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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
9-11 May we never forget those who perished and those who are still suffering with the loss of a loved one or illness's resulting from it. :mad:

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
God Bless them all.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008

September 11th, 2001 a date that will live forever in infamy.

No mosque near Ground Zero.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I say we honor their memory by moving on. I don't think those who died would want this steady state of war to continue for almost a decade since it happen. How many countless thousands of innocents have died only ensuring that another worse 911 will happen. I am not saying nothing should have been done.. but Iraq was an atrocity, a lie a crime and was a evil act perpetrated in the name of 911 victims.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

September 11th, 2001 a date that will live forever in infamy.

No mosque near Ground Zero.
I was down at the site about a week later and then in NY for business when the blue lights were shining....



New member
Jul 30, 2009

Ok heres my take on 9/11. You may disagree, but its my opinion. It was a bad day for the Americans, but i thibk they actually brought it on themselves. They are constantly trying to ram thier customs and beliefs down everyones throaghts. Just because they are bigger and stronger then everyone else, they remind me of a schoolyard bully.

Secondly the terrorists should not have attacked civilian targets they should have went after military places.

Before you start callling me a heartless bastard, i stand behind our troops, ive lost a friend in this war, and im as patriotic as they come.

These are just my thoughts, agree or disagree, its my right to have opinions.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Indeed they have generated a lot of hatred against them. And I don't agree it is only jealousy. America has caused a great deal of suffering, some of it is genuinely unintentional, some of it was in the name of "American Interests". 911 was an act of war, but I don't believe it was the opening act. Just the first time in a long time that one of Americas many enemies was successful at striking back. I think it has also brought home the realization that the cost of unconditional support for Israel isn't just the 2-5B/year they send over. To me they have compounded the problem substantially since 911, and the brief Obama honeymoon is rapidly dissipating. Unless he delivers some major changes in policy, it will be viewed as all talk.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I don't think those who died would want this steady state of war to continue for almost a decade since it happen.
I dunno.... many of their families are the ones who are making a big stink about that mosque (how it dishonors their memories).

Anyway God Bless America on this tragic anniversary. But to be completely honest I'm kinda tired over how much hype make over the anniversary. Some people think it was one of the most tragic things that ever happened (it's not). I gave my minute of silence today and I'm done.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
There is some truth to that statement. You sometimes reap what you sew. Heck, you are talking to someone who feels little sympathy for the Japanese when they got hit with the bomb. The Japanese were aa brutal power and had it coming.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Ok heres my take on 9/11. You may disagree, but its my opinion. It was a bad day for the Americans, but i thibk they actually brought it on themselves. They are constantly trying to ram thier customs and beliefs down everyones throaghts. Just because they are bigger and stronger then everyone else, they remind me of a schoolyard bully.

Secondly the terrorists should not have attacked civilian targets they should have went after military places.

Before you start callling me a heartless bastard, i stand behind our troops, ive lost a friend in this war, and im as patriotic as they come.

These are just my thoughts, agree or disagree, its my right to have opinions.
SOME of what you say may be true.....they are certainly an arrogant bunch ( I work for a US company ), but time and time again, the American's have always been the ones to bare the burden....... WW2, Korean War, Gulf War 1991......we have tagged along of course....but in the end, as loud and boisterous as they are, they have helped in time of need, always.............

Who took on the Nazi's, The Chinese (Korean War ), Saddam ( 91 not 2003 ) and now the Taliban ....always the American's were front and centre......

They did NOT deserve 911.....period......


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
....always the American's were front and centre......
I do think that if the US decided to take a more isolationist approach, they will be badly missed. The same people who are telling the US to mind their own business now will be complaining about an indifferent US attitude who is not getting involved.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I do think that if the US decided to take a more isolationist approach, they will be badly missed. The same people who are telling the US to mind their own business now will be complaining about an indifferent US attitude who is not getting involved.
I tend to agree with you.... I'm not a master of history, but wasn't a portion of the thinking in Germany (and Japan possilby) was the fact that they didn't think the Americans would actually get involved in their war beyond sending some supplies? If I recall correctly the thinking of the majority of Americans pre-Pearl Harbour was that it didn't concern them and they should stay out of it.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
There is some truth to that statement. You sometimes reap what you sew. Heck, you are talking to someone who feels little sympathy for the Japanese when they got hit with the bomb. The Japanese were aa brutal power and had it coming.
I have little sympathy for the destruction of the Japanese. What they did to other Asians during WWII was sickening and the product of a depraved society. Of course there are always innocents... but the fact they even warned the Japanese and gave them one last chance to surrender shows that America was humane. I am sure if China or the Phillipines had the bomb they would have dropped 100 of them on the Japanese.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
SOME of what you say may be true.....they are certainly an arrogant bunch ( I work for a US company ), but time and time again, the American's have always been the ones to bare the burden....... WW2, Korean War, Gulf War 1991......we have tagged along of course....but in the end, as loud and boisterous as they are, they have helped in time of need, always.............

Who took on the Nazi's, The Chinese (Korean War ), Saddam ( 91 not 2003 ) and now the Taliban ....always the American's were front and centre......

They did NOT deserve 911.....period......
Of course I have a great deal of sympathy for all the individuals killed and injured. It is always the civilains that suffer the most in a war. Canadas is like an extension of the US. We profit from that relationship (as do they). In terms of suffering caused by 911 vs the suffering caused by the US in the last 25 years I would say the US still has a LARGE Karmic defict. But there is a lot of good in America as well. In that sense she is paradoxical.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
SOME of what you say may be true.....they are certainly an arrogant bunch Korean War, Who took on the Nazi's,......always the American's were front and centre......
The Americans were shoulder to shoulder with the British, Canadians, and many other countries in Korea.

As far as WW2 is concerned, it's easy to come in and look like a hero when you sit on the sidelines for more than 2 years while other countries are fighting the good fight. (Same thing happened in WW1).


New member
Jan 19, 2006
As far as WW2 is concerned, it's easy to come in and look like a hero when you sit on the sidelines for more than 2 years while other countries are fighting the good fight. (Same thing happened in WW1).
But what if the U.S. hadn't come in at all?
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