Toronto Escorts

Parking ticket from Impark Parking - legally enforceable?


May 23, 2006
So last week I parked at a Impark parking lot where you put money in the machine and print a ticket - I was 10 minutes late getting back to my car and I get a "ticket" from Impark the company (not the police) for $89 !!!

Does anyone know if these 'private' parking lots can enforce their 'tickets'?


Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
You parked on private property... yes it is enforceable. Don't pay it and it will affect your credit rating.


May 23, 2006
how can they prove I was really parked there?


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
I had that happen to me several years ago, when the law made these tickets unenforceable around the time that guy who found out he had cancer was ticketed.

I was 15 minutes late, got a ticket with a ridiculous admin fee, then a "reminder" with another ridiculous fee attached. I sent a registered letter to the Impark president with 2 loonies and 2 quarters in the envelope (the difference between what I paid and the time I used) along with my opinion of his company's tactics and a promise I would go to the media and see him in court.

I never got a response or another bill. My last credit report was perfect, like normal.

Keep fighting these guys - they put in meters to cut costs of having a teller on site, but they have no problem paying more expensive security guards to write tickets. Just one of many cash grabs in this city! In any other parking lot, I would have been charged the difference before leaving, which I had no problem paying.

If I recall correctly, the law may have been reversed, but I am sick of people trying to fuck us over. Things happen, people are late. We owe the difference, fine, but why screw us over?

To this day, I have never parked at an Impark lot since - I will walk three extra blocks or more before I ever give those pricks another dime.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I got one a ticket from Impark. I was two minutes late as a result of a horrendous rain shower. (I chose to wait rather than get soaked to the bone).
I called them up explained & they canceled the ticket.

In this case honey worked better than vinegar.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Like Muffdiver, I got a ticket from a private lot during the time that the city banned that practice. I contacted the city and they quoted me by-law that prohibited it. So I send the company a letter quoting the law saying I wouldn't pay it, etc. I never heard from them again. But like MD said, I think I read that that law was over-turned. Try contacting the city and see if you are required to pay it.


New member
Sep 19, 2004
Impark takes a pic when they issue the ticket. And they are bastards about collections.

While they can't do anything to your plates, like government tickets do, they will release the hounds when it comes to getting their money. Pay it; then go out of your way never to use an Impark lot again.

As an aside, if you don't pay it; and they find your car in an Impark lot; they'll tow it.



Feb 23, 2004
LazMan said:
Impark takes a pic when they issue the ticket. And they are bastards about collections.

While they can't do anything to your plates, like government tickets do, they will release the hounds when it comes to getting their money. Pay it; then go out of your way never to use an Impark lot again.

As an aside, if you don't pay it; and they find your car in an Impark lot; they'll tow it.


I can attest to this. In my case it was a rental that had my CC number and billed me. I opted to pay from the States without dispute.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Because they're private you've got some negociating possibilities you wouldn't have w/ the Blue Meanies. You might try to pay for the parking only, and ask them to drop the penalty portion. Try them on fee for the 1st hour or part thereof (your 10 minutes over), and promise to sin no more. Of course, while they have proof you were over—'cause they issued the ticket—they have only your word it was just ten minutes and not all night. And they hafta pay for their own Blue Meanies.


69's a win/win situation
Dec 11, 2006
remember this about collection agencies in general, if you tell them that the amount of money the company you owe to is not correct, you do not owe it, the invoice/ticket/charge whatever is "in dispute" then they have to back off unless/untill there is a court order to back up the companies claim. collection agencies should not pursue amounts that are "in dispute". nor should they put them to credit bureaus.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I got one once.

Never paid it.

Never called them.

Never did anything.

Never heard from them.

First off, they can not find out your name. Sure, they have your plate, so what. They can not call up MTO and get your registration. Doesn't work that way.

Maybe they will keep your plate in some computer somewhere and if they are so equipped (doubt it) that they can access their records remotely and find your car parked in another one of their lots they could tow it.

Simple solution - don't park in IMPARK lots anymore.

In the future - Use Green P. They are municiple lots, so at least the money goes to funding the City of Toronto rather than some dude who owns IMPARK. Furthermore, if you are late at Green P, they will generally cut you some slack, or at the very least ask you to leave a cheque in a courtesy envelope - usually 4 or 6 bucks.
Feb 21, 2007
I sometime go for lunch at a building up the street from where I work. Parking had always been free for visitors and customers of the businesses in that building, up to two hours.

Impark came in and started parking enforcement. The put a very small sign at the entrances to the lot, and the cash/ticket issuing machine at the very far end of the lot, well away from the building's main entrance. As you can guess, they were issueing tickets left right and center for the first few months, because you even had to have the ticket on your dash if you were under two hours(which was free, BTW).

I got a ticket.

I mentioned it to the lunch counter cashier the next time, and she told me, "don't pay it, they have no legal power to enforce it".

Never paid it.

Nothing happened.

This was over three years ago.


Retired Hobby Horse Rider
Apr 5, 2006
on a similiar note..i got 2 tickets on a Canadian Car rental that i used for driving down thru Washington state. I didn't pay them and thats close to a year ago. i didn't get nailed on my visa either . Greedy Hertz always fucks up my car order a fuel efficent they give you a SUV

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
JohnFK said:
I think parking in their lot gives them the right to do a search of your identity for the sole purpose of legal action or collections.

Unlike the old days where one can pay $6.50 to the MOT and get the address on any plate #, the identity search can only be done by officers of the court, ie. lawyers, for legitimate lawsuits, etc., as I understand it.
No, they cannot search your ID. As far as the gov't is concerned, it's a private issue between you and the lot and the gov't isn't in the business of selling personal information to some parking lot guy.

If you remember a few years ago, the 407 was pissed off at MTO because MTO was not going to help the 407 collect unpaid debts. (There was some pissing match over 407 tolls.)

When SLF bought the 407 from the gov't 10 years ago, part of the agreement stated that the MTO would in fact collect debts for the 407 at the time any dead beat went to renew his or her Licence Sticker. It was only because this was part of the contract of the selling of the 407 did the gov't have no choice but to help the 407.


New member
Jun 7, 2004
james t kirk said:
No, they cannot search your ID. As far as the gov't is concerned, it's a private issue between you and the lot and the gov't isn't in the business of selling personal information to some parking lot guy.

If you remember a few years ago, the 407 was pissed off at MTO because MTO was not going to help the 407 collect unpaid debts. (There was some pissing match over 407 tolls.)

When SLF bought the 407 from the gov't 10 years ago, part of the agreement stated that the MTO would in fact collect debts for the 407 at the time any dead beat went to renew his or her Licence Sticker. It was only because this was part of the contract of the selling of the 407 did the gov't have no choice but to help the 407.
I have never received an Impark ticket in Ontario but I did receive one in BC years ago. Somehow, they must know some at ICBC or have access to the system at ICBC. They got my name and address - so they called and tried to collect from me. Their practice in Ontario may be different.


Oct 4, 2003
i have gotten 2 of those tickets, never paid them, just ripped them up and garbage with them.. never heard anything from anyone and credit is fine..
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