Allure Massage

Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 155 61.0%

  • Total voters


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I have had a yearly membership there since I was a kid. Yes, I'm well aware it isn't what it used to be. More merchant stands in places than I would like to see, as well as various corporate sponsors that should really be left out.

BUT I MAINTAIN!!! It would be far worse if it was forced to turn a profit large enough for investors to stay interested.
i am zoo member and have given them money but the zoo has been mismanaged and has been in decline for years. quite apart from the cost savings- the zoo needs a major shake up.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
You want all sorts of stuff, but you don't want to pay for it. Sort of like those teabaggers who bitch about taxes and then turn around and say the government should keep its hands off their medicare.

Hey I want hot chicks to suck my dick and I would like to pay a fair price, which I define as 10 bucks. I guess the government should pay for that also.
I want a 16 oz steak but also want fair prices for that also like say a $1.50.

I like the world you live in, I'd be able to continue abusing my local library [and the local library is my bitch] guilt free.
When did I say I didn't want to pay for it? You know, there is a difference between wanting a "fair ticket price" and wanting to pay whatever the flying fuck I feel like paying, right?

I don't want to pay so some corporate moron can further line his pockets with my green, but I don't mind paying so that the exhibits and animals are being cared for the best they can.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
Ford campaigned on a platform that basically claimed that there was much inefficiency and waste in the city bureaucracy. He promised to clean up that waste and reduce operating expenses without cutting services or raising taxes. In fact, he even promised to cut the VRT (which he has done). It was a very attractive campaign platform because, let's face it, who does not want to keep all of our services and save money at the same time?

The problem is that Rob Ford was wrong. I don't think he lied, I don't think he cheated, I think he was mistaken about how much "gravy" there was to cut. When he got in the chair, he realized that he could not find enough inefficiency to cover the budget shortfall while maintaining all the existing programs. You can argue that Rob Ford made an honest mistake. But you also need to wonder why only he was foolish enough to make that impossible claim.

At any rate, we now have a mayor who had mistaken plan that he can't execute. Sadly, he's all out of ideas. Now that he can't find the gravy, he feels compelled to invent some and call for cross-the-board cuts to all programs regardless of what they are. He lacks the intelligence or creativity to think outside the box and find new sources of revenue to fund the city. It's too bad we wound up with him because a real leader would be looking for real solutions rather than prattling slogans and trying to distract is with Ferris wheels.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I would prefer that my children not visit the "Coca-Cola Eastern Lowland Gorilla" exhibit.

I would also prefer that my zoo not simply hold only the "cheaply maintained" animals for us to look at.

I would like the exhibits to be grand and animal friendly, rather than cheap and cost effective.

I would like the zoo keepers to be the best that money can by, rather than the cheapest.

I would like fair ticket prices, as well as reasonable parking rates.

None of these would happen in a privately operated zoo. They would need to turn a profit, and would do it at any cost. They would do the least amount they can get away with, and charge the most they could get away with. That's the way a business is run, and I don't think it's a good model for zoos.
You hit that one right on the head.

A privately run zoo will only mean that the animals suffer.

I would rather that they give the animals to other zoos (keeping families together) and just close the thing down. At least that way, the animals won't suffer at the hands of a glorified circus operator.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
When did I say I didn't want to pay for it? You know, there is a difference between wanting a "fair ticket price" and wanting to pay whatever the flying fuck I feel like paying, right?

I don't want to pay so some corporate moron can further line his pockets with my green, but I don't mind paying so that the exhibits and animals are being cared for the best they can.
Correct again.

Too many people get too wrapped up in the dollars and cents and they don't understand that not everything in this world is about making money, or even breaking even.

A zoo is one of those things. Labraries and public transit are another. They aren't supposed to be "run like a business".

They don't make money - but the provide some good in this world by educating children about animals and to respect life

Fat bastards like Rob Ford and his idiotic brother, and other assorted Pea-brains seem to think that the only thing worth spending public money on is a fucking NFL team.


