian voters back home. I predict we will be seeing a lot more of those photos...
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