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*** Watch out for this SITE!!! ***


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Hi Ladies ...

I do a lot of my advertising on the Redzone as most of you do as well!! So I wanted to make sure you all are aware of the following site - stealing your information off of the REDZONE, and posting it on their site.


When I spoke to "SHERLY" from the site she said that everyone recieved an email to be approved to advertise on their site (which is bullshit - seeing as I NEVER aprroved) and they were advertising us with out us paying for the advertising!! I told her to remove our promotions off their site within 24 hours, because it is ILLEGAL to use pictures, phone numbers and email addresses that have not be authorized!! She tried to tell me that I was wrong...

If you don't care if your advertised on their site - then don't worry about it... But for those girls who want to know where all your advertising is, and are not expecting to be advertised without your knowledge, make sure to make a stand!!!

Thank you
Cindy xo


Oct 4, 2003
Cindy_2007 said:
I told her to remove our promotions off their site within 24 hours, because it is ILLEGAL to use pictures, phone numbers and email addresses that have not be authorized!! She tried to tell me that I was wrong...
Actually what she is doing on that site is completely legal, she is grabbing information from a public site ( TRZ ) and displaying it on her site. It would be the same thing as me grabbing an add from TRZ and posting it here or any other forum/site. As soon as you submit your info to TRZ it is now public information.

Sure you can ask to have it removed, but by law she does not have to. Look at it as free advertising is the best way...


New member
Aug 8, 2007
Laidlaw said:
Actually what she is doing on that site is completely legal, she is grabbing information from a public site ( TRZ ) and displaying it on her site. It would be the same thing as me grabbing an add from TRZ and posting it here or any other forum/site. As soon as you submit your info to TRZ it is now public information.

Sure you can ask to have it removed, but by law she does not have to. Look at it as free advertising is the best way...
Ok I seriously don't think it's right that the person can TAKE your information and post it on their site without PERMISSION!!!

I give REDZONE permission to advertise my phone number, pictures and emails...

Some girls in this business don't want their information posted anywhere and everywhere over the net without approval - they are intittled to this... FREE OR NOT... We should have a right and say where our "pictures" and "information" are posted!!

That's the way I look at it!!

Cindy xo


New member
Oct 20, 2007
Laidlaw said:
Actually what she is doing on that site is completely legal, she is grabbing information from a public site ( TRZ ) and displaying it on her site. It would be the same thing as me grabbing an add from TRZ and posting it here or any other forum/site. As soon as you submit your info to TRZ it is now public information.
But the question is: Is TRZ a public or private site?

I'm pretty sure there are copyright laws preventing me from stealing videos
and pics from a *private* porn site and displaying them on my own website.


New member
Aug 8, 2007
kitaa said:
I don't think it's legal for that bullshit site that Cindy posted above to take ads from another site and post them on their site without permission of TRZ or the ad creators. After all it's taking possibble traffic away from TRZ and those ads are the actual money making content! They are stealing content not ads ... :eek:

Cindy you should contact TRZ about this.
I actually did contact them... And we have contacted the Hosting for fleshforplay.com

So now we're just waiting on hearing back from them!!

Thank you for the advice though :)

Cindy xo


New member
Aug 28, 2002
kitaa said:
I don't think it's legal for that bullshit site that Cindy posted above to take ads from another site and post them on their site without permission of TRZ or the ad creators. After all it's taking possibble traffic away from TRZ and those ads are the actual money making content! They are stealing content not ads ... :eek:

Cindy you should contact TRZ about this.
I agree with the sentiment that ads posted on one site should not be used on another. And I don't like the "negative option" tactics either. Just because an email was sent, doesn't mean that no response to it gives"permission" to use the images. Typically, emails like this say "if you tell us to, we will use your images, otherwise, we won't" not "if you don't reply, we assume consent."

However, I don't know the "illegal" grounds for this - especially because The Redzone does not have (at least from what I can see), any "Terms of Use" on it. I checked three random sites (Microsoft, Apple and CNN) and at the bottom, they all have terms of use that users agree to when they use the site. Perhaps if the Redzone had something like this, then there may be a case to be made.

