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Will Twitter survive? - Your thoughts


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Rolling out new solutions seemingly daily.

Depends what side of it you are.
Even more and more intrusive ads used to target me isn't a "new solution" I'm going to enjoy.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
What is it to you? That's right it means nothing to you. Not that you know anything about whether employees were needed or had to be cut in the first place. All you have to say is that Elon said so. Thats like showing someone the Bible when they ask you to prove God exists.
That's because Elon is trying "to preserve the light of humanity" or whatever bullshit.
Therefore anyone questioning Elon is questioning humanity's survival, and needs to be pushed back on so that the GodKing Who Will Save Us can be protected.

As someone who was a former software engineer, who worked for one of the biggest software companies out there for literally half my career, let me tell you, the site being up doesn't depend on the number of people. It runs on state of the art infrastructure, and only needs engineers to fix bugs, implement enhancements/new features etc., Twitter at the moment, has tons of bugs and it has been acting up more since the layoffs.
All of this. He may be able to get people into place to keep it running smooth before anything breaks.
It's hard to tell.
But the number of glitches people have been reporting keep going up and if all people are doing is playing catch up on bugs there are going to be some problems.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
For the time being, I'm going to hang in. I block far right bullshit anyway. And it's a fine source of titty photos.
That appears to be a big part of the "stopping child porn" stuff.

He wants to monetize the adult content, and to do that he needs to show he can moderate the child porn.

(Of course, that Eliza Bleu person seems to be against adult SW content as well, so make of that what you will)


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The amount of drivel, fear mongering and propaganda echoing is unreal. this is what they want you all to do. Divide make everything right vs left my tribe vs your tribe my ideology vs your ideology, radicalize people and have them fight till their death for fabrications and ideas because someone has convinced them this is the way, this is noble, gives them purpose and meaning and have them fight and disseminate this ideology till their death.
Who is "they" in this scenario?
Anyway, I do like that you are back to your whole "If only all of you just accepted I was right, we wouldn't have arguments and there would be world peace" schtick.

Approximately 16-20,000 years ago we have evidence of advanced civilizations that existed until got wiped out by the great floods. They were not just hunter gatherers. Since then many civilizations (greater then hunter fatherers), ideologies arose and collapsed within. Many refer this to societal collapse when they get to powerful they eat themselves from within collapse for many various reasons.

Oh fantastic.
Which version of this are you going with?
Multiple advanced human civilizations?
Or just the one to the 20k mark?

So where are we today? Divided, tribal, taking on the attitude if you don’t agree with everything in my ideology you are extreme this extreme that. But this distracts us. This distracts us for the grave threats facing mankind like nuclear holocaust. Then majority of the population will be destroyed other then the wealthy people who have bunkers underground with their self sustaining systems. Some actually believe this is the way. If not man made eventually the sun will get hotter and wipe all life out.
Are we going with longtermism as a justification?

So here comes Elon Musk. He is on the spectrum but is extremely hyper focused, intelligent and qualified based on his education, degrees, and proven result.

Oh my.
We're still trying to argue "Elon is special and must be protected to save humanity"?
You're arguing this after watching his twitter purchase?


His goal is to make humanity multi planetary because he believes in this. He acquired Twitter at a loss however he feels this is necessary to connect everyone and give them an equal chance. Think about having 24/7 access to Twitter through satellites alone and a dedicated payment universal statement that is rule dependent, set inflationary by a default amount and not controlled by ideology and political. His mind doesn’t think about ideology it’s just solving this problem like gamer beating a game like hyper focused on the goal.
Man, the Elon in your head is pretty intense.
He still sounds like kind of a terrible person - but he is way more interesting than the real Elon.

Yes this threatens the ones in power.
He's the second richest man in the world.
He has immense power.
That you think he wants more for himself is not actually a selling point in his favor.

Yes this threatens peoples identity however he will not stop and he will die trying. For him this is important and beyond our comprehension because he doesn’t think like people who are not on the spectrum.
Being on the spectrum doesn't make you a holy savior of humanity.
I'm sorry to break that to you.

