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I hate my job never can get me a late date


Oct 4, 2003
I hate my job, never have a steady schedule, most of the time only get off really late. By the time i get off spas are closed, no Escort wants to meet this late ( for incall) It just sucks.
You took the words right out of my mouth...

Was thinking the same thing. I used to have the dream job with occasional trips, it didn't seem like work, even with many tight deadlines. Challenges that we enjoyed solving. With people that appeicated you. We used to joke around a lot, had a blast. Look forwarded to work, as we were like family, we hung out afterwork and had great times.

Now I make more $ but lose out on personal time. I rather make less, enjoy life and be happy. Money don't buy me happiness...


Oct 4, 2003
goodtime said:
Was thinking the same thing. I used to have the dream job with occasional trips, it didn't seem like work, even with many tight deadlines. Challenges that we enjoyed solving. With people that appeicated you. We used to joke around a lot, had a blast. Look forwarded to work, as we were like family, we hung out afterwork and had great times.

Now I make more $ but lose out on personal time. I rather make less, enjoy life and be happy. Money don't buy me happiness...
i hear you man, I miss my 9-5, mon-fri

Here I am another night, feeling lonely and noone around.. argh :mad:

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
It's surprising there aren't more latenight spots considering the growing numbers of people working crazy hours. For the SP, Midnight is a lot more discreete for appartment buildings, and if you need 911, the response is probably quicker with alot less congestion.

Then again, I doubt I'd use such a service. Wondering if I'm the 8th guy served that day would put me off. Only problem with going early is I'd need just the right time so as not to be late for work afterwards.
Last edited:


Oct 4, 2003
Hard Idle said:
It's surprising there aren't more latenight spots considering the growing numbers of people working crazy hours. For the SP, Midnight is a lot more discreete for appartment buildings, and if you need 911, the response is probably quicker with alot less congestion.

Then again, I doubt I'd use such a service. Wondering if I'm the 8th guy served that day would put me off. Only problem with going early is I'd need just the right time so as not to be late for work afterwards.
I think Sp's are not interrested in us late night guys because of security and I suppose they need sleep too :) As for security i would think it is just as insecure during the day as it would be a night.

I enjoy this hobby, however i no get to play it much ... just sucks when you are ready to go, spend a little money, have some fun and no one willing ..


New member
Mar 1, 2005
late or early hours

fullmetal said:
cant you book a sp on ur days off ? u do get a day off dont u :confused:
Alot of spas are open till 2 am ... and many sp provide early appt. I know I do.. anywhere from 6 am.. eve


Active member
Dec 20, 2002
What time to you get off work..............most agencies are open late espically if you make an appotiment ahead of time..........


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Call in sick and order in a nurse :)


Aug 26, 2001
Laidlaw said:
I hate my job, never have a steady schedule, most of the time only get off really late. By the time i get off spas are closed, no Escort wants to meet this late ( for incall) It just sucks.
You hate your job becauseof the hours and your first priority on what to do with your personal time is giving your money away to the first woman? :confused:

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Why not just call the girls you're interested in meeting with and explain your situation? Lots would be willing to book a late night appointment if you give them advance notice. Mind you, it's a big help if they've seen you before, so they can trust that you're serious.


Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
n_v said:
You hate your job becauseof the hours and your first priority on what to do with your personal time is giving your money away to the first woman? :confused:
As opposed to?
Isn' t that what we talk about on this page?
I'm a total night owl and love late night appointments as long as they are pre-arranged in some way, shape or form. I would be very open if a gentleman called me up and explained his situation - like Morgan suggested - and I'm sure many other indie girls may feel the same way.

Now if the phone rang at 4am and I was actually in bed and sleeping....I reserve the right to be cranky:)



New member
Feb 2, 2005
If you can either pre book, or pre contact the SP. You are right that most times SP's are not interested in those midnight calls, 9/10 of the guys calling are not the most appealling clients to take at that time {ie, just leaving a bar, etc}

If you at least make contact with SP before hand and explain that you work and want a late night session but you wanted to make contact before hand so she knows you are not one of those drunk guys looking for a quick fix, you might actually have a better chance at getting it.



Aug 26, 2001
Hard Idle said:
As opposed to?
Isn' t that what we talk about on this page?
Not on the first free minute. At least not for me.
Let me see

fullmetal said:
just book on ur days off , i did that when i worked shiftwork , do it on your days off .
In my line of work, days off is called O.T. Yes, more $ means more taxes. When you add it all up, the gain is so minimal. One benefit is get to kick some ass every now and then. There are many eye-candies, I tried to stay in my corner so not to get too distracted. No, I don't work in MP or SC!

The hours I'm off work, I'm tired & stressed out. Just looking for a quick meal (the gastric kind), time to whine down, sex is last thing on mind but a massage or cuddle with a pretty woman would be heaven. I know few MP (and SP) with late hours but don't want to subject her to my untidy look at end of the day. Prefer to look fresh if I can't look my best. Yes, its like a date for some of us.
But I won't turn down Phone sex, ha ha.

Mornings are for catch up on sleep as I'm so sleep-deprived. Before getting to work, its CP24 for traffic/weather.
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