The One Spa

Toronto voters want a right wing politician who is not Rob Ford


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
You are missing the point. I am not endorsing Ford. I am however saying that EVEN he would be far more preferable to Chow. Ford, apart from his personal foibles has not been a bad mayor.

He has cut the vehicle registration tax, contracted out garbage collection to half the city, hopefully setting a very useful precedent and squeezed valuable concessions out of the union representing 6,000 city workers. He has kept the gross operating budget near flat, and slightly slowed the rise of the net operating budget — i.e., the part that’s funded from your property taxes. Property taxes have gone up 0%, 2.5% and 2% in the three budgets over which Ford has presided compared to 4%, 4% and 3.75% in the previous three years.
Rob Ford's worst mistake has yet to haunt us (the fiasco over cancelling the Scarborough LRT in favour of a much more expensive and useless Subway).

Chow is not suitable for Mayor, but I would never dare declare that Rob Ford hasn't been a bad mayor.. There's more to being mayor than NOT increasing taxes by as much as others might have (while increasing user fees for city services mind you).


Jan 31, 2005
You are missing the point. I am not endorsing Ford. I am however saying that EVEN he would be far more preferable to Chow. Ford, apart from his personal foibles has not been a bad mayor.

He has cut the vehicle registration tax, contracted out garbage collection to half the city, hopefully setting a very useful precedent and squeezed valuable concessions out of the union representing 6,000 city workers. He has kept the gross operating budget near flat, and slightly slowed the rise of the net operating budget -- i.e., the part that's funded from your property taxes. Property taxes have gone up 0%, 2.5% and 2% in the three budgets over which Ford has presided compared to 4%, 4% and 3.75% in the previous three years.

Chow would spell disaster.
Sorry but that is just a lot of hooey. He gave away the farm to the two biggest unions, and the gross operating budget has gone down only in areas subject to provincial decisions.

The net operating budget, which is the ONLY thing Ford controls, the spending he makes decisions about, is at an all time high, much higher than under Miller.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Rob Ford's worst mistake has yet to haunt us (the fiasco over cancelling the Scarborough LRT in favour of a much more expensive and useless Subway).

Chow is not suitable for Mayor, but I would never dare declare that Rob Ford hasn't been a bad mayor.. There's more to being mayor than NOT increasing taxes by as much as others might have (while increasing user fees for city services mind you).
I agree with you. Although a subway probably make more sense it makes far less financial sense and it will likely come back to bit the people of Toronto. I don't think Ford has been a great mayor. Just much much better than Chow would ever be.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Sorry but that is just a lot of hooey. He gave away the farm to the two biggest unions, and the gross operating budget has gone down only in areas subject to provincial decisions.

The net operating budget, which is the ONLY thing Ford controls, the spending he makes decisions about, is at an all time high, much higher than under Miller.
LOL. So in other words once again you are talking out of your ass.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I don't think Ford has been a great mayor. Just much much better than Chow would ever be.
Well it's too bad you want to think that way.. A bad mayor is a bad mayor.. Period.. Arguing that Chow would be worse than Ford is like arguing that it would be worse to be eaten by a lion than a tiger.. Who gives a shit?

Hopefully the last vestiges of Ford Nation will side with John Tory when the time comes and we can start moving this city forward.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You are missing the point. I am not endorsing Ford. I am however saying that EVEN he would be far more preferable to Chow. Ford, apart from his personal foibles has not been a bad mayor.

He has cut the vehicle registration tax, contracted out garbage collection to half the city, hopefully setting a very useful precedent and squeezed valuable concessions out of the union representing 6,000 city workers. He has kept the gross operating budget near flat, and slightly slowed the rise of the net operating budget — i.e., the part that’s funded from your property taxes. Property taxes have gone up 0%, 2.5% and 2% in the three budgets over which Ford has presided compared to 4%, 4% and 3.75% in the previous three years.

