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  1. U

    Warning to all terbites crossing the border!!!

    The US side will have a major issue with an alien trying to enter the US with the intent of seeing escorts. I'm guessing you're an American hence the reason they didn't make an issue out of the fact you went to Toronto to see an escort. It's not like they can ban you from returning to your own...
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    Stop believing everything you read. There's probably as much truth to this "bubbling" phenomena as there was to the stories of an eyeball licking fad and tales of teenagers shoving vodka-soaked tampons up their assholes and vaginas to get stealth drunk.
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    He has been doing nothing but apologizing for one thing after another since November only to do something even more egregious each and every time. Besides which, his apologies are of the "I'm sorry if I've offended you, it's in the past" variety and not unqualified apologies. If he were truly...
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    You are hopelessly blinded by your political views if you think Wynne or any other Canadian leader has a worse track record than Ford. No Canadian leader past or present comes anywhere close to Ford's record of clusterfucks and buffoonery. He is a disgrace to the city and country and if he were...
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    Civic leadership is not the place for an active alcoholic and drug user. What happens to drug addicts and alcoholics in the private sector is neither here nor there. Joe Blow at your dad's company isn't the head of a government. It's interesting how lovey-dovey and oh-so-compassionate you feel...
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    Yes, I'm sure Toronto suddenly figures in many people's itineraries because the chief magistrate is an obese, drug-addled alcoholic liar and all around piece of shit with yellow teeth. Give your head a good and hard shake.
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    Do you accept Rob Ford's apology?

    The time for apologies is long gone. If the fat fuck had any honour he would have resigned a long time ago rather than subject the city and country to international ridicule. He is not in the least bit sorry for anything.
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    Warning to all terbites crossing the border!!!

    What? Any involvement in the sex trade as a worker or a "hobbyist" is conduct of "moral turpitude" and is grounds for exclusion from the United States. People have been denied entry for admitting to having smoked marijuana at some point in their youth. Next time you cross the Peace Bridge tell...
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    Paul Bernardo to marry?

    Richard Ramirez got married in prison too. I'm sure Bernardo gets letters from sick admirers all the time. Anders Breivik gets "fan mail" every day. Nothing surprising.
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    ??? Countless people are working at any given moment. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a shortage of willing bartenders.
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    Why should bars have to stop serving at all? I'm sure there are plenty of shift workers who'd like a drink at 6-7am the end of their workday.
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    Let's put 1.1 Billion into Perspective

    The Cons tried to cover it up. Similar to a man who goes into debt because of gambling and tries to hide it from his spouse.
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    Did you vote yet?

    How classy...
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    Bill C-36 What About Agencies?

    It's clear you have your head in the sand because your entire business model will soon be unsustainable. Nobody should assume that agencies are going to remain open or that review boards will remain as-is. Nothing should be taken for granted at this point. This is a board by johns for johns...
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    Wynne Win

    Ontario is still the largest net contributor to equalization to the tune of about $11 billion. Ontario is suffering because of the decline of manufacturing in North America, coupled with a federal government that is only interested in exporting muck out of the ground rather than do anything for...
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    bill 36 101 - whens the soonest it could be implemented
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    Three RCMP officers killed in mass shooting in Moncton.

    A gun is designed to maim and kill. It's not unreasonable to expect owners of such things to be diligent about filing the appropriate paperwork. If you're not organized or bright enough to do it in a timely fashion or don't understand what is expected of you it's not unreasonable to revoke your...
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    School Year in Elementary and Secondary Schools

    Kids often have to catch-up in September because they forget much of what they've learned. I would favour kids getting a one month break in either July or August over having 2 months. I can also see a benefit to a school day that ends at 4:30 or 5 rather than 3, at least for grades 7 and up.
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    Articles about bill C-36

    I didn`t notice it. Maybe a mod can just merge this thread into the sticky.
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    Bedford and Scott?

    You must not have been paying much attention over the past 8 years. This government doesn't heed to reason and they're not about to start now.
Toronto Escorts