Toronto voters want a right wing politician who is not Rob Ford


Jan 31, 2005
62% of Toronto voters say that they will not vote for Rob Ford under ANY circumstance, and he trails behind Stintz and Tory in various polling questions. However, a majority of them would vote for a candidate from the right of the political spectrum. Chow's support is only in the 35-40% range. The polls in which she wins, she wins because of vote splitting on the right (and in those, she wins by a big margin). Overall, a majority of Toronto voters prefer a right wing candidate, and overwhelmingly they prefer Stintz or Tory to Ford.

When Chow is in the running, votes break down like this:

Olivia Chow -- 36 per cent
John Tory -- 28 per cent
Rob Ford -- 20 per cent
Karen Stintz -- 13 per cent
David Soknacki -- 3 per cent

When Chow is excluded, and just right wing candidates presented:

John Tory -- 41 per cent
Karen Stintz -- 30 per cent
Rob Ford -- 22 per cent
David Soknacki -- 7 per cent

It's interesting that people greatly prefer Stintz among the right wing candidates, but some switch their support to Ford when it becomes more about voting against Chow.


Sep 25, 2013
We will see. Even before the Ford crack reveleations, she was winning all head to head matchups. The question is really this. Where do middle of the road Liberals and progressive but partisan Liberals go.

They hate Ford but the partisans do not want Chow to strengthen the NDP in Toronto. Don Guy one of their top people has gone to Stintz but Warren Kinsella, one of their most progressive but most partisan operators has gone to Chow. Calls Tory Mr Dithers.

Scroll down 4 stories.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is why I think it will become a 2 person race possibly by august. If it looks like she can't win stintz will drop out and keep her council seat.
Tory I think will get the money if he runs.
Sodnacki wouldnt have the money to go long if Tory runs(although we have seen so many long shots win in the past you just never know).

Ford.......I actually foresee a health scare that may force him out perhaps. That or his family finally intervenes and he resigns. Pretty sure those are the only two things that will get him out of the Mayor's chair. His brother who runs the company may choose not to bankroll him as well if it looks like a loss.

Still way to early. Chow is getting a lot of anti-Ford votes right now but I still think she may not come out well in a long campaign.


Sep 25, 2013
This is why I think it will become a 2 person race possibly by august. If it looks like she can't win stintz will drop out and keep her council seat.
Tory I think will get the money if he runs.
Sodnacki wouldnt have the money to go long if Tory runs(although we have seen so many long shots win in the past you just never know).

Ford.......I actually foresee a health scare that may force him out perhaps. That or his family finally intervenes and he resigns. Pretty sure those are the only two things that will get him out of the Mayor's chair. His brother who runs the company may choose not to bankroll him as well if it looks like a loss.

Still way to early. Chow is getting a lot of anti-Ford votes right now but I still think she may not come out well in a long campaign.
20% of Toronto now Chinese. Many would not vote for her on an Orange NDP sign for higher office but will vote for the first Chinese Mayor in Canada.

I also think the poll is more accurate where Chow wins in every scenario she is in. Only close one Chow vs Tory head to head. Still wins by decent margin.

Seems that left-Liberals, without a candidate of their own, go for Chow.

People are correct to say Big Biz will look at this and try to create a Tory-Chow showdown pushing out all others but they don't go that easily and biz not a monolith.


Mar 21, 2011
Let's keep ROB FORD in Office -- comedy gold! Comedy Gold! :D
Nah, best plan is to kick him out now, so council can get back to running the city, and then let him run again in the next election, thereby allowing a whole new comedy act and the chance to waste most of the right wing votes on a man who will never get reelected.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
20% of Toronto now Chinese. Many would not vote for her on an Orange NDP sign for higher office but will vote for the first Chinese Mayor in Canada.

I also think the poll is more accurate where Chow wins in every scenario she is in. Only close one Chow vs Tory head to head. Still wins by decent margin.

Seems that left-Liberals, without a candidate of their own, go for Chow.

People are correct to say Big Biz will look at this and try to create a Tory-Chow showdown pushing out all others but they don't go that easily and biz not a monolith.
I'm going to give more credit to the chinese population of this city that they will weigh the candidates by merit and the issues. I think that's preety insulting that you would think they would vote solely based on race.

The fact Agincourt went to the Mayor shows a right wing bend alone. Reducing it down to race is really just stupid in my opinion.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It's interesting that people greatly prefer Stintz among the right wing candidates, but some switch their support to Ford when it becomes more about voting against Chow.

When Chow is in the running, votes break down like this:

Olivia Chow -- 36 per cent
John Tory -- 28 per cent
Rob Ford -- 20 per cent
Karen Stintz -- 13 per cent
David Soknacki -- 3 per cent

When Chow is excluded, and just right wing candidates presented:

John Tory -- 41 per cent
Karen Stintz -- 30 per cent
Rob Ford -- 22 per cent
David Soknacki -- 7 per cent
It seems to me that the same can be said of John Tory.


Jan 31, 2005
It seems to me that the same can be said of John Tory.
Yeah, and twice as many people polled prefer him to Ford. That Ford's vote seems to have an element of "anybody but Chow", if an alternative right wing candidate emerges as the clear alternative to Ford I think Ford's support will collapse as the "anybody but Chow" vote finds a better home.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Yeah, and twice as many people polled prefer him to Ford. That Ford's vote seems to have an element of "anybody but Chow", if an alternative right wing candidate emerges as the clear alternative to Ford I think Ford's support will collapse as the "anybody but Chow" vote finds a better home.
The smoking gun has now presented itself, and the Mayor's confessions just keep adding fuel to the fire.

