Arar cleared ... RCMP, right wing press, liars and fools.

Mar 19, 2006
newinottawa said:
Syria, despite being an enemy of the US, does not want terrorists in their midsts. However, the use of torture to get someone to confess to crimes he hasn't committed is not very productive.
"If you fucking beat this prick long enough, he'll tell you he started the goddamn Chicago fire, now that don't necessarily make it fucking so!"


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
Regardless of whether he was tortured or not, his government lied about him to a foreign police force. Under Canadian criminal code this is assault and/or slander for which the victim is entitled legal remedy.

Why does the RCMP continue to fuck everything up. It seems Canada would be better off if the RCMP were completely abolished except for rural policing.


East end Hobbiest
To be fair, the RCMP should never have been involved in this (or any national security case for that matter) the first place, that's what CSIS was created for ... but CSIS being the incompetent boobs they are, the RCMP were forced by government to get involved .... the RCMP were also incompetent in regards to national security issues, but their excuse was that they were never trained to be doing what they were doing.

That said, the people responsible for breaking the law cannot use "no one trained me not to lie and then cover up my lies " as an excuse.

I really hope this leads to a complete gutting and overhaul of what laughingly passes for a security force in Canada ... they're more like a bunch of Nazi brown shirts actually ... and not even skilled Nazi brown shirts.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I don't think Arar deserves any compensation. The people who are responsible for him being tortured should be punished.

BTW, should the Israeli gov't be allowed to sue the gov't's or Iran and Palestine for damages as a result of suicide bombers? Should William Sampson be allowed to sue the gov't of Saudi Arabia for being illegally confined for more than 3 years?



East end Hobbiest
xdog said:
I don't think Arar deserves any compensation. The people who are responsible for him being tortured should be punished.

BTW, should the Israeli gov't be allowed to sue the gov't's or Iran and Palestine for damages as a result of suicide bombers? Should William Sampson be allowed to sue the gov't of Saudi Arabia for being illegally confined for more than 3 years?

I believe that Sampson should be allowed to sue, but of course the chance of collecting is pretty slim, although if he does so in Britain (where I believe he lives now, he might receive some form of compensation if Saudi Arabia has any holdings in the UK.)

But keep in mind that the case against Sampson is different. He went to Saudi Arabia on his own accord. The reason he was in prison in the first place was for aiding someone accused of "running alcohol" escape "justice".

Of course, then as I recall the charges were trumped up to being involved in a bombing or something like that. All of which should not have deserved torture, but it's not exactly the same thing as getting on a plane in the US and ending up in Syria to be tortured, aided and abetted by your own countrymen with evidence, but still, yes I believe he should be awarded compensation for the torture.

As for Israel, I think they should be allowed to exchange law suits with the rest of the Middle East... award compensation for each innocent person killed on each side ... I doubt though th, at Israel would come out very well on that kind of deal.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Sampson was charged along with 3 other foreigners for a bombing commited by Saudis but covered up by the gov't who won't admit to internal strife.
I would like for any person found responsible for illegal offences in the Arar fiasco to be charged immediately. Their names should be made public. Nobody should be above the law.



East end Hobbiest
Ahh yes, you are correct, and the Alcohol part came in because the bombing was suppose to have something to do with "westerners" alcohol running. I recall that Sampson was involved with someone involved in that activity (helping one of his friends who was under suspicion, but was innocent, escape Iran,) which is why the Saudis decided he would make a good "mark". Although I may have this slightly confused as to the exact relationship of Sampson and the "Rum Running" business, but I believe it was a pretty harmless relationship by western standards, but when in a foreign country why take chances ... which doesn't excuse torture or trumped up charges.

I also believe that Sampson DID sue the Saudis in the UK, and won ... although the case might be under appeal at the moment. I hope he ends up with half the kingdom.


9 Inch Member
Aug 17, 2004
Between Oakville and Oshawa
Personally I believe the world would be safer if we did more racial profiling, especially at the border crossings and airports. All Italians should be suspected of being part of the mafia, all blacks should be suspected as being street level drug dealers, all Muslims should be suspected of being terrorists, and while we're at it why don't we just prohibit chinese people from driving automobiles during morning and afternoon rush hours.


Active member
Jul 7, 2004
xdog said:
I don't think Arar deserves any compensation. The people who are responsible for him being tortured should be punished.

BTW, should the Israeli gov't be allowed to sue the gov't's or Iran and Palestine for damages as a result of suicide bombers? Should William Sampson be allowed to sue the gov't of Saudi Arabia for being illegally confined for more than 3 years?

He deserves compensation because he was tortured because of a RCMP fuckup. Your analogy makes no sense here. The Isaeli government sueing another government for suicide bombers is apples and oranges. If the RCMP gave false evidence to the Saudi government and an investigation proved that our government was at fault then yea. Sue away.

I think everyone is missing the point here. A perfectly innocent man, who's only "crime" was to be a persian at a sensitive time, was extradited and tortured off hearsay. I don't know about you, but that thought is horrific to me. Imagine being picked off because you were a certain background or supposed connections because some fukwit with a college or high school education in Ottawa said you were a threat to the country. He was an ordinary Canadian, and despite what some of you might think, he was cleared today. He had no terrorist connections, he had no connection to a plot to kill canadians. He was just a middle eastern man, who had dual citizenship.

The reason why democracies have to be careful during this witchhunt is because of cases like this. I don't care how many terrorists you catch, but when you subject a perfectly innocent man to the horrors that Arar has faced, in my mind we've all lost.
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Active member
May 25, 2002
Did any one hear the recordings of the conservatives - Harper, Day and others abusing the Liberal government of the day, for not knowing this man was a terrorist and they (conservatives) had to find this out from the Americans.

Then when Liberal government tried to get him released for Syria, again, Harper and team had all kinds of blather about the Liberals being soft on terrorism.

Really gives us confidence in the Harper team dosen't it.
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