Therefor Twitter is only a small part. Starlink is only a small part. Dogecoin is only a small part. AI neural training through Twitter and peoples interactions, tendencies, habits, impulses is a small part. Maybe it helps us achieve AI singularity. Nobody is taking about dojo. Do you know they successfully implanted a neuralink into a quadriplegic and this individual can communicate directly with us and use the phone with their mind. This is coming up. Do you know about the #dearmoon and Japanese billionaire who already paid for the ticket and they will send people around the moon, then make moon bases, then make mars bases. There is a thing called starship which will be game changer to exploration beyond earth. Also the amount of material it can send to orbit will be a major disruption.
You're so married to this ideology of "Elon the Spaceman Savior". That's... kind of sad.

This is all coming together. There is also the he has in his back pocket.
Yes, he has the webdomain for his failed app still.
Not exactly a superweapon.

How about the Tesla phone if google and Apple don’t want to play nice.
You think he would sell phones at a massive loss in order to undercut other businesses and destroy them to achieve monopoly power?
It's possible, but I think even he doesn't want to lose that much money just to be a dick.

I totally understand that majority won’t understand this. However for the few that are interested here is my perspective, why I think is happening and where it’s heading. The rest is noise especially by the powerful who control ideology control the people under that ideology this make them feel threatened which they pass onto their followers their ideology soldiers lol

Just ask yourself how did the first religion or belief system originate, disseminate, take root and spread to other mind. Why give someone else the power over your emotional freedom and free will because of fabrications and ideas?
You really should ask yourself this.
Why do you hand over so much power to the fake Musk in your Mind?

The reality is we can stop what’s coming like global warming or the sun eventually getting hotter and destroying all life on earth, however if we keep destroying ourselves first we will never get out shit together to pass the great filter. It will be always if he have half of his wealth on earth world hunger would disappear or this and that which is not sustainable. Think about that saying give a man a fish and he is fed for a day teach him how to fish and he is fed for a lifetime.
Are you seriously pitching Musk as just like SBF?
If only the super rich are given complete control then they can effectively spend their money to save us all?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Direct improvements include speed, decrease of hateful content, CSE, and banning bots to name a few.
View attachment 190200

What bots has he banned?
Has he banned bots in general?
Is he just banning bots based on ideology?

What increases in speed?
Do we have any metrics for this?

The chart showing his takeover was accompanied by a massive spike in hate speech was shown already.
Has he cracked down with even more aggressive moderation to get it back down?
What is the metric this graph is using?

The problem you have here is that Musk is someone who lies and bullshits all the time.
When you have someone like that, it is very hard to take self-serving praise for themselves at their word.

Let's get some outside people to measure.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You guys are ignoring markets like India, South America, and Asia. Once he figures out how to give them the content they are after and connects them through starlink without need for physical infrastructure on earth other then a phone it over for the other social media networks.
The problem he has is that those markets are already saturated.
He needs to compete with the social media markets already in place and that is very hard to do.

Remember, twitter is kind of small over all. It punched above its weight culturally because of who was on it.



Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I believe in people who support humanity, the earth, love and care about the well being of others vs constantly spewing negate energy.
So you should be pretty opposed to Elon Musk, then.
Why go against your own stated ideology like that?

Elon doesn't care about humanity. Saying he cares about humanity really only means one thing - do things that stoke his ego, and be known as some sort of visionary saviour. Both of which he is not. How can you say you care about humanity while not giving a shit about people around you? What exactly has he accomplished to benefit humanity? Literally zilch. You are really behaving like a member of a cult rather than some free thinking individual.
|2 /-\ | /|/ seems to be big on gurus he can follow, if I recall.

But if you take the EA longtermism approach SBF claimed to believe in, you can make Musk a benefit to humanity.
The basic idea is that anything that prevents Musk from establishing space travel is evil, since that is the long term solution to humanity's problems.
Therefore Elon can be as abusive to people as he wants, he can even murder 9/10 of the planet if he wanted. As long as in the end, he succeeds in getting space craft to work, any thing he does is moral because it is for the greater good.

Now, you and I may find that a terrible ethical argument, but it is one you can make.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Rain used to say the same sh*t about Trump, light of humanity.... human love.... next stage of human evolution.
Oh yeah!
The integrated spiral dynamics personality thing with the colours!!

