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  1. 7

    Asiana airplane crashs in San Fransisco

    Once again, while I am very hesitant to lay the blame squarely on any of the pilots, the comments by the NTSB chair continue to point at lack of situational awareness by any of the flight crew.... Regardless of the number of hours the flying pilot had on the 777, regardless of the number of...
  2. 7

    Asiana airplane crashs in San Fransisco

    This ^ The 777 is a magnificent plane, her only flaw are the humans that fly her..... While of course it is too early to tell if it was pilot error, the video shows too low, too slow.......the NTSB comments that they were 'significantly lower than target airspeed, the early indications of a...
  3. 7

    Air France official report crash ruling on AF447: pilots 'lost control'

    Unfortunately, this is a very damning report on the cockpit management techniques that these two pilots used. While I am always careful to not jump to conclusions, nor judge the decision making process these guys followed....... it certainly does not look good. They spent far too much time...
  4. 7

    Air France 447 data module recovered!!!

    Rubmeister, I agree wholeheartedly with your points, well said. As far as AF 447, while I don't want to second guess what the Captain was thinking as he flew into a line of thunderstorms, it does raise a lot of concerns in terms of their decision making and their inability to properly assess...
  5. 7

    Was I being set up to get "played"?

    +! It's not as if you are helpless here. Go out with her, have lunch and see what she is all about, if she starts dragging you around asking you to buy her stuff......then leave, otherwise whats wrong with buying the lady lunch and seeing the 'other' side of her......who knows maybe next time...
  6. 7

    Escaped crocodile sparked panic which brought down airliner killing 20 people

    Hey Alex, interesting read for sure ! I did spend a lot of time flying cargo all over Northern Ontario in my earlier years........thankfully nothing as exotic as this..well not to my knowledge anyway ! Actually, I think the biggest problem Air Canada has with 'nuts', are the 'nuts' who have run...
  7. 7

    Nutty Ruling: Air Canada ordered to create nut-free buffer zones on planes

    Actually many airlines have specific policies in place when dealing with a broad range of issues, whether it be an allergy or disability. The best way to find out is to check on the particular airlines Web-page for what their policy is towards allergies etc. Calling in advance of the flight...
  8. 7

    Rick Sanchez fired from CNN - Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All

    His career at CNN was over anyway, because Elliot Spitzer was taking his time slot anyway.......nice way to go out with a bang.........
  9. 7

    Amanda (escorts-canada and CL)

    +1 CK, i suspect your wise advice will continue to go unnoticed......she doesn't seem to be getting the point....this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion...... Amanda, take a deep breath, READ what people are writing ( they are trying to help YOU ), then take the advice in the good...
  10. 7

    going public on terb

    Hi Amber, Thank you for being inspirational, and sharing your story with us........wish you all the best......
  11. 7

    Favourite US City?

    Hands down Las Vegas, I just love that City, always alive and so much to do...... Boston for the BEST seafood in the country.......hands down.... Chicago for the beauty of the lakefront ( Toronto TAKE NOTE PLEASE ) and clean suburbs,,,
  12. 7


    Having flown for an American Airline for the past 15 or so years, I can certainly agree that some American's are arrogant and brash. God knows I have seen my fair share of of self centred, pompous asses, whose cockpit management skills rival those of 5 year olds as they fight over the last...
  13. 7


    SOME of what you say may be true.....they are certainly an arrogant bunch ( I work for a US company ), but time and time again, the American's have always been the ones to bare the burden....... WW2, Korean War, Gulf War 1991......we have tagged along of course....but in the end, as loud and...
  14. 7


    Hey Rock As a child, i rode my bicycle everywhere.......but gave it up once I got married and being busy got in the way.... 3 years ago on Father's day, I got the bug I went to a bike shop and asked to buy a 10 speed......after the entire store stopped laughing, I was fully...
  15. 7

    Ryanair CEO's latest loony idea: Nix co-pilots on flights, save money

    Modern Jet Liners are engineered to have fully redundant systems, there is no way they would allow a single point of failure.......the Captain..... This will never get past the regulatory bodies, regardless of how advanced the technology may be........we will always have 2 pilots on a...
  16. 7

    British Airways 777 jet in close call after accidental takeoff from too short runway

    Thankfully this is not a common occurrence, but it has occurred a few times in the past.....sometimes with disastrous in point, 747 from Singapore airlines took off on a wrong runway ( under construction ) killing half the passengers...... There were a number of reasons...
  17. 7

    Flight attendant snaps, makes dramatic exit

    I have been in the airline industry for 30 or so years since my late teens, this incident is certainly one of the more bizarre ones..... First of all, why is the media glamourizing what this guy did, and make him a folk hero ???? What this CLOWN did was endanger the lives of his passengers...
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