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Bell Cell Phone needed


Oct 4, 2003
svtcobra said:
Same here I am a sucker for new cellphone/pda (palmOne Treo 600 ) combined. I bought another toy The Motorola v600. One thing I hate is contract with the phone compaines. I never get them and just pay full price and write it off on the business
What's your opinion on the V600 ??? I am considerign grabbing it my self.. I have been using my V60 for almost 2 years now and I swear by it.. the thing has never let me down anywhere in the world.

Considering my travelling this hpone has never given me any problems.. Just swap teh chip and away I go..

Is teh move to v600 worth it??
Laidlaw said:
What's your opinion on the V600 ??? I am considerign grabbing it my self.. I have been using my V60 for almost 2 years now and I swear by it.. the thing has never let me down anywhere in the world.

Considering my travelling this hpone has never given me any problems.. Just swap teh chip and away I go..

Is teh move to v600 worth it??

For me.. I love the phones. I've had a V60 then upped to the T720, which I still have and use and now the V600.. It is a great phone. Considering that most of ontario is dual band. This phone is quad band. Well some parts of ONtario is dual. They say it is fully dual but they are full of it. Anyway I like it.. I do travel and my old phones worked great in Europe last year.. The is great just changeing the chip and way you go.. i don't like leaving my
phone with ppl, not know what they will do.. My phone is my "life Line" I have allot of contact infno on it. Pluse it is secured by password. Which I like allot. They only bad thing I have to say is that it way over priced, since it is a new phone it is allot of coin

One more thing.. I have dropped my phones allot :) and they still keep ticking,


New member
Jul 7, 2003

svtcobra said:
Same here I am a sucker for new cellphone/pda (palmOne Treo 600 ) combined.
Are you on rogers and how do you like their GSM, how do you like the phone, compared to phone only solutions...Have you had a RIM?


RogerRabbit said:
Are you on rogers and how do you like their GSM, how do you like the phone, compared to phone only solutions...Have you had a RIM?

Yes I;m with rogers. I was with bell for years, but there service isn't all that great for me and my uses. I don't have and major complaits about Bell.

Rogers is great for me.. Since is is strictly digital service but I believe that you can get analog service too, but I really like it. There been a few times I've had full signal strength but my calls wont go through, and I've been told that when customerrs call me they don't get my answering service. GSM is wideley used in most countrys now mainly in Europe, I have traveled there a few times and all I have to do is get a new SIM card. I like rogers, ppl that I have spoken to say they are 50/50 with them. Anyway I hope this helps.

RogerRabbit said:
Thanks SVT!

Do you find the treo 600 keyboard is usable and how does the unit rate on a scale of 1-10?
Hey Roger,

The Treo is a really good unit. It is just what I needed and it is great small enough and it is not big. The keyboard is kind of small but it advertise as a big keyboard. To answer your question, yes it is manageable.




New member
Jul 7, 2003
svtcobra said:
Hey Roger,

The Treo is a really good unit. It is just what I needed and it is great small enough and it is not big. The keyboard is kind of small but it advertise as a big keyboard. To answer your question, yes it is manageable.


Appreciated SVT, thats what I found, in terms of their advertising/ hype...

Thanks for the clarification, I am debating between this and the blackberry...

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