Toronto Passions

Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
After seeing how the media has been handling this whole mess I think there are many members of the media that lack education of any significance. They have been very sloppy, too reactive without completing proper due diligence, and embellishing reports with allegations and insinuations just for the sake of being first to press and selling their media. I've lost complete respect for the media, will take their reports with a grain of salt from now on, and will never, ever pass judgement on any story until verified by several sources, especially from the Star.
I agree. Well said, Mr. Fun-guy. Sincerely, Jon .


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Since I've heard it from enough sources, I'm going to assume that

Since you mentioned escort service, a few days ago I became privy to information regarding that from someone that knows the person who runs said escort service. I've remained tight-lipped about it, though. I assume we'll hear more about it at some point."
This sounds like a classic, textbook definition of: rumor, hear say, speculation, conjecture, etc. There may be other members here who have a different opinion, but thank you for your illustration of the definition. Sincerely, Jon .


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
^^^^ the one in the middle, right?? Was she a stag stripper or something??

The plot thickens :clap2:
The plot thickens...much like gravy on a cocaine-fueled gravy train. The Star has an incredible article today.

Need to stock up on popcorn for the Lisi trial, it is going to be quite an entertaining spectacle.

After the domestic assault call, Ford left his home and checked in to the Grand Hotel on Jarvis St. for three nights.. Lisi also paid a visit to the hotel on the first night, according to police documents...

Then, police note, Lisi was tracked downtown, where he made a stop at the Grand Hotel on Jarvis St.
Lisi has faced multiple accusations of threatening women and was recently convicted of threatening to kill a young woman — a conviction he is appealing.
The Star has interviewed hotel staff and other sources and determined that Ford checked in and stayed from that Tuesday, Aug. 27, evening to Friday, Aug. 30. The Grand Hotel is in the Moss Park neighbourhood, one of the city’s poorest. The area is home to several homeless shelters and, according to police statistics, was the neighbourhood with the highest rate of drug charges laid in 2011.

On Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 5 p.m., Toronto teacher Walter Azzalini was cycling on his way to play tennis when he saw Ford in his black Escalade in an area immediately east of the Grand Hotel. Azzalini told the Star that he saw Ford motion to someone on the street and the man came up to him, accepted something from Ford, then left. Ford backed onto a parking pad adjacent to Gabrielle Roy school and the man reappeared and passed something to Ford through the open window of the Escalade. Azzalini said he found the interaction odd.
Azzalini said “it was very clearly the mayor, and it was an unusual thing to see at that time of day.”
also from the Star article:
"A federal source with knowledge of the event said local organizers kept the mayor from meeting the prime minister because they were concerned he was intoxicated."
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Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.


Nov 5, 2005
This sounds like a classic, textbook definition of: rumor, hear say, speculation, conjecture, etc. There may be other members here who have a different opinion, but thank you for your illustration of the definition. Sincerely, Jon .
I said make of it what you will. Much of what has been posted on that board re Rob Ford has turned out to be remarkably prescient.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Ford approval rating remains surprisingly high:

Mayor Rob Ford's popularity holding steady, new poll shows

There appears to be no cracking Mayor Rob Ford's popularity.

A new Forum Research poll provided exclusively to Toronto Sun found Ford's approval rating remains above 40% despite the ongoing crack cocaine scandal.

In the last few weeks, Ford has admitted he has smoked crack, bought illegal drugs after being elected mayor, "might have" driven drunk, been "hammered" in public, partied in the mayor's office and dropped the word "p----" in a press conference.

But a poll conducted Wednesday with 1,049 Toronto residents found 42% approve of the job he is doing while 58% disapprove.

The 42% approval rating is virtually unchanged from a poll on Nov. 6 that pegged his approval rating at 44%.

Forum Research president Lorne Bozinoff said the poll shows "Ford Nation" -- the mayor's diehard supporters -- appear to be sticking with him despite the troubles.

"They're hanging tough with him -- it is impressive, I have to admit," Bozinoff told Toronto Sun on Thursday.

"There is your personal life and all the crazy stuff that you do -- and for sure he's got some crazy things there -- and then there is what you deliver on your job."

Around 33% say they'll vote for the embattled mayor in the 2014 election and 33% think he is "good for Toronto," but 60% of those polled want Ford to resign now, including 28% of those who voted for him in the last election.

"He's definitely a polarizing person, so you either love him or you hate him," Bozinoff said. "It is easy for the 50% who didn't vote for him last time to say you should resign."

Around 60% of those polled agree with city council's decision to strip Ford of most of his powers along with half his staff and a portion of his office budget. About 34% disapproved of that decision and 5% had no answer.

Most of Ford's powers were transferred to deputy mayor Norm Kelly -- the poll found he had an approval rating of 65%.

"This is called the honeymoon phase," Bozinoff said.

Councillor Doug Ford -- the mayor's brother and loudest defender during the scandal -- had a lower approval rating than the mayor with only around 36% of those polled saying they approve of the job he is doing.

Although Mayor Ford denies he is an addict or an alcoholic, the number of people who believe he has a substance abuse problem has grown from 54% two weeks ago to 69% now. A large majority (64%) think Ford should take time off to deal with that problem.

The poll also found that if Ford went to rehab before the next election around 34% would vote for him -- that's only a 1% increase of those who said they'll vote for him regardless in 2014.

