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    Mandarin Buffet

    I've never noticed a lack of Asian customers, or a lack of customers of any given ethnicity at Mandarin. Of course it's not authentic or traditional but a great many people like that sodium-laden fattening stuff once in a blue moon regardless of their ethnicity. Sometimes the "fake" junk hits...
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    Mandarin Buffet

    Why does anyone eat at McDonalds, Swiss Chalet, or any other corporate big box restaurant? Mandarin is exceptionally clean for a buffet and because of the volume you're always getting something that's pretty freshly cooked.
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    DUI Question for the legal ones....

    Ironic coming from a guy with a FORD FOR MAYOR .GIF as his signature.
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    Disabled woman denied entry to U.S. after agent cites supposedly private medical.....

    I suspect you know damn well this was likely just an overzealous rookie looking to score points with the boss.
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    Disabled woman denied entry to U.S. after agent cites supposedly private medical.....

    There won't be a CPIC record created for you if the police are called for a suicide threat/attempt (though the police force in question will have a file for you) Here's what's in CPIC: CPIC is broken down into four data banks: Investigative, Identification, Intelligence and Ancillary[5] which...
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    Ford should take notes from Bush

    You've really jumped the shark once Dubya laughs at the mere mention of your name
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    I said make of it what you will. Much of what has been posted on that board re Rob Ford has turned out to be remarkably prescient.
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    I found a few cryptic things about Ford and escort allegations via google. Make of it what you will: "I'll volunteer. I've largely stayed away from this madness today and have worked behind the scenes. Besides speaking with Council staff, I met with a TPS source today regarding information...
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    Don't know if this has been posted or not: Rob Ford fitness consultant a convicted steroid trafficker, banned from coaching in Canada: NP Does Rob Ford know a...
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    I've found Jesus!

    Here's what Ford's probably going to pull next (skip to the 3 minute mark)
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    Who Are The Pedophiles?

    This isn't to downplay the crimes committed by some priests but pedophiles likely are equally distributed throughout professions. You can't just become a priest by filling out a job application like you would to get a job at Tim Horton's. I'm going to guess that a pedophile would have to be...
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    By the bastion of bolshevism that is the National Post: The most surprising allegation against Rob Ford is that he doesn’t appear to respect the taxpayers There are several instances where police are told that the mayor’s young staffers — whose salaries are paid for by the taxpayer — were...
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    You know if Wynne's own mother goes on TV and says the premier needs a breathalyzer in her vehicle you can be rightfully outraged that she might end up removing Ford from office. Until that happens you're just arguing because Ford is on your side.
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    Can you still use the NEXUS lane if you bought stuff at the duty free? Or what if you've spent $ above your personal exemption?
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    Choose your company wisely Jon and you'll never have to worry about it. P.S. do you sincerely think Rob Ford needs a fucking DRINK of all things ?
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    So basically you think that Toronto should put up with having a violent, lying, drug-addled mayor because he likes being mayor and you feel sorry for him? There are some really slimy politicians who thank their lucky stars every morning that there are people like you around. P.S What job are...
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    If it's alleged you were with a prominent politician on a night it's claimed he was engaging in discreditable conduct your name is going to come out. It's really telling of what kind of a person you are that you're troubled by the fact these issues involving the mayor are being reported, rather...
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    I never called her an escort. She is alleged by one of Ford's staffers to be one and was allegedly "partying" with Ford. These allegations are a matter of public interest.
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    Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?

    Justice Nordheimer thought it was of public interest. The media is just reporting on what was made available. Like it or not prostitution itself may be legal but just about every facet of it is in a legal grey area. If you keep company with a prominent politician who turns out to be a compulsive...
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    Toronto voters want a right wing politician who is not Rob Ford

    I have no idea if people want a mayor who is right wing or left wing. Who the hell answers their landline to talk to pollsters nowadays anyway? I am pretty sure however that Toronto voters from across the political spectrum want a mayor who isn't a violent alcoholic and drug user though.
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