What he should really do is start talking with other candidates letting them know that they need to get going because he will eventually announce that he will not run again.


Sep 25, 2013
I'm going to give more credit to the chinese population of this city that they will weigh the candidates by merit and the issues. I think that's preety insulting that you would think they would vote solely based on race.

The fact Agincourt went to the Mayor shows a right wing bend alone. Reducing it down to race is really just stupid in my opinion.
Means nothing. You are naive. Identity politics is powerful. Idelogy is one of 4-5 reasons why people vote certain eays.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
A crack head clown would be preferable to Chow. She will spell disaster for the City of Toronto if she is ever elected which fortunately i doubt will happen.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Means nothing. You are naive. Identity politics is powerful. Idelogy is one of 4-5 reasons why people vote certain eays.
Insults and name calling give you less credibility that when you said you are an NDP supporter. Try to grow up just a little.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
I dont like Chow, she reminds me of Yoko Ono, inexperienced and only relevant due to her famous husband.


Jan 31, 2005
A crack head clown would be preferable to Chow. She will spell disaster for the City of Toronto if she is ever elected which fortunately i doubt will happen.
Nah, that's just hyperbole. If Chow were elected mayor AND given carte blanche to do what she liked, then you would get a very socialist platform. Which would not spell disaster for the City of Toronto, but you could go argue about the long term effects of socialism and probably make a good rational case that another policy would have been better. But "disaster" is just hyprbole.

However, not even that will happen. She will be elected as a weak mayor with only one vote on council, into a council that is split, as today, roughly equally between lefties and righties, with a bunch of reasonable moderates holding the balance of power. As Chow is a hard working, consensus-oriented politician, she will work with all those people to implement policies that everyone can agree with. And she will get stuff done.

Unlike Ford, Chow actually does work hard. I used to live in her ward, and if you called in a complaint about something, she would show up on your doorstep on her bicycle to talk about it. My current councilor, McConnell, with nominally similar political views, can barely even find the time to send form letters in reply to emails, let alone ever bother talking to a voter.


Nov 5, 2005
I have no idea if people want a mayor who is right wing or left wing. Who the hell answers their landline to talk to pollsters nowadays anyway?

I am pretty sure however that Toronto voters from across the political spectrum want a mayor who isn't a violent alcoholic and drug user though.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Nah, that's just hyperbole. If Chow were elected mayor AND given carte blanche to do what she liked, then you would get a very socialist platform. Which would not spell disaster for the City of Toronto, but you could go argue about the long term effects of socialism and probably make a good rational case that another policy would have been better. But "disaster" is just hyprbole.

However, not even that will happen. She will be elected as a weak mayor with only one vote on council, into a council that is split, as today, roughly equally between lefties and righties, with a bunch of reasonable moderates holding the balance of power. As Chow is a hard working, consensus-oriented politician, she will work with all those people to implement policies that everyone can agree with. And she will get stuff done.

Unlike Ford, Chow actually does work hard. I used to live in her ward, and if you called in a complaint about something, she would show up on your doorstep on her bicycle to talk about it. My current councilor, McConnell, with nominally similar political views, can barely even find the time to send form letters in reply to emails, let alone ever bother talking to a voter.
I have no doubt she is a hard worker and at the ward level probably does a good job for her constituents. Her reelection will undoubtedly result in a return to the death grip the unions had the city in. That would be disastrous.


Jan 31, 2005
I have no doubt she is a hard worker and at the ward level probably does a good job for her constituents. Her reelection will undoubtedly result in a return to the death grip the unions had the city in. That would be disastrous.
As opposed to what? Ford locked the TTC union into the sweetest possible contract in perpetuity, then showed up at the negotiations for the police contract like Santa Claus handing out gifts.

Those are the two biggest line items. The most socialist politician on the planet couldn't give out sweeter deals.

Ford likes to brag that there has been no labour unrest under his "leadership". Only a moron would think that's because he is being tough. Read the deals, he has bought them off with your money. It's like a perverse version of "only Nixon can go to China" -- Ford gives out the sweetest labour contracts in history, then goes on TV and says he's tough. Well, he's not. Chow would negotiate a better deal for the city. And I don't say that because I think Chow is special in this area -- a monkey could get a better deal for the city than Ford got. And not some special monkey that knows sign language, a regular, ordinary monkey.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
As opposed to what? Ford locked the TTC union into the sweetest possible contract in perpetuity, then showed up at the negotiations for the police contract like Santa Claus handing out gifts.

Those are the two biggest line items. The most socialist politician on the planet couldn't give out sweeter deals.

Ford likes to brag that there has been no labour unrest under his "leadership". Only a moron would think that's because he is being tough. Read the deals, he has bought them off with your money. It's like a perverse version of "only Nixon can go to China" -- Ford gives out the sweetest labour contracts in history, then goes on TV and says he's tough. Well, he's not. Chow would negotiate a better deal for the city. And I don't say that because I think Chow is special in this area -- a monkey could get a better deal for the city than Ford got. And not some special monkey that knows sign language, a regular, ordinary monkey.
You are missing the point. I am not endorsing Ford. I am however saying that EVEN he would be far more preferable to Chow. Ford, apart from his personal foibles has not been a bad mayor.

He has cut the vehicle registration tax, contracted out garbage collection to half the city, hopefully setting a very useful precedent and squeezed valuable concessions out of the union representing 6,000 city workers. He has kept the gross operating budget near flat, and slightly slowed the rise of the net operating budget — i.e., the part that’s funded from your property taxes. Property taxes have gone up 0%, 2.5% and 2% in the three budgets over which Ford has presided compared to 4%, 4% and 3.75% in the previous three years.

Chow would spell disaster.
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