Chow would spell disaster.
Cutting the vehicle tax has left Rob with a transit-funding shortfall that he still hasn't a plan to make up, although he's mused about another property-tax increase over and above the one coming. That vehicle tax was part of paying for City wide transit improvements Rob's reduced to a few kilometres of subway into sparsely inhabited regions of Scarborough. Doug Holyday and other Councillors negotiated the contracts (after Miller took the unions to the picket lines and broke their will and strike funds) but City wages went up, and the entire trash collection saving amounted to $5/household annually. Which Rob ploughed right back into his budget, still rich with the gravy he never could find while cutting social services and increasing user fees. Looming over all is the Land Transfer Tax he told everyone he'd scrap along with the Vehicle Tax.

And then there are the personal foibles, which have prevented so many from seeing what a failure he has been in every aspect of civic leadership.

Mr. Peter Principle personified. If only he could have stayed a small-time Councillor and pothole fixer with a passion for football and a fondness for a couple too many 'pops'.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Well it's too bad you want to think that way.. A bad mayor is a bad mayor.. Period.. Arguing that Chow would be worse than Ford is like arguing that it would be worse to be eaten by a lion than a tiger.. Who gives a shit?

Hopefully the last vestiges of Ford Nation will side with John Tory when the time comes and we can start moving this city forward.
LOL. i said I didn't think he was a great mayor. I do not think he was a bad mayor. Chow would be a disaster mayor. I agree that Tory would be preferable.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Cutting the vehicle tax has left Rob with a transit-funding shortfall that he still hasn't a plan to make up, although he's mused about another property-tax increase over and above the one coming. That vehicle tax was part of paying for City wide transit improvements Rob's reduced to a few kilometres of subway into sparsely inhabited regions of Scarborough. Doug Holyday and other Councillors negotiated the contracts (after Miller took the unions to the picket lines and broke their will and strike funds) but City wages went up, and the entire trash collection saving amounted to $5/household annually. Which Rob ploughed right back into his budget, still rich with the gravy he never could find while cutting social services and increasing user fees. Looming over all is the Land Transfer Tax he told everyone he'd scrap along with the Vehicle Tax.

And then there are the personal foibles, which have prevented so many from seeing what a failure he has been in every aspect of civic leadership.

Mr. Peter Principle personified. If only he could have stayed a small-time Councillor and pothole fixer with a passion for football and a fondness for a couple too many 'pops'.
LMAO. Miller broke the will of the unions. Too funny.


Mar 21, 2011
Cutting the vehicle tax has left Rob with a transit-funding shortfall that he still hasn't a plan to make up, although he's mused about another property-tax increase over and above the one coming. That vehicle tax was part of paying for City wide transit improvements Rob's reduced to a few kilometres of subway into sparsely inhabited regions of Scarborough. Doug Holyday and other Councillors negotiated the contracts (after Miller took the unions to the picket lines and broke their will and strike funds) but City wages went up, and the entire trash collection saving amounted to $5/household annually. Which Rob ploughed right back into his budget, still rich with the gravy he never could find while cutting social services and increasing user fees. Looming over all is the Land Transfer Tax he told everyone he'd scrap along with the Vehicle Tax.

And then there are the personal foibles, which have prevented so many from seeing what a failure he has been in every aspect of civic leadership.

Mr. Peter Principle personified. If only he could have stayed a small-time Councillor and pothole fixer with a passion for football and a fondness for a couple too many 'pops'.

Yup, and now we're looking at TTC fare increases, along with the tax hikes.
The city is going all Fordfaced.


Sep 25, 2013


Sep 25, 2013


Jan 31, 2005
LOL. So in other words once again you are talking out of your ass.
Or you could go educate yourself, find out that the gross operating budget is dominated by provincial money, and that the budget controlled by Ford, the net budget, has grown since Miller.

I hope you have more than Ford's own lying to back up your beliefs.

And Ford hasn't broken the will of any unions. He broke his piggy bank open and paid them off, just like Miller, only Ford was far more generous.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Chow would negotiate a better deal for the city.
Absolute hogwash.