Active member
Jul 7, 2004
I had a realization this afternoon reading a Toronto Star article,

The "Left" is mentioned 3 times as a scapegoat for the plummeting polls. I have never recalled any official at the municipal level refer to opposite political spectrum as much as I have since Ford came to power. I mean literally in the first 5 mins he had Don Cherry (don't get me started on that guy) tear a new one into the left wing pinkos of the city.

Lets put aside his budget cuts, his douchebaggery and focus on how he's carried himself as a mayor. I don't think I've ever seen the populace split into partisan rhetoric over municipal politics. Think of Miller, Lastman, Hall... it was never about the left's vs the right's, I don't recall them ever putting different sides of the population against each other. Does anyone else notice this?


Nov 20, 2006
When did I say I didn't want to pay for it? You know, there is a difference between wanting a "fair ticket price" and wanting to pay whatever the flying fuck I feel like paying, right?

I don't want to pay so some corporate moron can further line his pockets with my green, but I don't mind paying so that the exhibits and animals are being cared for the best they can.
The fair price would be what it would cost to run the zoo plus the cost of capital. I have a feeling that when you said you wanted a "fair" price, you were looking to pay less, if not, there would be little need for the government to subsidize it. Is it really all that different than if I changed my statement to wanting to pay a fair price for a blow job and thinking of the fair price as one significantly less than what the girls will fairly charge.

You did not say you didn't want to pay for it, nor did I make that claim. There is not much difference between wanting a fair ticket price and wanting a discount if you define the fair price below the market price. So yeah, what I said about your view stands, you just don't like it because it is a bit more honest.

As for your second comment, I guess you must be a communist. I guess the government should supply you with cars, homes, TV, movies, computers. Or do you live an hardcore Amish lifestyle to avoid allowing those corporate morons to line their pockets with green.

I'd much rather have some "corporate moron" line his pockets by providing a better service than his competitors than line the pockets of some union mafia thugs burdening society with deadweight loss from their legal extortion.

And you DO mind paying, because you are obviously not willing to pay the full cost it would require to run the zoo.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
You want all sorts of stuff, but you don't want to pay for it.
So yes, you did claim I didn't want to pay for it

I have a feeling that when you said you wanted a "fair" price, you were looking to pay less if not, there would be little need for the government to subsidize it.
Wrong again. There may not be a reason for the government to "subsidize" it. Ticket sales can more than cover the costs. However, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be run by the city. I simply don't want it bastardized in an attempt at making it a great "investment"... Is that so hard to see?

As for your second comment, I guess you must be a communist.
Typical reaction by a right wing moron. "Oh, you're against big business being involved in education??? COMMIE!!!!".

"If you don't want to line the pockets of corporate assholes, then you're obviously wanting to help fund the mafia!!!"

Did anybody else notice a sharp rise in the sale of pitchforks and torches since the Fords were elected to power?


Mar 21, 2011
Ford campaigned on a platform that basically claimed that there was much inefficiency and waste in the city bureaucracy. ....
The problem is that Rob Ford was wrong. I don't think he lied, I don't think he cheated, I think he was mistaken about how much "gravy" there was to cut.
Two options:
a) He lied
b) He's an idiot

If he really thought there was that much gravy and now can't find any after being in municipal politics as long as he has been, then he's an idiot.
If he wasn't an idiot and really knew he wouldn't be able to hold taxes without service cuts, he lied.

Personally, I think he's an idiot.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
To get the topic back to the original question....I THINK FORD IS DOING A GOOD JOB!

The electorate all voted him in with a view to correcting fiscal issues..balancing budgets...etc etc.

At the time the electorate liked that idea as a voting public and in the GRAND SCHEME of it..wanted financial responsibilty.

HOWEVER...when crunch comes to theis instant gratification 'me me me' world, some poeple who thought that their own interests would not be cut...are upset that their own interests ARE BEING CUT..

So I suspect the polls reflect people who, having an interest in the Riverdale zoo, or the Metor zoo...or whatever, may take an interest in these polls and vote negatively...causing the BIG POLL to reflect that FORDS popularity is waning.

IT IS WANING....and declining now to 42%....for those who were interested and took the poll....or complained...


(Ie..Police, Fire, parks, transit......everything is being looked at)

THE right decisions are not always popular!!! Always has been the way..always will be.

(NO I do not live in Toronto...I live in the more fiscally responsible west end)


Jan 16, 2004
Whereas I used the phrase because I was directly replying to this statement:

Whooosh. Right over your head.
Sorry Captain Literal, I sincerely apologize for not using the "rolling eyes" smiley when I posted my statement. Without that, I noticed any potential sarcasm went *whooosh*, right over your head.

Next time I'll use the more generic word "numbers".

Here's a lollipop, enjoy the spoils of victory.


Jan 16, 2004
IT IS WANING....and declining now to 42%....for those who were interested and took the poll....or complained...

I think "voter fatigue" plays a large part of the polls along with true dissatisfaction with the job. You're right about the "me me me" aspect. But on top of the self interest, people also want everything done right now, this second!

I also think he's finding, especially with labour issues, that it's not as simple or straightforward as he figured it would be.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Ford is not doing what he said he would do.

He very clearly stated "I will not cut services". But now he is cutting services. There's no two ways about it.

This guy was the guy who was telling us, "Hey, you can keep your services, I'm just going to start canning the folks who aren't working, and stop the lavish spending". Last I checked, he never told us that the Riverdale Zoo was considered "lavish spending", we were never told that our world class library system was "lavish spending".

This whole idea that we really deep down want this, but now when push comes to shove, we don't want to let go of our services is absolute horse shit. We NEVER wanted to give up our services.. THAT'S WHY WE VOTED FOR FORD!!

He's showing nothing but disrespect and contempt for the very people who voted for him when he makes this claim.

Anybody who says that Torontonians voted for this plan has either been sucked into Ford's rhetoric, or has an agenda of their own.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
To those who think he has cut everything...

Be specific...

What has Robert FORD (Mayor of Toronto) done recently that has DIRECTLY AFFECTED YOU ..(not me) in that you are no longer getting a good service from the city of Toronto.

Not what others have 'said'....not what 'media says'.... not what you heard from a friend of a friend....



New member
Aug 31, 2009
To those who think he has cut everything...

Be specific...

What has Robert FORD (Mayor of Toronto) done recently that has DIRECTLY AFFECTED YOU ..(not me) in that you are no longer getting a good service from the city of Toronto.

Not what others have 'said'....not what 'media says'.... not what you heard from a friend of a friend....

Nothing you half wit, the cutbacks are only suggestions so far.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I do note that buyouts are occurring at city hall.

Senior Police Officers are also being shipped out..and not replaced...

the ball is rolling.

I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND avxl that you cease and desist with the name calling.
It is not appreciated in otherwise formal debates..and certainly not allowed on a FORUM page.

Keep it up..and you will find yourself reported to the MODS...and 'BANNED' I can guarantee that one!!!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
To those who think he has cut everything...

Be specific...

What has Robert FORD (Mayor of Toronto) done recently that has DIRECTLY AFFECTED YOU ..(not me) in that you are no longer getting a good service from the city of Toronto.

Not what others have 'said'....not what 'media says'.... not what you heard from a friend of a friend....

Do you really think I shouldn't be upset because I'm middle class and the suggested cuts are only affecting the poor? What's wrong with you?


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
How does reviewing Metro zoo affect the poor?

How does cutting Police officers affect the poor?

How does the sale of unused infrastructure affect the poor?

How does the portlands developed by private business affect the poor?

Please get past the fact that YOUR MAN did not get elected..and look at greater good my man..GREATER GOOD!!

If you are trying to argue that FORD has done nothing....these issues are stalled by council.....then you need to argue that COUNCIL is refusing the cuts, The MAYOR has one vote. He was voted in to make cuts...balance books.....if COUNCIL does not vote these things in.....your anger should be pointed at council!!!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
How does reviewing Metro zoo affect the poor?

How does the sale of unused infrastructure affect the poor?
I've already shown how selling zoo effects the poor. The ticket sales at zoos will sky rocket, and the service will slump. The poor will likely either not be able to afford the zoo, and/or the quality of the education at the zoo will no longer be as great.

Simply because something isn't used "enough" doesn't mean that it's worthless. Sometimes the value of something is evident in something other than a dollar figure...
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts