Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Nov 5, 2005
Please explain to us how 'these allegations are a matter of public interest'...? The young lady in question has an absolute right to privacy here- and not be subjected to Police or Media scutiny based on 'hear say' and speculation from the ex staff of Mayor Ford reputedly detailing events that occurred months earlier but only just now being brought to the attention of the media. If these allegations by ex Mayor staff genuinely had any merit, then why weren't they brought forward at the time of the alleged incident? This seems to me to be a reasonable enough question to ask. Sincerely, Jon .
If it's alleged you were with a prominent politician on a night it's claimed he was engaging in discreditable conduct your name is going to come out. It's really telling of what kind of a person you are that you're troubled by the fact these issues involving the mayor are being reported, rather than the fact that his own entourage claims it happened.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Just to play Devil's Advocate... do we know that for sure?
Maybe the staff KNEW she was a prostitute? Maybe they arranged for it?

Regardless... I agree, HER identity (hooker or not) should have been held back... she's not the issue.
According to the documents, Isaac Ransom stated that (she) "may have been an escort or prostitute" (p. 154) and police wrote "Ransom believes that she was a professional escort who knew Mayor Ford well..." (P. 162)

No other information or proof provided. Police found no information to substantiate Ransom's claims. (P. 163)

Again, just poor form by Justice Nordheimer.

userz said:
If it's alleged you were with a prominent politician on a night it's claimed he was engaging in discreditable conduct your name is going to come out. It's really telling of what kind of a person you are that you're troubled by the fact these issues involving the mayor are being reported, rather than the fact that his own entourage claims it happened.
All I'm saying is her name should have been redacted unless proof or even reasonable evidence was established. Naming someone as an escort without proving it is damning - worse than partying with His Worship, the buffoon.


Active member
Aug 24, 2008
If it's alleged you were with a prominent politician on a night it's claimed he was engaging in discreditable conduct your name is going to come out. It's really telling of what kind of a person you are that you're troubled by the fact these issues involving the mayor are being reported, rather than the fact that his own entourage claims it happened.
Even more so if you happen to be a prostitute...makes things more interesting!


Apr 24, 2005
According to the documents, Isaac Ransom stated that (she) "may have been an escort or prostitute" (p. 154) and police wrote "Ransom believes that she was a professional escort who knew Mayor Ford well..." (P. 162)

No other information or proof provided. Police found no information to substantiate Ransom's claims. (P. 163)

Again, just poor form by Justice Nordheimer.
Two people made major mistakes in judgment. Ransom for pure speculation and Justice Nordheimer for releasing unsubstantiated speculation into the public domain.

P.S. Imagine if Ransom saw you playing with a little kid and thought you might be a pedophile.


Sep 25, 2013
It doesn't matter legally, it is a legal activity.

Morally? Up to his wife?

Politically? very important, kind of last nail in coffin.


Nov 5, 2005
This media circus show has to end, they're like a pack of wolves who are out for blood. Give the poor guy a break, at this point he's just being bullied, the herd is ganging up on him and are relentless. It's impossible for him to do his job now, and all this stress, slander, false allegations and character assassination are taking a toll on his health. Does he have to have a heart attack before they leave him alone? Enough is enough already, doesn't anyone have any compassion and feel bad for the poor guy?

Kids are taught that bullying is wrong, yet the majority of people in this city have no qualms about bullying Rob Ford to death.
So basically you think that Toronto should put up with having a violent, lying, drug-addled mayor because he likes being mayor and you feel sorry for him? There are some really slimy politicians who thank their lucky stars every morning that there are people like you around.

P.S What job are you referring to anyway? Do you know of any job where it's acceptable to show up at 11, get smashed, and leave at 2?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
' a toll on his health'.

'Kids are taught that bullying is wrong, yet the majority of people in this city have no qualms about bullying...'.
I'd like to see Mayor Rob Ford and his family take a few days off and go somewhere nice, like Florida, so he and his family can relax and enjoy a cool drink by the ocean and relax, although I suspect more drama is likely to come. I admire Mayor Ford and his strong and resolute character. Here's a fellow who is not easily embarrassed by circumstances( didn't he say that he had 'no problem' with the whole world seeing that little video clip of him shouting and gesturing)nor is Mayor Ford esily deterred by adverse conditions. Indeed, Mayor Ford has shown a strong will as a fellow who is just not going to be intimidated by his adversaries or the media. And Yes, in my view, children are being sent a very unhealthy and conflicted message about bullying. Also good to see Mayor Ford stand up like a valiant knight and defend the honour of a innocent fair maiden and friend caught up in the maggot like media reporting of rumors and hear say. However all this drama plays out, I hope Mayor Rob Ford prevails. Sincerely, Jon .


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
I'd like to see Mayor Rob Ford and his family take a few days off and go somewhere nice, like Florida, so he and his family can relax and enjoy a cool drink by the ocean and relax, although I suspect more drama is likely to come. I admire Mayor Ford and his strong and resolute character. Here's a fellow who is not easily embarrassed by circumstances( didn't he say that he had 'no problem' with the whole world seeing that little video clip of him shouting and gesturing)nor is Mayor Ford esily deterred by adverse conditions. Indeed, Mayor Ford has shown a strong will as a fellow who is just not going to be intimidated by his adversaries or the media. And Yes, in my view, children are being sent a very unhealthy and conflicted message about bullying. Also good to see Mayor Ford stand up like a valiant knight and defend the honour of a innocent fair maiden and friend caught up in the maggot like media reporting of rumors and hear say. However all this drama plays out, I hope Mayor Rob Ford prevails. Sincerely, Jon .
LOL! This just gets better and better!


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
I'd like to see Mayor Rob Ford and his family take a few days off and go somewhere nice, like Florida, so he and his family can relax and enjoy a cool drink by the ocean and relax, although I suspect more drama is likely to come. I admire Mayor Ford and his strong and resolute character. Here's a fellow who is not easily embarrassed by circumstances( didn't he say that he had 'no problem' with the whole world seeing that little video clip of him shouting and gesturing)nor is Mayor Ford esily deterred by adverse conditions. Indeed, Mayor Ford has shown a strong will as a fellow who is just not going to be intimidated by his adversaries or the media. And Yes, in my view, children are being sent a very unhealthy and conflicted message about bullying. Also good to see Mayor Ford stand up like a valiant knight and defend the honour of a innocent fair maiden and friend caught up in the maggot like media reporting of rumors and hear say. However all this drama plays out, I hope Mayor Rob Ford prevails. Sincerely, Jon .

I am am truly fascinated by this. I've known several people in my life who have borne similar convictions in the absolute rightness of their ways. The whole world may be against them, but they pay scant attention. Everyone else is looney, dumb or simply corrupt. They alone are right, and righteous.

Im not sure what to make of these situations yet. A part of me respects their conviction. Another part of me feels sorry for the apparent delusion.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
If it's alleged you were with a prominent politician on a night it's claimed he was engaging in discreditable conduct your name is going to come out. It's really telling of what kind of a person you are that you're troubled by the fact these issues involving the mayor are being reported, rather than the fact that his own entourage claims it happened.
'If it's alleged...' Your first words- which begs the question: why would I or my character be questioned and my life and identity revealed to the media if I had done nothing wrong while in the company of someone who may have? Sincerely, Jon .


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
I am am truly fascinated by this. I've known several people in my life who have borne similar convictions in the absolute rightness of their ways. The whole world may be against them, but they pay scant attention. Everyone else is looney, dumb or simply corrupt. They alone are right, and righteous.

Im not sure what to make of these situations yet. A part of me respects their conviction. Another part of me feels sorry for the apparent delusion.
It's the result of the pathology of the addiction, coupled with an intense entitlement attitude due to a lifetime of being fed with a silver spoon and getting what they want, when they want it.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
'If it's alleged...' Your first words- which begs the question: why would I or my character be questioned and my life and identity revealed to the media if I had done nothing wrong while in the company of someone who may have? Sincerely, Jon .
You answered your own question.
Aren't you familiar with the phrase "birds of a feather flock together"?


Nov 5, 2005
'If it's alleged...' Your first words- which begs the question: why would I or my character be questioned and my life and identity revealed to the media if I had done nothing wrong while in the company of someone who may have? Sincerely, Jon .
Choose your company wisely Jon and you'll never have to worry about it.

