

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Jan 26, 2010
I believe the Allies would still have won, in a much longer, bloodier war.
And likely with the Soviet Union controlling most of Western Europe. Not much of a victory, in my opinion. It's bad enough that the Allies let the Soviet Union take over Eastern Europe, especially Poland.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Having flown for an American Airline for the past 15 or so years, I can certainly agree that some American's are arrogant and brash. God knows I have seen my fair share of of self centred, pompous asses, whose cockpit management skills rival those of 5 year olds as they fight over the last lollipop.......childish and immature at best.....yes.....some certainly need a swift kick in the ass.

However, having been amongst them during 911, I can tell you they were profoundly affected by this event, and they will carry those wounds with them for many lifetimes.........many now preach an isolationist approach......let's hope this doesn't happen.........again, as I said, they did NOT deserve 911.....

Also, a quick read of the history books will show if it was not for the American Industrial machine supplying the UK AND The Soviet Union in WW2, as well as committing their military into the war, the war in Europe would have been lost......those facts are indisputable....


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Ok heres my take on 9/11. You may disagree, but its my opinion. It was a bad day for the Americans, but i thibk they actually brought it on themselves. They are constantly trying to ram thier customs and beliefs down everyones throaghts. Just because they are bigger and stronger then everyone else, they remind me of a schoolyard bully.

Secondly the terrorists should not have attacked civilian targets they should have went after military places.

Before you start callling me a heartless bastard, i stand behind our troops, ive lost a friend in this war, and im as patriotic as they come.

These are just my thoughts, agree or disagree, its my right to have opinions.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but it is sometimes better to keep your opinions to yourself.

Terrorism defined! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriotism Your comments are not very patriotic.

If you lost a friend in war, my condolences. I lost a friend on 9-11 and in Afganistan.

You may or may not understand the full realm of 9-11. It was not only an attack on America; it was an attack on the world.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I believe the Allies would still have won, in a much longer, bloodier war.
Hard to say, it is possible it might have gone on long enough for the Germans to perfect nuclear weapons... which would have been game over. Even the US would probably have been occupied.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Having flown for an American Airline for the past 15 or so years, I can certainly agree that some American's are arrogant and brash. God knows I have seen my fair share of of self centred, pompous asses, whose cockpit management skills rival those of 5 year olds as they fight over the last lollipop.......childish and immature at best.....yes.....some certainly need a swift kick in the ass.

However, having been amongst them during 911, I can tell you they were profoundly affected by this event, and they will carry those wounds with them for many lifetimes.........many now preach an isolationist approach......let's hope this doesn't happen.........again, as I said, they did NOT deserve 911.....

Also, a quick read of the history books will show if it was not for the American Industrial machine supplying the UK AND The Soviet Union in WW2, as well as committing their military into the war, the war in Europe would have been lost......those facts are indisputable....
Hard to say, the russians also produced quite a bit of materiel themselves. In either case the US did make a big contribution to WWII. Enormous actually. But so did Canada.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts