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  1. U

    Let's put 1.1 Billion into Perspective

    The consortium that leased the 407 for 99 years has already recouped their investment and there are 84 years remaining on the deal. This is akin to selling a beautiful house in Rosedale worth millions for $50000 and telling people it's because you want to pay off a credit card balance of $5000...
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    Articles about bill C-36

    Maybe we can have a thread with links to interesting articles about C-36. Best opinion I've read so far: Most BS I've come across yet: (although the top rated comment is very good)...
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    We have a Voice...Nordic/Canada Model...

    From what you can tell? It's clear you can't tell anything, because this government wants to stamp out all forms of prostitution and not just street walking. That means they want to put you out of business as well. Yes how wonderful. I'm sure you'll get many fans here with that attitude.
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    We have a Voice...Nordic/Canada Model...

    Enjoy your diminished client pool, because guys with something to lose aren't going to bother with it. The law won't matter to problem clients, the prospect of a criminal record won't deter the creeps.
  5. U

    New prostitution Laws - I surrendered today

    Actually, the NDP justice critic said she needed time to "study" the bill. I have no doubt the socialists would love to emulate the Nordic model. As they say the United Church is the NDP at prayer. The Liberal party is the only one that takes a permissive view of things. Consider before Harper...
  6. U

    stop trying to get around the new law

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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    :rolleyes: A federal jury convicted Deborah Jeane Palfrey yesterday of running a Washington-area call-girl ring in the guise of "a high-end erotic fantasy service," rejecting her argument that she was unaware...
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    You clearly don't get it. These so-called "reputable" agencies and "established indies" and their clients are no better than the streetwalkers and their clients in the eyes of the people in favour of these changes. Give your head a shake.
  9. U

    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    The only thing that needs to be established is proof beyond a reasonable doubt which is not the same as absolute proof which is practically impossible to obtain. When the bill passes it won't be long before there are convictions.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    You don't escape prosecution by playing word games. Claiming that "companionship" is the only thing being provided wouldn't be very convincing in court.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    I don't know what a CR is but I'm guessing the strip clubs that do remain will get pretty lame. No lapdance for you.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    Lap dancing is a sexual service. Back to stage shows with nipple pasties and thongs remaining on with no option for anything other than a table dance probably.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    If there are any Conservative parliamentarians who hobby, now might be the time for the SPs involved to break the confidentiality rule and out them.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    If you have to ask yourself if it's a sexual service, it most likely is. It sounds like you're kidding yourself into thinking a HJ or a BJ wouldn't potentially get you in hot water. Wishful thinking.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    Under the provisions of the bill johns will be prosecuted. You already know what sexual services are.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    It will probably go underground and be full of unsavoury characters like it is in the US.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    It's funny how some people think they won't go after "reputable" escort agencies. As if there's really such a thing in the eyes of the people who want to criminalize prostitution. :rolleyes:
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    You don't get off drug charges by advertising journeys to the inner mind or therapeutic experiences.
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    Bill C-36 tabled (New Prostitution Law)

    It does not. You don't get off of drug trafficking charges by claiming to be a vendor of journeys to the inner mind and psyche.
  20. U

    Justin Trudeau no longer in first

    Yes yes to open nominations. And sitting MPs who fear their prospects at reelection in their current riding should be able to leverage the fact that they have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is a powerful party boss to try to parachute themselves into other ridings...
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