Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Nov 5, 2005
But that is Canadian politics.

McGunity runs away.

Then Wynne, an unelected and unpopular leader of the province, has the balls to open the door to remove an elected official, the mayor in Toronto.

Then we have the senators in Ottawa, caught with hand in the cookie jar, but still proclaim innocence. Wallin even claimed it was "an extremely sad day for democracy" when she was kicked out of the senate, when the fact is she was appoint to that redundant place to begin with.

So what makes Mayor Ford so special in terms of accountability?

Nothing I can see, compared to other stuff.

I still support Ford because he gave me a tax cut in returning my vehicle registration fee, which is more that what anyone else in poitics has done for me as a voter the last couple of years.

If Rob Ford wasn't such a buffoon, he could wipe out the left in this city for good.

You know if Wynne's own mother goes on TV and says the premier needs a breathalyzer in her vehicle you can be rightfully outraged that she might end up removing Ford from office. Until that happens you're just arguing because Ford is on your side.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Right, fair enough.

One should always assume that someone stupid enough to still back a lying, drunken, money wasting, crackhead, friend hiring, drunk driving, racist, homophobic, fat lout as a mayor is probably not smart enough to comprehend why he is so stupid.

Google Dunning Kruger effect.
But what do we say about people who claim that there will be a video coming out proving the mayor had sex with an under aged girl and then it all tunrs out to be untrue?

What can we assume about them?


Nov 5, 2005
By the bastion of bolshevism that is the National Post:

The most surprising allegation against Rob Ford is that he doesn’t appear to respect the taxpayers

There are several instances where police are told that the mayor’s young staffers — whose salaries are paid for by the taxpayer — were dispatched (up to 10 times a month) to liquor stores to procure vodka for Mayor Ford, to spare him the public scrutiny that resulted any time he was spotted in a liquor store.

If any of this is true, it doesn’t scream, “Good use of public money.”
And then there are the mayor’s HR policies. According to his former press secretary, George Christopoulos, who spoke with the police, several women contacted the mayor’s office looking for jobs. Nothing unusual about that. What is unusual, according to the document, is that the women told Mr. Christopoulos they had been offered jobs by the mayor himself, while allegedly smoking marijuana with him outside a bar. There are also allegations, again from Mr. Christopoulos’s conversation with the police, that after a wave of firings and resignations from the mayor’s office during the summer, in order to staunch the flow, Mr. Ford “offered the remaining staff members more money to stay in the office. Everyone’s salaries went up a substantial amount.”

Apparently you can buy loyalty. So long as taxpayers are picking up the tab.

Misusing city resources, allegedly offering to hire people whose only qualification is sharing the mayor’s reported fondness for marijuana, giving public employees raises just to prevent any further embarrassing defections … all of this is the kind of thing that you’d expect Rob Ford to oppose.

And of course:

But Mr. Ford was apparently a very demanding boss. He would call staff to come to his house to replace light bulbs, change the batteries in his children’s toys, bring cigarettes, bleach, laundry detergent or Diet Coke. Staff came to fix Mr. Ford’s wife’s computer, police were told. They were also sent to buy him bottles of vodka.

The calls could come early in the morning or late at night.

Sounds like a good use of taxpayer dollars doesn't it?


New member
Jul 12, 2003
who gives a fuck if he wants to get hire escorts as long as he stays out of kfc (Kentucky fried chicken) so the ladies can get better access to his cock, The mayor is a person like everyone else, he is a man of course he hires the ladies just like the rest of politicians, doctors, lawyer,tireshop guys and and candlestickmakers

xo amber

xo amber

The first guy who complains about the size of Amber's signatures pic DIES!


Mar 21, 2011
But what do we say about people who claim that there will be a video coming out proving the mayor had sex with an under aged girl and then it all tunrs out to be untrue?

What can we assume about them?
Why don't you do what worked so well for you last time.
200 or 300 pages of insults then when the video is found, some non-apologies, a couple of quiet days then back to the personal insults?

You would think with all that has been revealed of the crackhead in the last week, that nobody would even question how low the fucker could have gone or will continue to sink.
But if you're willing to, maybe we should put up a little wager on this one.
Maybe with a six month time limit, as it took for the Gawker video to be confirmed.


Ft student Pt provider
Aug 5, 2013
Cooksville Mississauga
Incredible lack of professionalism by the TPA, leaking evidence into the press and destroying peoples reputations on hearsay evidence. I am amazed no one is criticizing the police for this abysmal lack of ethics.
I was wondering when someone would mention this or the fact or that hearsay is NOT considered as factual evidence and rarely is taken into account in courts outside of victim accounts (at least from what i understood from my failed attempts at canadian law which is pretty pathetic in itself) though sadly police documents are seen as holy grail despite how inaccurate and fictional they may be..


I don't know how much i would trust a crackhead with a city budget but then again ive yet to meet a crack head his size....... how hard can he possibly be hitting the pipe


A review of the budget and the many many many documents and videos at city hall could easily be used to determine his ability and contribution to the city

and last but not least,

why has noone mentioned the fact that this drunk was outsmarted by a bunch of 15-19year old crack dealing kids because he was so hammered he lacked better judgement and ability, i mean you are a mayor of a major city whom has made it his mission to be the talk of the town during their term and you are drunk smoking crack from a bunch of crack dealing thugs in a crack house while someone has their IPHONE pointed at you with the flash on

I wonder how many drinks it took to make that seem like a good idea...

Rob Ford needs Betty Ford but not for crack, for alcohol ... he is slowly becoming a public display of what a textbook case addict is, and it is so very sad because I DO THINK the guy genuinely cares about the citizens of the city and the reason he surrounded himself with users and dealers and the such was done in an attempt to understand them.. and look like the hero who swooped in to save the at risk but sadly they sucked him into their hole when they realized he was a drunken fool with poor judgement after one too many

he needs a break, A 90 DAY ONE.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Well said, Mr. Polaris. Thank you for posting your comments. I believe you have the floor, sir.... Sincerely, Jon .
Thanks for the support.

Ford Nation needs it to re-group, after today's show trial and palace coup at City Hall ... LOL!


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Why don't you do what worked so well for you last time.
200 or 300 pages of insults then when the video is found, some non-apologies, a couple of quiet days then back to the personal insults?

You would think with all that has been revealed of the crackhead in the last week, that nobody would even question how low the fucker could have gone or will continue to sink.
But if you're willing to, maybe we should put up a little wager on this one.
Maybe with a six month time limit, as it took for the Gawker video to be confirmed.
I do think your credibility has been shredded groggy. You almost should have to issue an apology
Insinuating anyone of sex with an underage minor is a pretty serious charge. I don't know whether you were told the wrong thing by your 'sources' or you just made it up, but it's a pretty serious allegation that thus far, has no basis in fact
Just because you were right about other things, doesn't make it right for you to throw around allegations like that.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Take a serious look at the Scarborough Subway. At a cost of $2.4B to the taxpayer-much of from the city, it is a vote buying scheme that puts the cancellation of the gas plants in Oakville to shame! There is no business case that shows this project paying off any time soon. And until it does, it will keep on taking money out of Toronto taxpayers' pockets.

Ford is a phoney.
Are you serious? Just listen to yourself. There is something the anti-subway pro-street car people cannot get through their heads.

The people want subways. Plain and simple.

As elected officials, they are suppose to listen to the people.

What is the point of elections and democracy if the will of the people is ignored?


Active member
May 7, 2013
Why don't you do what worked so well for you last time.
200 or 300 pages of insults then when the video is found, some non-apologies, a couple of quiet days then back to the personal insults?

You would think with all that has been revealed of the crackhead in the last week, that nobody would even question how low the fucker could have gone or will continue to sink.
But if you're willing to, maybe we should put up a little wager on this one.
Maybe with a six month time limit, as it took for the Gawker video to be confirmed.[/QUOTE]

You said the sex tape was already in the prosecutor's hand and getting blurred out the underaged girl's face.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
You know if Wynne's own mother goes on TV and says the premier needs a breathalyzer in her vehicle you can be rightfully outraged that she might end up removing Ford from office. Until that happens you're just arguing because Ford is on your side.
There is a big difference.

Ford is only mayor. His job description include pot holes, and garbage collection, and flooded basements, cutting the grass in the parks, and calling the fire department if your cat runs up into a tree.

I believe Ford Nation exists because we drive around, and realize they do not pave the roads when we give them so much money in their 9 billion $$$ budget.

That is the part I truly do not understand. The guy is only mayor. He's not that important. What is important is the Ford Nation that has been created, and probably won't go away. Harper will be smart enough to tap into this. Hudak, maybe, he's not that bright.

Now the other difference between the transgression of Wynne's friends and enablers and Rob Ford is based on class.

Wynne's friends and enablers basically are flirting with realms of white collar crime with gas plants scandal and potential cover up.

Ford as we see now, just has petty criminals as his only real friends in the world. Funny, yet pathetic at the same time.

In my view, the provincial Liberals are committed more serious transgressions because of the dollar amount involved, and they tried to destroy evidence with the emails situation.

Ford on the other hand, was just being stupid with his low life buddies.

If you react in horror towards blue collar crime, that's okay. But I think white collar crime matters too.

That is the truly amazing part about Mayor Ford. He gets the economic part, but nothing else!

I abide by the philosophy of that other Liberal, Willie Clinton: "it's the economy, stupid!" It worked for him.



Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I was wondering when someone would mention this or the fact or that hearsay is NOT considered as factual evidence and rarely is taken into account in courts outside of victim accounts (at least from what i understood from my failed attempts at canadian law which is pretty pathetic in itself) though sadly police documents are seen as holy grail despite how inaccurate and fictional they may be..
That isn't what hearsay is. Hearsay is groggy telling us he knows someone who told him about a sex tape with an underage girl.
An ex-staffer reporting what he saw is not hearsay.
And anyway it comes down to, who are you going to believe? The guy who was told to go out and buy vodka by his boss, or the guy who admits that he gets so drunk he blacks out and can't remember what he did. And smokes crack. And "lots of" marijuana.

studentsame said:

I don't know how much i would trust a crackhead with a city budget but then again I've yet to meet a crack head his size....... how hard can he possibly be hitting the pipe
He's got money. He could be have a binge once every 4-6 weeks and overeat when coming down off a bender and eat too much fast food too often. Also, vodka has a lot of calories.
As for the budget - it isn't just the booze and drugs. He has never shown any aptitude for actual finance. He had one year at Carleton U and then dropped out. He's never run a business or even closed out a fucking cash register. Del Grande is conservative, and tighter with taxpayer money than Ford. He was budget chief but quit in disgust when Ford voted against his (Ford's) own budget.

Missed by many on Friday: after the votes on Ford, council went back to business of operating the city. There was a motion to put in a stoplight that the community needed. Everyone voted in favour of it. Except Ford. So yeah he tried to save money, even though the light could save lives.
So, more bad judgement.
studentsam said:

A review of the budget and the many many many documents and videos at city hall could easily be used to determine his ability and contribution to the city
okay. But that won't stop Doug from claiming that Rob has saved the city ONE BILLION DOLLARS! Even though it is completely untrue.

studentsam said:
and last but not least,

why has noone mentioned the fact that this drunk was outsmarted by a bunch of 15-19year old crack dealing kids because he was so hammered he lacked better judgement and ability, i mean you are a mayor of a major city whom has made it his mission to be the talk of the town during their term and you are drunk smoking crack from a bunch of crack dealing thugs in a crack house while someone has their IPHONE pointed at you with the flash on
Ford's terrible judgement has been mentioned many times.

