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Toronto Escorts

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    The Nordic Model
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    Toronto restaurant owners say they cannot survive coronavirus shutdowns

    Seat people at every other table. That's what they're doing in the Asian countries that have re-opened their economies.
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    More than 200 charges laid in organized crime, human trafficking investigation: YRP

    Here's the Conservative platform. Can't find anything about sex work...
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    Crossing the US Border

    That's fine, US Customs doesn't have access to that.
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    Different Buzz from Different Booze?

    Interesting discussion on
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    Dealing with Insurance Company

    I have a bit of a similar situation. I submitted an appraisal for stolen goods and the insurance company is complaining that the store is not is business anymore. I had to explain to them that it's not my responsibility to ensure the store is still in business and to subsequently get a new...
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    Many Canadian Muslims are becoming Terrorists

    Saddam made it secular by force, and kept a lid on the extremists. It's true that the war unleashed the extremists but that still doesn't take any responsibility away from them. .
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    Fitness Clubs - 1 Day Pass

    Any good places in northern Toronto or even Richmond Hill? I'm going to be in town for a few days, and would like to hit the gym once or twice while I'm here. Thanks.
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    Mayor FORD gets his wish

    In neither case, did they run their cities like a business. At least not a successful one. Corruption and refusing to ever pay overtime are not typical business practices.
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    Good Luck CB

    Any updates?
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    Leslie Nielsen Dies,0,1456688.story
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    Priceline: Name your own price

    Yes, I always connect through
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    Actually, I'd say Spielberg was best known for Jaws at the time, which after Star Wars, was the biggest movie of all time, not adjusting for inflation. Lucas' success may have been in sci-fi, but the Star Wars movies were very mainstream. While Ford may not have had a record as a leading man...
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    How could Raiders have come out of nowhere? It had 3 of the hottest names in Hollywood, Lucas, Spielberg and Ford.
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    Aging - women vs men

    Actually, that's not true. Men have thicker skin than women with more elastin and collagen. Men also experience less bone loss and at a later age giving the skin less reason to sag.
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    Women Over 40
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    Ontario Bill 203-Blowing A Warning Over .05

    He never threw anything at them. Not even the stapler that the RCMP lied about.
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    Ontario Bill 203-Blowing A Warning Over .05

    Yeah, Robert Dziekanski did all of those at the Vancouver airport. :rolleyes:
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    Ontario Bill 203-Blowing A Warning Over .05

    As others have already stated, you really are a jackass. I clearly wrote, if I was under the limit (I used .04 as an example) and not impaired and you took my keys, you would be the one breaking the law. Funny that someone mindlessly taking the side of the police in every legal discussion on...
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    Ontario Bill 203-Blowing A Warning Over .05

    You wrote, "It has been proven that drinking and driving is a deadly combination." which implies all drinking and driving is deadly. If you had written "drinking too much before driving is deadly", that would have been more accurate. I used .04 just as an example of a below limit number. I...
Toronto Escorts