Club Dynasty

Unemployed Colin Kaepernick



Colin was a scrambling QB..... to say DCs figured him out is like saying DCs failed to figure out Vick, RG3 etc.

I think it is more accurate to say they tried to use him as a pocket passer instead of doing what he does best. Unlike say Russell in Seattle.

His QB rating was literally middle of the pack last year. If he can't find a job then that means there's another 14 guys who should be in the same boat but they aren't.

Brock Osweiller just got canned. I'd say CK is better than him. CK could probably replace the pylon in Buffalo.
Your opinion is not shared by NFL talent evaluators.


Active member
Apr 22, 2017
Defensive Coordinators has not figured him out, they still have to stop and game plan for him.

Check out our QB for the Buffalo BILLS, he is a rookie. He sucks. I saw him play every down for the pre-season.
Colin Kap is better then this 3rd String Rookie Crap.

If you don't know that, that is crazy.


Mar 31, 2009
Questions: Does Colin have a legal case against the NFL? Can the courts force the NFL to hire him?


Aug 23, 2001
And what baggage/controversy/distractions are they bringing?

That is whole point and all you guys pointing strictly to his abilities are in denial of this significant factor.
What baggage is that? That he has political opinions and makes himself noticed and disliked by some people because of those opinions?

Is there anything to the effect that he is a locker room cancer? Is there anything to the effect that he disses his teammates? Is there anything to the effect that he cheats, gambles, beats his women, has a drug problem? Is he unsportsmanlike?

None of the above. The NFL second-chances all sorts of players who are straight up assholes to the power of ten. The NFL CHOOSES not to accommodate CK and his quirks. Why is that? Is it because a bunch of rich, white billionaire racist owners decide that drug use or felony violence from a star DB or RB is acceptable because "that's what Blacks do"? But won't accept a QB who takes the position - rightly or wrongly - that the entire US social system is rigged against Blacks?

Think it over for a few seconds. How difficult would it really be for an NFL owner to pick up CK's contract and actually come out and say: "We don't agree with everything this guy says, but it's a free country and he plays decent and we need a QB"? If an owner actually DID that, the whole "controversy" would die down. CK would do his thing every Sunday while the anthem played, the rednecks would boo and after a few weeks, it would become old news. What keeps it alive is that this guy did it once and they yanked away his career because of it.

And you don't think the owners are in it together over this? Come on! I bet they talked it over on their multi million dollar yachts and on their multi million dollar golf courses.

Once upon a time, the Brooklyn Dodgers went out on a limb and hired Jackie Robinson because they wanted to take a stand. Where is that kind of courage these days?!



Active member
Apr 22, 2017
As of today,
the CLEVELAND Police and Ambulance depts at ALL HOME Cleveland BROWNS games
will not carry a AMERICAN FLAG to the games....

Which is worse, Kneeling during the Anthem or the POLICE/AMBULANCE Workers refusing to bring a USA Flag
for THE SAME protest that Colin KAP stood for...

Does that mean BLACK BALL the Police/ambulance workers also?

Bottom line, Colin KAP is a 1st string QB!!!!!!!

look at Brock Osweiler, i saw him play too, and he sucks (just like rookie starting QB for the BILLS)

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
What baggage is that? That he has political opinions and makes himself noticed and disliked by some people because of those opinions?

Is there anything to the effect that he is a locker room cancer? Is there anything to the effect that he disses his teammates?

I can tell you if I was a pro athlete, and one of me team mates refused to stand during the Canadian anthem or disrespect it in any other way, I would have issues with it.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
what if he was the best 1st string QB on "your" team?
If im a star player too, my feelings will be known. If I'm a fringe player, I keep my mouth shut knowing I'm blessed to be getting paid very healthy for playing a sport. If I'm your average player, and my first string QB is a has been with his better days behind him, my feelings will be known.

This is what people aren't understanding. If your CK, and want to do this, go a head but be prepared for the repercussions of your actions. If your Tom Brady, your leverage is a lot higher because your making money for the people that sign your checks


Active member
Apr 22, 2017
If im a star player too, my feelings will be known. If I'm a fringe player, I keep my mouth shut knowing I'm blessed to be getting paid very healthy for playing a sport. If I'm your average player, and my first string QB is a has been with his better days behind him, my feelings will be known
Colin KAP is a 1st string QB,
Their are 30 NFL teams, Colin KAP is better then 15 of those starting 1st string QB's.
(ie....BILLS starting QB for next weeks' game)


Aug 23, 2001
I can tell you if I was a pro athlete, and one of me team mates refused to stand during the Canadian anthem or disrespect it in any other way, I would have issues with it.
Depends who you are, right? If you're Black, do you have problems with a Brother having issues with White America? Probably not. If you're a white small town guy, maybe you do.