studentsam said:
I wonder how many drinks it took to make that seem like a good idea...
He's a rich alcoholic who has surrounded himself with enablers. It only takes one drink. That's the problem! Just one drink to take the edge off. Then a mickey. Then a call to Sandro for some blow. Then a 26er and things get blurry...

studentsam said:
Rob Ford needs Betty Ford but not for crack, for alcohol ... he is slowly becoming a public display of what a textbook case addict is, and it is so very sad because I DO THINK the guy genuinely cares about the citizens of the city and the reason he surrounded himself with users and dealers and the such was done in an attempt to understand them.. and look like the hero who swooped in to save the at risk but sadly they sucked him into their hole when they realized he was a drunken fool with poor judgement after one too many

he needs a break, A 90 DAY ONE.
He first needs to admit that there is a problem that needs fixing. A problem that is more complex than a pothole and takes more than one phonecall and a few hours of patching to fix.

Have you seen the CNN interview with Dougie? It's all cool now because Rob has started eating better and exercising. That's all he needs to do. :crazy: Alcoholics have excuses for everything, and I'm sure that Rob has 'convinced' Doug "the problem is when I'm bored, I want to drink. So if I can just keep busy I'll be okay".


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
There is a big difference.

Ford is only mayor. His job description include pot holes, and garbage collection, and flooded basements, cutting the grass in the parks, and calling the fire department if your cat runs up into a tree.
If he wanted to do those things he should have remained a councilor. Mayor is essentially the CEO of a corporation with $10 billion annual operating budget and 50,000 employees and you've got him working part time in the call centre.
I think you are being selfish. For the price of a $60 VRT you want an alcoholic to not get treated for his illness.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Ford as we see now, just has petty criminals as his only real friends in the world. Funny, yet pathetic at the same time.

Ford on the other hand, was just being stupid with his low life buddies.

If you react in horror towards blue collar crime, that's okay. But I think white collar crime matters too.

That is the truly amazing part about Mayor Ford. He gets the economic part, but nothing else!

I abide by the philosophy of that other Liberal, Willie Clinton: "it's the economy, stupid!" It worked for him.

Bruno Bellissimo
The man Ford surreptitiously tried to visit after hours at the Metro West Detention Centre, where he was in custody for threatening death and assault. The police report says Bellissimo “threatened to kill his mother, spat in the faces of his parents and pushed his mother to the ground and hit her in her head and body.” Police say Lisi called or texted Bellissimo, “a self-admitted crack user,” on five occasions between March 18 and June 24. Bellissimo has also been convicted of uttering forged documents.
And Lisi is just as bad. Or possibly worse, we'll see during his trial.
So when Ford was campaigning on his anti-crime platform and talking about how crack smokers need "tough love" of drying out in jail, he was just being "funny". And you can excuse that because.

As for the economy:

Penny-pinching. “I love saving taxpayers money,” said Ford explaining why he won’t step down. It’s another thing he doesn’t get. It shows how out of his depth he is as mayor and has nothing to do with personal behaviour. He doesn’t get that mayors of great cities are concerned with big things about their cities, not just saving money. It’s probably what made him a good council member and a horrible mayor.
This applies to right-wing mayors or any kind. New York, Chicago, London often have right-wing, fiscally conservative mayors (Daley, Bloomberg, Boris Johnson) but they spend on things that enhance the city, like Chicago’s waterfront, which puts us to shame, or public spaces in New York and London.
This isn’t just urban vanity. People in big cities often live in cramped spaces due to the density, so it’s helpful to feel good not just at home but out in public. It’s why a sense of architecture is inherent in city politics though not at other levels. A pride in public space helps compensate for the risk, crowding, inconvenience and impersonality. So somehow they find money to enhance the public environment even as they denounce lefty and pinko profligates. It goes with the territory but it’s something Rob Ford is totally clueless about.
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