If you think this story is credible you must surely be aware that it contains this text:
“Without a political horizon for Palestinians, Israel remains a state built on a foundation of structural oppression where Palestinians are permanently subjugated, disregarded, and humiliated.”
That is
not a quote from the original source though. This is merely a statement from the writer of this story. THAT's why original sources are more important. So, shrug, could be true, might not be. Merely opinions & interpretations.
Scratch the surface of ANY country and you'll find subjugation and humiliation. So what? Let's look the Irish, the Welsh, the Quebecois, Mexicans, endless history of China, the Jews themselves, name anyone at anytime. Those that think this is somehow unique or different are just dumb (enter Frankie)
For example, the
concept of peaceful co-existence didn't come in middle Europe about until the very destructive 30 years war. This resulted in the Peace of Westphalia.
Several scholars of international relations have identified the Peace of Westphalia as the origin of principles crucial to modern international relation. Palestinians, being much dumber than what is now known as Germans, will need to take a few more generations of pounding before they're ready & able to re-join base-line minimum civilized cultures.
Ask yourself this, where is this permanent source of peace
likely to come from? A Democratic government, market-based economy that has free speech, lawful protests, a free press plus more OR a violent, murderous dictatorship that puts its own people in harms way. It's up to you which meta-values you support.