Where he kept insisting Trump wasn't the Red he obviously was in that system.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
113 was founded in 1999 and merged with paypal. Also twitter training robots is like the funniest shit I have heard lol. I dont know if this is your misunderstanding or if Elon actually spews this bullshit but its just hilarious.
Musk still owns the domain name.
So every so often he says he will make "X, the everything app" and acts like is this big deal thing when it is just that if he has an app he can sell in the future, he already has a cool domain name for it.
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|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Oh yeah!
The integrated spiral dynamics personality thing with the colours!!

Where he kept insisting Trump wasn't the Red he obviously was in that system.
What’s the point of lying here.

Trump is mostly blue and red with a bit of orange. No surprise here.

There is good and bad parts of all levels.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
The basic idea is that anything that prevents Musk from establishing space travel is evil, since that is the long term solution to humanity's problems.
Therefore Elon can be as abusive to people as he wants, he can even murder 9/10 of the planet if he wanted. As long as in the end, he succeeds in getting space craft to work, any thing he does is moral because it is for the greater good.

Now, you and I may find that a terrible ethical argument, but it is one you can make.
Yeah except the need and the solution are themselves unethically manufactured - based on lies or at best poorly researched. So the only way you can make that argument is if you manipulate people.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
So you should be pretty opposed to Elon Musk, then.
Why go against your own stated ideology like that?

|2 /-\ | /|/ seems to be big on gurus he can follow, if I recall.

But if you take the EA longtermism approach SBF claimed to believe in, you can make Musk a benefit to humanity.
The basic idea is that anything that prevents Musk from establishing space travel is evil, since that is the long term solution to humanity's problems.
Therefore Elon can be as abusive to people as he wants, he can even murder 9/10 of the planet if he wanted. As long as in the end, he succeeds in getting space craft to work, any thing he does is moral because it is for the greater good.

Now, you and I may find that a terrible ethical argument, but it is one you can make.
Why are you lying and making up stuff about me.

Do you want me to report you now and block you?

I used to follow the Actualized guy but since stopped following him because he is radicalized now and all he talks about is how evil the right is and how bad trump is.

If you make up shit against me I will basically report you and block you.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Pretty sure that wasn't what you were saying back then.
I remember you being very annoyed that I pointed out he was obviously Red and almost overwhelmingly so.
You had some kind of comments about him being a businessman made him blue or orange or something.
Hillary was Red to you, which was also just utterly bizarre given your own description of the classification system.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Why aren’t you guys making threads against Apple and their mistreatment of workers. But it’s easy to hang up pile on and make accusations and assumptions about Elon. Just says where you integrity and moral compass lies.

Anyone who hurts people in the name of ideology should be stood against.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Pretty sure that wasn't what you were saying back then.
I remember you being very annoyed that I pointed out he was obviously Red and almost overwhelmingly so.
You had some kind of comments about him being a businessman made him blue or orange or something.
Hillary was Red to you, which was also just utterly bizarre given your own description of the classification system.
Why would I care if trump is red or blue. I always stood up for the right because the left believe they can take away their choice to choose who to support and believe are justified to control their family members about their politics. This is the root of it when I saw families torn up over this. It’s usually the left that feel threatened if someone else is right. They say they are for choice but don’t practice giving people their fundamental human right choose and respect to identify as something different. This is my problem and I will defend them. I don’t hear the right doing this it’s mostly the left.

So stop lying or misinterpreting it’s annoying. Just ask because this is grounds for trolling and reporting and it is toxic.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Yeah except the need and the solution are themselves unethically manufactured - based on lies or at best poorly researched. So the only way you can make that argument is if you manipulate people.
You should look into "Longtermism" as a version of Ethical Altruism.
It really is kind of batshit.

To be fair, it is like any form of utilitarianism that gets too far up its own ass. That's just a danger of utilitarianism in general, as far as I can see.
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Why aren’t you guys making threads against Apple and their mistreatment of workers. But it’s easy to hang up pile on and make accusations and assumptions about Elon. Just says where you integrity and moral compass lies.

Anyone who hurts people in the name of ideology should be stood against.
Well, Apple isn't in the news. They are not the ones who fired 80% of their workforce. Meta cut 11000 people, far more than Twitter, but did it in a professional way with Zuckerberg atleast having the decency to offer a formal apology. They are also not politically motivated like Elon is.
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