"I don't think the mayor is dead politically," Bozinoff said. "Some people might find it hard to believe. As crazy as it is he's got that record and somehow, despite all of his private doings, he was able to get all this stuff done."

The poll was an interactive voice response telephone survey of 1,049 Toronto residents. Forum considers the results accurate +/-3%, 19 times out of 20


Jan 31, 2005
According to a recent poll reported by CTV today, 42% of Toronto voters approve of Mayor Ford. Sincerely, Jon .
60 percent want him to resign.

Ford running in the next election is something of a nightmare for the right. He can't possibly win, but his core support ensures no one else on the right can win either.

In 2010 Ford won by adding blue Liberals and red Tories to his core Ford nation vote. Those people have abandoned him now, and his base is nowhere near big enough to win without the broader support.

Maybe if he checked into rehab a few months.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
According to a recent poll reported by CTV today, 42% of Toronto voters approve of Mayor Ford. Sincerely, Jon .
That'd be 42% of voters who talk to robocalls. No surprise there.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
That'd be 42% of voters who talk to robocalls. No surprise there.
LOL. That does make a difference; we know that Ford supporters like robobcalls more than the general population.

Heather Mallick said:
The interactive voice-response phone poll of 1,049 Toronto residents is accurate plus or minus three percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
I stare at this sentence. I am tapping on a wall here, listening for the hollow sound of an exit.
I seek a statistical flaw in a poll that says 60 per cent of residents want Ford to resign and 69 per cent think he has a substance abuse problem, but fully 33 per cent plan to vote for him in the next election no matter what. Forum says Ford is especially popular with people who earn less than $20,000 a year (approved by 49 per cent of them and 52 per cent of those at $20,000-$40,000), male (49 per cent), in York/Etobicoke (57 per cent), less-educated (55 per cent), Catholics (54 per cent) and those with children (49 per cent).
I take it Catholics forgive him, who knows, and people with kids just wanted to get off the phone. I’m not worried about the 6 per cent who want him as prime minister. I’ve met those people, I have run from them down the darkened streets of this city when the bus let me off.
But 33 per cent? We need to lower this number in time for Forum’s next phone call.
First, read Star City Hall bureau chief Daniel Dale’s withering analysis of Ford’s claim that he has saved Toronto $1 billion, which he has not. Ford is fantasizing, confusing “saving” with “avoiding.” He is insulting basic mathematics, he is adding walnuts and helmets and coming up with Mount Edith Cavell.
Math wins. In my dreams, that would bring his approval down to 25 per cent.
Then we study the degradation of alcoholism. Go to the bestselling memoir, Mother. Wife. Sister. by Rob Delaney (world’s greatest tweeter with a crush on Margaret Atwood), an alcoholic who wet the bed every night to the point where he bought a kids’ plastic bedsheet for his queen-sized bed. Girlfriends did not like this.
Alcoholism is awful. You are repelled. Ford loyalists are down to 20 per cent, theoretically.
Then we ask Ford’s less affluent supporters to imagine a hike in the minimum wage, something I entirely support. Imagine the TTC halved its fares instead of raising them out of reach as it just did. (Incidentally this would be a humane and sensible move that might end traffic gridlock.)
Ford Village, I’m not saying you’re going to get a raise or that you can now afford transit, I’m saying, “Imagine you were slightly less unhappy with your life, your nook and your children, which gave you a giddy feeling of emotional expansiveness that let you form a brief human connection with the fake warm digital voice on the Forum poll.”
I love my fellow citizens as they float on this paper-thin seasonal cloud of hope. Ford-fanatics are down to 12 per cent, in my mind.
I’m mixing mathematics and prayer, just as Ford does when he boasts about his fantasy budget achievement. In real life these two things curdle. But we’re stirring the pot anyway.
And now I suggest the possibility, which is plausible, that the mayor is not drunk or high or a terrible person — though he is all three, sometimes simultaneously — but that he is mentally unwell. Video will work here. Go to YouTube and watch him racing across the city council chamber as if he were on a football field to, as he later said, rescue his brother from a tackle by left-wing councillors. Instead he knocked over a councillor in a pantsuit. She was a small green stop sign, how did he not see her?
He is operating under delusions, and not just of grandeur. Who else would go to Casa Loma wearing a huge gold statement necklace? That’s not personal ornament, that’s home decor. I’d use it as a centrepiece this Christmas but I don’t have a table big enough to justify that level of ostentation.
Don’t you feel sorry for Ford? There, with a little work, I have his approval rating down to 6 per cent
, that sorry level where people think he should replace Stephen Harper, and even the 6 per cent were probably saying that sarcastically.
All is well. It’s not, but it could be. It’s possible.
Pic of Fatboy's Alanna.
Well that pic is interesting....maybe it was for a halloween party??? I would not turn anyone in that pic down at a stag or wherever...but still it does not prove anything other than they all look great in lingerie. Does anyone recognize the other two women on the left or right? Wonder where the source of the picture came from? The 4th pic on the model mayhem site (head shot) is really close to that image. Modelling at parties or stags is just that, modelling...eye candy
We do know that many reviewers have read this post and not one single person has actually seen the alleged that to me indicates there is no truth there....and you cannot tie Ford to this either. He def has a drinking problem but 33% of TO would re-elect him. That does not say much for the alternatives...
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