In fact, when I try to copy images, the Redzone pop-up simply says "The function has been disabled", not "It is illegal and against the terms of use to take pictures from this site." I guess I'm telling The Redzone to be get a basic TOU policy in place to prevent this from happening in the future and give it a leg to stand on.


Nov 2, 2007
I think that the anger is misdirected

Who cares....to say the advertiser "doesn't want their info anywhere and everywhere on the net' ....hmmmmmm.....where do these ladies think it is? Anyone, including Mom and Dad, can see the info if they have a computer anywhere in the world.

Not sure what the beef is..other than some people seem to be a little righteous and just wanna say something. I say..go work at a foodbank and do something that matters. Complaining about this is just wasted breath!!!


New member
Nov 4, 2007
I'm not a legal expert, but I believe an advertisement is considered differently from an article. If I post an article (or even a blog entry), that is public domain and can be referenced on another site if proper attribution is given.

An advertisement is different because it represents an endorsement of the publication (or web site). I may choose to advertise in the Globe and Mail, but not in the Sun. If the Sun took my ad from the Globe and ran it for free, I could ask them to stop if I didn't want my name associated with the Sun for some reason.

What these people are probably doing is trying to start up a new escort advertising site, but it's hard to get started without any content. So, they copy postings from existing sites to seed their site.


Oct 16, 2007
I always approach INTERNET content or information I put out there as public. I was associated with a community adult site where I paid, posted pics, etc. I was surprised to hear it had been lock stock and barrel sold. Even though there were notices everywhere that picture content was owned by the contributor I had no real ability to access said content and remove it.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
It is not legal. The advertisers on RZ own the copyright on their text and photos. Another site can link to them if they get permission but just ripping off the info is a NONO.

Having said that, it's very hard to enforce. Going to court is expensive and it takes a long time for court date. The best recourse is the one already taken: Contact the ISP. Most will react to a breach of copyright.

Actually, the RedZone should be the one most concerned since the material is ripped off from there and they even copied the color of the site.

While some may not mind the extra advertising, it is not a good idea to lose control of your ads. An emergency may arise where you want the ads taken down. The RZ will do it but good luck with these guys.

Ah, the Internet -- love it or hate it -- privacy is out the window.


Dec 27, 2006
It will get worse

Who cares....to say the advertiser "doesn't want their info anywhere and everywhere on the net' ....hmmmmmm.....where do these ladies think it is? Anyone, including Mom and Dad, can see the info if they have a computer anywhere in the world.

Not sure what the beef is..other than some people seem to be a little righteous and just wanna say something. I say..go work at a foodbank and do something that matters. Complaining about this is just wasted breath!!!

Saw a demo of software that can be used on a PC that "Googles" the net based on feeding in a person's picture and it looks for matches. I can just imagine a dad 'picture googling' his sweet child and seeing her in an entire new light when the results pop up.


New member
Dec 28, 2005
Morally out raged call girl

You may not think it is right and should not be legal but if every one thought something that was not right should be illegal you would be allowed to do what you are doing .

If I paid and ran an ad and some one copied that ad and gave it more exposure for free I would be thanking them
Cindy_2007 said:
Ok I seriously don't think it's right that the person can TAKE your information and post it on their site without PERMISSION!!!

I give REDZONE permission to advertise my phone number, pictures and emails...

Some girls in this business don't want their information posted anywhere and everywhere over the net without approval - they are intittled to this... FREE OR NOT... We should have a right and say where our "pictures" and "information" are posted!!

That's the way I look at it!!

Cindy xo


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Sadly, the law and common sense (or what is right) often don't mesh, which is a big problem with our society.


Mar 28, 2007
Yes, it's unfortunate however I am glad for those who expose these misdeeds to the rest of us so we can be selective of our business.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
wow the fleshforplay site seems to be an exact copy of the redzone... I bet you the dude copied all his coding off the redzone site... too bad its damn fucking slowwwwww!
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