P.S. do you sincerely think Rob Ford needs a fucking DRINK of all things ?


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
I'd like to see Mayor Rob Ford and his family take a few days off and go somewhere nice, like Florida, so he and his family can relax and enjoy a cool drink by the ocean and relax, although I suspect more drama is likely to come. I admire Mayor Ford and his strong and resolute character. Here's a fellow who is not easily embarrassed by circumstances( didn't he say that he had 'no problem' with the whole world seeing that little video clip of him shouting and gesturing)nor is Mayor Ford esily deterred by adverse conditions. Indeed, Mayor Ford has shown a strong will as a fellow who is just not going to be intimidated by his adversaries or the media. And Yes, in my view, children are being sent a very unhealthy and conflicted message about bullying. Also good to see Mayor Ford stand up like a valiant knight and defend the honour of a innocent fair maiden and friend caught up in the maggot like media reporting of rumors and hear say. However all this drama plays out, I hope Mayor Rob Ford prevails. Sincerely, Jon .
I agree, he needs to go to a beach with his family for 2-3 weeks and not read the paper, watch tv, or go online, he needs a break from all of this. I know that Rob Ford is standing up for himself, but his bullies won't be content until he has a fatal heart attack, eventually his strong and resolute character will crack under the pressure.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
I agree, he needs to go to a beach with his family for 2-3 weeks and not read the paper, watch tv, or go online, he needs a break from all of this. I know that Rob Ford is standing up for himself, but his bullies won't be content until he has a fatal heart attack, eventually his strong and resolute character will crack under the pressure.
"strong and resolute"? You spelled "stupid and pig-headed" wrong.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree, he needs to go to a beach with his family for 2-3 weeks and not read the paper, watch tv, or go online, he needs a break from all of this. I know that Rob Ford is standing up for himself, but his bullies won't be content until he has a fatal heart attack, eventually his strong and resolute character will crack under the pressure.
What a load of crap. He is not strong nor resolute, he is a weak, addicted man who is in denial about his problems and refusing to take personal responsibility for what he has done.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
This media circus show has to end, they're like a pack of wolves who are out for blood. Give the poor guy a break, at this point he's just being bullied, the herd is ganging up on him and are relentless. It's impossible for him to do his job now, and all this stress, slander, false allegations and character assassination are taking a toll on his health. Does he have to have a heart attack before they leave him alone? Enough is enough already, doesn't anyone have any compassion and feel bad for the poor guy?

Kids are taught that bullying is wrong, yet the majority of people in this city have no qualms about bullying Rob Ford to death.
If the fucking asshole had enough decency to resign, I would agree that bullying him from that point on would be wrong


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
The Star is once again reporting accurately on Ford's lying. You tried the bullshit "I don't believe the news" line before and it blew up in face. Learn your lesson, there are still bits of egg on your face from last time!

Ford lies about everything. He lied about his drug use. He lied about his drunk driving. He lied about working hard. He is now lying about the fiscal situation of the city.
Are you fucking kidding me?

You will hold Ford, a politician, for lying?

What exactly has he screwed over the public? Well? It is all personal stuff.

This is not about adventures in the Middle East where people are maimed and killed, or pissing away $$$ billions in scandals like gas plants and helicopters, this is all fairly petty stuff.

But hey, if you get off on it, the more power to you!



Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
What a load of crap. He is not strong nor resolute, he is a weak, addicted man who is in denial about his problems and refusing to take personal responsibility for what he has done.
But that is Canadian politics.

McGunity runs away.

Then Wynne, an unelected and unpopular leader of the province, has the balls to open the door to remove an elected official, the mayor in Toronto.

Then we have the senators in Ottawa, caught with hand in the cookie jar, but still proclaim innocence. Wallin even claimed it was "an extremely sad day for democracy" when she was kicked out of the senate, when the fact is she was appoint to that redundant place to begin with.

So what makes Mayor Ford so special in terms of accountability?

Nothing I can see, compared to other stuff.

I still support Ford because he gave me a tax cut in returning my vehicle registration fee, which is more that what anyone else in poitics has done for me as a voter the last couple of years.

If Rob Ford wasn't such a buffoon, he could wipe out the left in this city for good.

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