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  1. 1

    Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

    I had a realization this afternoon reading a Toronto Star article, http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1053640--ford-dismisses-bad-poll-results-says-he-ll-stay-the-course The "Left" is mentioned 3 times as a scapegoat for the plummeting polls. I have never recalled any official at the...
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    Are Tamil's "Real Canadians"

    I DONT fly the flag ever because I think it's cliche to do so, although it's proudly and visibly stiched to my backpack when I travel abroad. I NEVER cheer for canadian teams cause we suck at the sports I like to watch I NEVER learned french but speak fluent english I STILL harbour animosity...
  3. 1

    XBOX 360. Is it worth it?

    I bought an Xbox360 simply because you can mod it and download pirated video games on it. It cost me 80bucks to flash the operating system and now I download games off the net. As far as I know you can't do that with a PS3. I mean I guess you could technically modify the operating system the...
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    Business Degree

    If you're really looking for an international business degree than Shulich's (York Univeristy) iBBA program is really you're only option. In 3rd year you go on exchange somewhere outside of canada. Also, there's always University of Waterloo, the co-op program is the best in the world and you...
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    I thought the Raps had too many already???

    we can sign them , as in have the rights to their contracts. That's different from the 15 guys on the rap's squad that have guarenteed contracts. We'll end up having them at camp for scrimmage and then sending their ass down to the Development league until something happens to the active 15 guys.
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    A textbook definition of cowardice

    Olberman is the liberals version of O'Reilly. The only difference is that while O'Reilly makes his points by marginalising, insulting and swearing at liberals, Olberman just makes fun of the stuff they do. No one really cares about O'Reilly's opinion, so in order to be "fair and balanced" we...
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    Fox news vs Clinton (greatest interview ever)

    I actually do remember reading somewhere (i can't find that article for the life of me right now) that Clinton did blow up on an aide after the interview. But I can't blame him, I'd be pissed off too if I were put in his position. Nevertheless.... CLINTON/OBAMA 2008!!!
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    Fox news vs Clinton (greatest interview ever)

    http://spikedhumor.com/articles/56194/Bill_Clinton_vs_Fox_News.html Clinton goes nuts on a Fox News reporter for asking a biased question. It starts around the 5min mark so just fast forward. Clinton totally looses his cool and it's so incredibly fun to watch the Fox News weasel squirm in his...
  9. 1

    $13.2 Billion Surplus from Harper

    That 1% tax cut doesn't really help anyone. It looks all nice and good cause it's a visible tax cut, we see it every day when we buy something. But how much money do we really spend each day? I mean the only the time that I really noticed it was when I paid $4.23 instead of $4.27 for my big mac...
  10. 1

    Pope Apologizes To Muslims......

    I dont know about you guys, but anyone who preaches about love, compassion and tolerance on one hand. But then decides to decree that homosexuals should be punished and women shouldn't be given the rights that they have seems mighty hypocritical to me. If you really want a spiritual leader to...
  11. 1

    Arar cleared ... RCMP, right wing press, liars and fools.

    He deserves compensation because he was tortured because of a RCMP fuckup. Your analogy makes no sense here. The Isaeli government sueing another government for suicide bombers is apples and oranges. If the RCMP gave false evidence to the Saudi government and an investigation proved that our...
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    World Health Organization approves use of DDT

    Well, it's generally regarded as a cheaper and more effective way of controlling malaria plus it worked in North America. Even after the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation injected a crapload of cash into a Malaria Vaccine, they're still an estimated 10-15 years away from a drug trial. And since...
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    CNN The Most Trusted Name In News

    I'd much rather watch the BBC. CNN atleast makes an attempt to be center left whereas FOX news is about as far right as you can get without having KKK membership applications on your webpage. Both of the major american news stations are more about sensationaliztion of news stories than actually...
  14. 1

    Someone tell the pope the shut up

    http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&call_pageid=971358637177&c=Article&cid=1157753409867 When Micheal Moore tried to throw his support to the Federal Liberals he was threatened with election tampering by the Federal Conservatives. Apparently...
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    our troops

    there's a simple solution to this. ARM THE UN turn peace keepers into peace enforcers and give them "the bomb"
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    The best Steak on a Bun

    I vote for Masters. However, you guys should know they sell cheap steak cause the meat is from dairy cows. It's still AAA but a little on the tough side cause they're used first for milk and then secondary for meat.
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    Most Dominant Athlete of All Time

    Jordan gets my vote, for the simple fact that no player will ever come close to the level of dominance that jordan has. He changed the way the game was the played, the way the defence was organize and he was by far the most CLUTCH player in sports history.
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    Big Breasts... Small Nipples?

    not always bad though. Think of the pornstar Devon, big breasts, but small nipples. She turns everyone on.
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    Which car to buy?

    Don't get a benz. They're continually ranked the worst among the german luxury car manufactueres in customer satisfaction. I remember hearing on Top Gear at one point they were as low as 9th from the bottom. You can google the JD Power UK satisfaction survey to get an idea. I would purchase a...
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    New Porsche 911 - Hot Car

    has anyone seen the new targas? I'm too lazy to find a pic but they look aweful. I'm not a fan of porsches just because they're so damn common. I don't even turn my head now when i see one on the street.
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