Ashley Madison

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    This is the evidence NOT to play or have FUN in the US

    Yes Patron, that's true. There are many federal statutes that can be employed against activities peripheral to sex work itself. They've also used RICO laws against pimps, which of course are usually referred to as "traffickers".
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    This is the evidence NOT to play or have FUN in the US

    The federal government in the US doesn't prosecute sex workers because there are no federal laws against prostitution south of the border. Criminal law is a state matter down threre, and there are also county and municipal laws that apply. In Canada the crininal law is federal, although of...
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    where will you invest 100k?

    I have most of my money in gold and silver right now (physical). I'm waiting for commercial real estate to reach bottom, then I want to buy a small commercial building in Scarbrough. I'll live upstairs and put my business on the main flaoor.
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    I had it done, after the second child. The procedure was no big deal - way less than a tooth extraction, for example. I had mine during a very hot and sweaty summer, though, and one of the stitches got infected. So, would recommend doing it in the cooler season. Funny thing, though, this was...
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    London Ontario

    It's the old CPR hotel. The station was on the other side of Richmond Street. They converted the station to a market when I lived there, but that was many decades ago. No idea what it is now.
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    Should we halt Immigration until we can get it under control.

    There are a couple of overlooked points in this discussion, for example (1) Granted we need high levels of immigration to maintain (even remotely) the ratio of workers to retirees we have enjoyed to date. But is this even possible? Are we even going to be in a position to attract half a...
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    Thoughts on Gold & Silver?

    Hi Poker, It's the strength of the US dollar that has driven the price of metals down. When interest rates begin to decline (i.e. when central banks chicken out in their war on inflation), metal prices will rise again.
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    Lifting mask mandates 'a slap in the face' to responsible Canadians, says doctor

    Just let the fucking thing run. We have far more serious problems in Canada than fucking Covid. How about massive indebtedness, both public and private, impending demographic collapse, our retarded politicians, and a possible nuclear war with Russia (Yes, it could happen)? How about the...
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    Some places in Ontario are defying Doug Ford by keeping mask mandates

    This is such a hoot! The world teeters on the brink of nuclear war (in case you haven't noticed, there's a madman on the other side of the world with 1,600 nuclear weapons who has stated publicly that if he goes down he is quite happy to take the rest of us with him), and people in Ontario are...
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    Ford to announce lifting of vaccine mandate March 1st???

    Oh my Lord, they have to promote the vaccines. They have to use them up before they expire, and what better way than to convince millions of bedwetters to roll up their sleeves? I myself am waiting until Booster number 26 is announced, and then I'll get jabbed again.
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    Canadians should worry more about democracy here than in the United States

    Yes, these are all serious issues. But I think Canada's most pressing problem in the end will turn out to be a demographic collapse. Our birth rate is below replacement level, and just at a time when the world's population is poised to fall. The U.S. has a younger population which gives it...
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    MANDATORY vaccination policy likely on its way, says Trudeau Health Minister

    People who are pushing for mandatory vaccinations should think carefully about what might happen. First of all, who is going to enforce the policy? Not the cops; they've already demonstrated that they won't be made the boogey man to please the provincial government. Gangs of thugs would have...
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    The Globe and Mail: We’re in the "You’re on your own" stage of the pandemic

    I used to see a naturopath, many years ago. On the first visit she gave me a sheet outlining the guiding principles of the trade. While I did eventually come to the conclusion that most of what they do is nonsense, one of their fundamentals has always stuck with me, i.e. "You are responsible...
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    any tips or advices on open relationship during marriage?

    Oh Coolman, you so need to move on. The fact that your wife would suggest this - or even tolerate it, if it was your idea - means that you have NO value, ZILCH value, NADA value in her eyes (Although she may intend on using you as a backup or a source of funds. See Goodoer's post #9 above)...
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    Hey, Y2K: I'll give you something alright. California Trust Act, 2013. Look it up. That will tell you all you need to know.
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    Covid: New heavily mutated variant B.1.1.529 in South Africa raises concern

    Jalimon: Viruses are always named according to where they are first isolated (Spanish flu, Asian flu, etc.) And a note to Gameboy. I know three people who were fully vaccinated but still caught Covid (all workers in a long-term care facility). In all three cases the illness was very mild...
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    Covid: New heavily mutated variant B.1.1.529 in South Africa raises concern

    Oh thank god! A new variant. For a moment I feared they had run out.
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    Becoming a stepdad?

    You will have to understand that "your" new woman will always put her kids before you. Of course that's also true if you are the father, but in that case they are your kids too, so it's easier to take. I came very close to becoming a step dad myself, when I was in my twenties. I backed off...
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    Ontario Vaccine Passport

    Does anybody here remember Brampton's (aborted ) attempt to force patrons of massage parlours to "register" at the front desk with a driver's license? The proposal was quickly dropped due to fierce opposition. (This was quite a number of years ago). Many people pointed out at the time that...
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    UK: Parents angry as secondary school installs CCTV in student toilets

    England, once the finest place on earth to live (I used to live there). Is there now no limit as to how low they can go?
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