I don't disagree with Fuji's criticism of the move to make the TTC an essential service. I disagreed with that promise. And the criticisms of the police budget are sound.

But let's not forget the many gains that have been made under Ford.

He kept labour peace while negotiating a four-year deal that held the line on pay and put an end to the "jobs for life" clause for anyone with less than 15 years' seniority. Even more important, he expanded the privatization of garbage collection.

If the agenda to privatize garbage collection is completed, it will mark a huge step in labour negotiations in this city. Without the threat to remove trash pick-up, CUPE has no teeth. Should a strike occur, the withdrawal of virtually all other services would represent little more than a minor inconvenience to a few people. Ford has put the city on a path towards a significantly stronger bargaining position.

Ford's record on bargaining isn't perfect. But he's been a hell of a lot better than Lastman or Miller, particularly Miller.

Could Chow do as well? Doubtful, unless she abandons everything she has believed in as a New Democrat. The smart money says she'll be as bad as Miller, possibly worse.


Mar 12, 2004
Real wages,...and union wages

The more the unions make the more everybody makes. The more you control unions, the more everybody's wages rise.
In reply to your 1st sentence,...So let me get this straight,...if a menial labour job in a union shop pays $30/hr,...a none union shop will have to pay that rate just to get some one to do the same job ???

Your 2nd sentence makes no sense.



Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
20% of Toronto now Chinese. Many would not vote for her on an Orange NDP sign for higher office but will vote for the first Chinese Mayor in Canada.
No bleeping way.

I do not believe the Chinese in Canada are stupid.

How many Chinese homeowners or condos are there? How many Chinese landlords have we run into.

Do the Chinese Canadian rejoice at realty tax increases? Has the average Chinese spent the last 5000 years trying to avoid taxes?

Olivia was a nice social worker and all that, but like, you don't want her near the important mechanism in government, like the tax machinery.

Also, she is not her own woman at this stage of her career, but a puppet of the unions.


And another thing. She is a 60 year old Chinese woman.

Shit, you wanna be nanny to death under the new regime?

Every single day ... it will be the City of Toronto under Mayor Chow is putting out an advisory on how to be safe when you ...

Ford Nation! Forever!




Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Hopefully the last vestiges of Ford Nation will side with John Tory when the time comes and we can start moving this city forward.
Ford Nation is anti-establishment.

Who in Ford Nation will vote for a loser like Tory, worst he's part of the establishment.

Without Rob Ford, I think Ford Nation will abstain in Toronto, vote conservative provincially and federally.


Sep 25, 2013
No bleeping way.

I do not believe the Chinese in Canada are stupid.

How many Chinese homeowners or condos are there? How many Chinese landlords have we run into.

Do the Chinese Canadian rejoice at realty tax increases? Has the average Chinese spent the last 5000 years trying to avoid taxes?

Olivia was a nice social worker and all that, but like, you don't want her near the important mechanism in government, like the tax machinery.

Also, she is not her own woman at this stage of her career, but a puppet of the unions.


And another thing. She is a 60 year old Chinese woman.

Shit, you wanna be nanny to death under the new regime?

Every single day ... it will be the City of Toronto under Mayor Chow is putting out an advisory on how to be safe when you ...

Ford Nation! Forever!


She will get 80% of the Chinese vote + the present 35% of the Toronto vote that is NDP. Against Ford or Tory or Stintz it is easily enough. She is about 57 now. Ford Nation is already over.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
She will get 80% of the Chinese vote + the present 35% of the Toronto vote that is NDP. Against Ford or Tory or Stintz it is easily enough.
Not necessarily.

Check the poll in the original post. If accurate, it shows 65 per cent of voters preferring candidates with right-of-centre leanings, even when Chow is in the mix. And nearly half of voters support what Ford has been doing at City Hall (the agenda, not his press conferences).

It looks like things are lining up for someone like John Tory, rather than Olivia Chow.
Ashley Madison
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