Steeles Royal
Toronto Escorts

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  1. L

    Ebony outcall recommendation

    Hi everyone, will be spending some time in Ottawa and stayin downtown at the delta on Lyon. Was hoping you could recommend an ebony outcall. If not too many ebonys, than any outcall who is thick, big boobs and can handle deep throat. Thanks
  2. L

    Who can view PM's ?

    By default PM viewing is not part of Vbulletin. You can however install the plugin that will allow any admin or usergroup to view members PMs. I know this for a fact as I have installed it on some forums.
  3. L

    Parking ticket from Impark Parking - legally enforceable?

    i have gotten 2 of those tickets, never paid them, just ripped them up and garbage with them.. never heard anything from anyone and credit is fine..
  4. L

    Drunk girl ass kicked in Mexico

    That was a nice take down.. We will see him on UFC 101
  5. L

    Would an Admin fix the server time please.

    In my user options i have my timezone set to Eastern GMT-5.00. This is the correct timezone for Toronto. At the time of this post the time is 1:35PM but the forum says "All times are GMT -5. The time now is 01:05 PM." It is off by 1/2 hour and there is no timezone or dst setting for an 1/2...
  6. L

    City of Toronto - new garbage bin sizes

    Should I purchase a compactor to make the most of my new Garbage Bin? Solid Waste Management Services reserves the right to increase fees if we find that individual homeowners are compacting their waste. Our collectors will be monitoring the set out of compacted waste.
  7. L

    *** Watch out for this SITE!!! ***

    Actually what she is doing on that site is completely legal, she is grabbing information from a public site ( TRZ ) and displaying it on her site. It would be the same thing as me grabbing an add from TRZ and posting it here or any other forum/site. As soon as you submit your info to TRZ it is...
  8. L

    Is it possible.....

    How are you so certain there wasn’t 2 sisters? LOL just messing, but you are right, the correct way is "sister's"
  9. L

    Is it possible.....

    The right grammar would actually be "is that coffee yours or mine" There is no such word as "your's". There is "yours", "his", "hers", "ours", "mine" and "theirs" And it's not "apostrophy" it is "apostrophe" You are wrong there too, "sister's" is the equivalant of "sister is". To indicate...
  10. L

    More BBFS warnings !

    then maybe you should not have started your thread with : You are pinpointing 2 ladies in particular. Not any sp or MP out there as you so put it.
  11. L

    More BBFS warnings !

    How is your warning going to make us more or less carefull?? Are we supose to walk into an SP or MP and think, "shit, she better not try to pull some BBFS on me.. oh no she is grabbing my pecker, is she soing to do BBFS now ?" C'mon get realistic. Just like you walked away from it when she was...
  12. L

    More BBFS warnings !

    Pointless post if you not going to point out who.
  13. L

    How fast is your connection?

    5851 / 771 (Kbps) (714.3 / 94.1 KB/sec) Robbers Connection.
  14. L

    Income level of the average hobbyist

    What do you do ? I don't make that kinda money ( i wish) what i try to do is save up a little bit here and there and eventually have enough to see someone one. This can become and addictive hobby and I find that if i made alot more money i would probably be hobbying 3-4 times a week.
  15. L

    I hate my job never can get me a late date

    I think Sp's are not interrested in us late night guys because of security and I suppose they need sleep too :) As for security i would think it is just as insecure during the day as it would be a night. I enjoy this hobby, however i no get to play it much ... just sucks when you are ready to...
  16. L

    I hate my job never can get me a late date

    i hear you man, I miss my 9-5, mon-fri Here I am another night, feeling lonely and noone around.. argh :mad:
  17. L

    I hate my job never can get me a late date

    I hate my job, never have a steady schedule, most of the time only get off really late. By the time i get off spas are closed, no Escort wants to meet this late ( for incall) It just sucks. :mad:
  18. L

    Direct tv p4,p5 cards????

    Can you send me some info on this ??? Would love to get my p4 card done...
  19. L

    Bell Cell Phone needed

    What's your opinion on the V600 ??? I am considerign grabbing it my self.. I have been using my V60 for almost 2 years now and I swear by it.. the thing has never let me down anywhere in the world. Considering my travelling this hpone has never given me any problems.. Just swap teh chip and...
  20. L

    Simple Suggestion

    NEver thoguht about that.. Thanx
Toronto Escorts