I don’t know anyone on the right who supports banning the left.
Then you aren't paying attention.
I know many people on the left who cut off family and friends because they support conservative views.
I'm not surprised at all that people have cut off family and friends who want to destroy their lives and support people who want to destroy their lives.
And even there, it seems you find the personal interactions more important than the societal ones.
Online all I see this coming from the left not the right
Because that's what you look for.
Your friends are right wing, so you see them get hit by this.
If you had left wing friends, you would see how much shit they get.
It’s almost like the left has switched to the right and the right has switched to the left and they claim they stand for the other and they believe the opposite in the other.
No. It's nothing like that at all.
What are you even talking about?
So you believe and have witnessed either online or IRL the right is more extreme and I have witnessed the other. So who is right? Your sources tell you the opposite while the ones I see tell the the other is happening.
But let's do a simple test.
Please point to the laws suppressing conservative speech that have been recently passed.
Then please look at the laws suppressing history, banning books, and dictating to teachers that they don't say anything that contradicts the party line and who is passing them. (You can start in Texas and Florida in the US.)
Then report back what you find.
Maybe if we figure out how to accept each other’s differences and find a way to work it out would be better for all. I have always said the msm want to turn us against each other, want to tribe us and they do this to appease their advertisers and investors who make users of social media into a product. If we are busy fighting against each other we miss the big issues like SBF and who knows what else is happening.
"The MSM likes conflict because it is better ratings" is very true.
Extend that to "Those influencers I am following who keep telling me how under threat we are from the woke left like conflict and create it in order to get engagement and more money" and you are starting to get the picture.
If you really believe what you say about accepting each other's differences and finding a way to work things out, you should get on that. One of the first things you are going to have to do is give up your victim complex about how under siege you are because people might disagree with you. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe that "we should all get along" and "accept each other's differences" for you means anything more than "stop disagreeing with me and never make me feel uncomfortable about anything".