IQ is a multivariate problem. Race is only part of the equation. I never said they don't matter..... I said it ONLY matters if you create a situation where there are no other factors. Because you have to consider the family, income, gender, country of origin, where they live etc etc etc. The factors that determine a person are far more complex than JUST race.You're right frank, the recreation centre idea is going to be a raging success hahaha! And race and IQ don't matter LOL!
You're a teacher and part of what's wrong with our educational system and society.
As for rec center being a success..... why would pro athletes who grew up in that environment give back with rec centers? Oh yeah because it worked for them. And no, success doesn't mean becoming a pro athlete.
In a study conducted by Big Brothers Big Sisters, children are 52% less likely to skip school if they have a mentor and 46% less likely to use drugs.
Research has found that kids that play sports, especially girls, are more likely to have a positive body image and higher self-esteem. They also are less likely to be overweight.
Girls who play sports are also less likely to become pregnant.
Statistics show that kids who are involved in sports while in high school are more likely to experience academic success and graduate from high school
Many times, the friendships you create on the field remain intact even when you are not playing sports.