The amount of drivel, fear mongering and propaganda echoing is unreal. this is what they want you all to do. Divide make everything right vs left my tribe vs your tribe my ideology vs your ideology, radicalize people and have them fight till their death for fabrications and ideas because someone has convinced them this is the way, this is noble, gives them purpose and meaning and have them fight and disseminate this ideology till their death.
Who is "they" in this scenario?
Anyway, I do like that you are back to your whole "If only all of you just accepted I was right, we wouldn't have arguments and there would be world peace" schtick.
Approximately 16-20,000 years ago we have evidence of advanced civilizations that existed until got wiped out by the great floods. They were not just hunter gatherers. Since then many civilizations (greater then hunter fatherers), ideologies arose and collapsed within. Many refer this to societal collapse when they get to powerful they eat themselves from within collapse for many various reasons.
Oh fantastic.
Which version of this are you going with?
Multiple advanced human civilizations?
Or just the one to the 20k mark?
So where are we today? Divided, tribal, taking on the attitude if you don’t agree with everything in my ideology you are extreme this extreme that. But this distracts us. This distracts us for the grave threats facing mankind like nuclear holocaust. Then majority of the population will be destroyed other then the wealthy people who have bunkers underground with their self sustaining systems. Some actually believe this is the way. If not man made eventually the sun will get hotter and wipe all life out.
Are we going with longtermism as a justification?
So here comes Elon Musk. He is on the spectrum but is extremely hyper focused, intelligent and qualified based on his education, degrees, and proven result.
Oh my.
We're still trying to argue "Elon is special and must be protected to save humanity"?
You're arguing this after watching his twitter purchase?
His goal is to make humanity multi planetary because he believes in this. He acquired Twitter at a loss however he feels this is necessary to connect everyone and give them an equal chance. Think about having 24/7 access to Twitter through satellites alone and a dedicated payment universal statement that is rule dependent, set inflationary by a default amount and not controlled by ideology and political. His mind doesn’t think about ideology it’s just solving this problem like gamer beating a game like hyper focused on the goal.
Man, the Elon in your head is pretty intense.
He still sounds like kind of a terrible person - but he is way more interesting than the real Elon.
Yes this threatens the ones in power.
He's the second richest man in the world.
He has
immense power.
That you think he wants more for himself is not actually a selling point in his favor.
Yes this threatens peoples identity however he will not stop and he will die trying. For him this is important and beyond our comprehension because he doesn’t think like people who are not on the spectrum.
Being on the spectrum doesn't make you a holy savior of humanity.
I'm sorry to break that to you.
Therefor Twitter is only a small part. Starlink is only a small part. Dogecoin is only a small part. AI neural training through Twitter and peoples interactions, tendencies, habits, impulses is a small part. Maybe it helps us achieve AI singularity. Nobody is taking about dojo. Do you know they successfully implanted a neuralink into a quadriplegic and this individual can communicate directly with us and use the phone with their mind. This is coming up. Do you know about the #dearmoon and Japanese billionaire who already paid for the ticket and they will send people around the moon, then make moon bases, then make mars bases. There is a thing called starship which will be game changer to exploration beyond earth. Also the amount of material it can send to orbit will be a major disruption.
You're so married to this ideology of "Elon the Spaceman Savior". That's... kind of sad.
This is all coming together. There is also the he has in his back pocket.
Yes, he has the webdomain for his failed app still.
Not exactly a superweapon.
How about the Tesla phone if google and Apple don’t want to play nice.
You think he would sell phones at a massive loss in order to undercut other businesses and destroy them to achieve monopoly power?
It's possible, but I think even he doesn't want to lose that much money just to be a dick.
I totally understand that majority won’t understand this. However for the few that are interested here is my perspective, why I think is happening and where it’s heading. The rest is noise especially by the powerful who control ideology control the people under that ideology this make them feel threatened which they pass onto their followers their ideology soldiers lol
Just ask yourself how did the first religion or belief system originate, disseminate, take root and spread to other mind. Why give someone else the power over your emotional freedom and free will because of fabrications and ideas?
You really
should ask yourself this.
Why do you hand over so much power to the fake Musk in your Mind?
The reality is we can stop what’s coming like global warming or the sun eventually getting hotter and destroying all life on earth, however if we keep destroying ourselves first we will never get out shit together to pass the great filter. It will be always if he have half of his wealth on earth world hunger would disappear or this and that which is not sustainable. Think about that saying give a man a fish and he is fed for a day teach him how to fish and he is fed for a lifetime.
Are you seriously pitching Musk as just like SBF?
If only the super rich are given complete control then they can effectively spend their money to save us all?