Shush Skoob, i'll have your spam I love it; I'm having spam spam spam spam spam baked beans and spam.
The amount of CO2 in a given area fluctuates depending on the number of deciduous trees in the area.
that's an odd statement
coniferous evergreen trees are cellulose which requires requires lots of CO2
its 400 parts per million and the air is constantly mixed via convection and jet streams
On average, jet streams move at about 110 miles per hour. But dramatic temperature differences between the warm and cool air masses can cause jet streams to move at much higher speeds — 250 miles per hour or faster.
on a planetary scale it is reasonably well mixed
the seasonal fluctuations in co2 levels @ Maun Lau are due to decomposition of vegetation in the northern winter ( more land mass in the north, therefore more plants to consume the plant food, you know ... C02
CO2 can stay in the atmosphere between 300 to 1000 years. .
and yet it is 400 parts per million
does that not make you wonder if there is something else going on?
something the propaganda leaves out of its story ?
Mother nature cycles through a whole lot more CO2 than what man produces
absorption has a logarithmic relationship to concentration. the amount becomes so small it cant be measured, but still there
what is the logarithm of 0 ?
You cant get there from here.
Were closer to controlling the amount of methane that gets into the atmosphere, which can stay there between 7 to 12 years
methane is measured in parts per billion
you are not closer to controlling the amount of methane that gets into the atmosphere
natural decomposition also creates methane and lots of it
Clay absorbs methane, fortunately zeolite clay, the most absorbent is relatively plentiful and scientists are working to improve it.
you do understand that you need to heat (and pressure) the clay to make it able to absorb organic molecules and the clay cartridges have a capacity that requires another burn off to regenerate absorption?
Absorption by clay has been well studied. this not revolutionary
To be balanced: Testing of new materials / structures can produce incremental advancements though
there is also the scale issue
useful for scrubbing small volumes at a known processing source, but your not going to scrub the atmosphere
methane has always been in the atmosphere
its a primary building block for all living matter and it get regenerated when things decompose
the cycle of life.
Therefore cow farts really do cause climate change.
oh boy
Leave poor Bossy alone