But those guys must have issues during the season in any event. A White guy from small town TX probably has nothing in common with a Black guy from inner city Chicago or Detroit. Probably don't hang out together. Probably don't even talk in the locker room. It's not as though it's a 12 man NBA team and the room gets pretty uncomfortable if 2 guys are at odds. There are 40-50 guys on an NFL team. They probably run in cliques and those cliques are probably based on colour. And 70% NFL players are Black.

What if a white QB makes some private statements about "All Lives Matter"? I am guessing the Black guys suck it up because they have a job to do and they're pulling a fat paycheck and because their agents tell them to stfu.

What about Jackie Robinson? Every Southern coach and player on the Dodgers was outraged Robinson was on the team. Most of them despised him and refused to talk to him because of his colour. The team and the league got over it. CK is a WAY smaller problem than Jackie Robinson.


Active member
Apr 22, 2017
Depends who you are, right? If you're Black, do you have problems with a Brother having issues with White America? Probably not. If you're a white small town guy, maybe you do.

But those guys must have issues during the season in any event. A White guy from small town TX probably has nothing in common with a Black guy from inner city Chicago or Detroit. Probably don't hang out together. Probably don't even talk in the locker room. It's not as though it's a 12 man NBA team and the room gets pretty uncomfortable if 2 guys are at odds. There are 40-50 guys on an NFL team. They probably run in cliques and those cliques are probably based on colour. And 70% NFL players are Black.

What if a white QB makes some private statements about "All Lives Matter"? I am guessing the Black guys suck it up because they have a job to do and they're pulling a fat paycheck and because their agents tell them to stfu.

Colin KAP kneeled during the USA athem because of these main reasons:
1. police brutality in USA
2. black inequality
3. used NFL platform bc the NFL (believe it or not) its the best run PRO sports organization in the world!!!!!

Colin KAP does not hate the USA, he does not hate USA soldiers...


Aug 23, 2001
I can tell you if I was a pro athlete, and one of me team mates refused to stand during the Canadian anthem or disrespect it in any other way, I would have issues with it.
Well, wouldn't you ask yourself WHY the guy was so pissed?

I'm playing for the Leafs and there's a Native Canadian guy on the team and he doesn't stand for O Canada and he tells me that his family is discriminated against because of their race. I would probably think that he genuinely felt he was justified at some level and not confront him on it.


Aug 23, 2001
Colin KAP kneeled during the USA athem because of these main reasons:
1. police brutality in USA
2. black inequality
3. used NFL platform bc the NFL (believe it or not) its the best run PRO sports organization in the world!!!!!

Colin KAP does not hate the USA, he does not hate USA soldiers...
Err, I think we're saying sort of the same thing if you re read my posts.


Colin KAP does not hate the USA, he does not hate USA soldiers...
No but he certainly disrespected both, at least in their opinions and the opinion of most Americans. Find me a US soldier who supports him please.


As of today,
the CLEVELAND Police and Ambulance depts at ALL HOME Cleveland BROWNS games
will not carry a AMERICAN FLAG to the games....

Which is worse, Kneeling during the Anthem or the POLICE/AMBULANCE Workers refusing to bring a USA Flag
for THE SAME protest that Colin KAP stood for...

Does that mean BLACK BALL the Police/ambulance workers also?

Bottom line, Colin KAP is a 1st string QB!!!!!!!
You are taking what the first responders are doing out of context. They are refusing to carry the flag at the season opener BECAUSE of the players who they feel disrespected the flag and anthem by kneeling. In effect they are protesting the protesters. They have stated they cannot hold the flag while players are disrespecting it.

Your opinion that CK is a 1st string QB flies in the face of the teams he has played for and the teams he hopes to play for. Not one NFL talent evaluator agrees with you, his ship has sailed.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
^^^^^ slurp is cool!! He knows whats up!!!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What baggage is that?
1)Whether they are right or wrong many Americans are unhappy with his display (not necessarily his cause) of dissing the flag and the anthem. As such owners and advertisers fear a potential backlash against their businesses. They are all bottom line guys.

2)If he ever appears at a camp, you can well imagine the mass of media that will be swarming, wanting interviews with him, coaches and other players. That will be a major distraction if not baggage. His appearance will take away focus of preparing for the games/the season from whichever team steps up.
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