Ashley Madison

Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022

You're not interested in a discussion, you're trying play 'gotcha' with posts.
That's a troll move.

If you were interested in discussing subjects you'd start thinking about those questions.
Instead you resorted to 'I'm not a troll, you are'.
How can I be interested in engaging in a discussion when the person I ask a question to immediately calls me a troll because they can't/won't answer the question.
Then expects me to answer theirs?

If you can't answer my question, which is reasonable and not a troll question, then you either have come to the realization that it's a good question you can't answer, or don't know how to answer, or don't want to answer because it would prove my point.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Many people disliked the GST when it was introduced.
But they also understood it was a necessity.
Then why did he resign and let Campbell take the hit for being decimated in the following election if folks understood it was a necessity?
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Shush Skoob, i'll have your spam I love it; I'm having spam spam spam spam spam baked beans and spam.

The amount of CO2 in a given area fluctuates depending on the number of deciduous trees in the area. CO2 can stay in the atmosphere between 300 to 1000 years. Were closer to controlling the amount of methane that gets into the atmosphere, which can stay there between 7 to 12 years. Clay absorbs methane, fortunately zeolite clay, the most absorbent is relatively plentiful and scientists are working to improve it. Therefore cow farts really do cause climate change.

Hope this helps.

Are you saying that we have made life unaffordable by trying to prevent cow farts? it all makes sense!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You know what never changes? People whining about taxes.
That happens when taxation , government waste and corruption are excessive

and now excessive govt debt will adversely handcuff govt ability to provide services ie health care, education
it also ensures many future generations must be taxed to the max
That is unbelievably irresponsible and downright evil

I drive a fairly large car and I pay the tax without whining.
do you drive it the food bank?
Do you use it to take your kids for a drive while explaining the family will need to cut back on groceries and after school activities ?

I also buy food but the rising prices are due to gouging and corporate greed much more so than due to carbon taxes.
Food margins @ groceries have not increased dramatically. profits from pharmacy items & cosmetics have increased

Farming and the transportation of food are very energy intensive and thus prices are defiantly impacted by incremental energy costs

you do know there is another hidden tax that has been applied- Clean Fuel Standard ?
Clean Fuel Standard and and the carbon tax are designed to created energy inflation.

A 23% + increase in energy cost in an inflationary environment where the Bank of Canada will struggle to get inflation under control is very counterproductive.

your views and assignment of blame would benefit from a better understanding of the facts , the application of logic and objectivity.
you could default to your failed ideology / propaganda and let someone else determine what you think

Conservative PM Mulroney brought in the GST.... did you whine then?
jean chrétien certainly whined about it , in fact he made scrapping the GST a campaign promise, which he latter reneged on that promise in order to tackle a different mountain of Trudeau debt
this would have been acceptable had he scrapped / reduced the GST once the debt issue was addressed,
it would have been mission accomplished and hopefully a lesson about debt learned

and Justin Trudeau has borrowed more than all former Prime Ministers combined

what new tax will be require to address his debt mountain?
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Farts aside, I'll make this short and sweet.
Juan is assuming that CO2 concentrations are the same from the Stratosphere to the Biosphere, wrongo. CO2 is heavier than oxygen, a necessity to drive photosynthesis.
too bad for you the global warming thesis is based upon absorption in the upper troposphere, theoretically because of very little water vapor to compete for the photons

Absorption energy is proportional to the temperature ( in Kelvin) to the fourth power A = oT^4
the upper troposphere is also 50 to 60 degrees colder than at the surface.

very weak absorption in the upper troposphere

90% of the potential energy is absorbed in the first 10 meters above the surface
95% or 99% of the potential energy is absorbed in the first 100 meters above the surface
and so on as infrared radiation propagates upwards to the upper troposphere

very weak absorption in the upper troposphere

the physics of the matter do not support the thesis or the hysteria

The really scary part is that human generated CO2 is making the oceans more acidic. Deniers can deny, acidic oceans are catastrophic for humanity.
not if you understand the ph buffering effects of salts and equilibrium chemistry
what do oceans have in abundance ? Salts

ocean acidification is another irresponsible alarmist propaganda lie

Is a carbon tax necessary? 40 countries, several States and cities have carbon policies in place.The State of Mexico (City) has had a carbon tax in places for several years already.
bad policy elsewhere is no justification for bad policy here

PeePee can't be an environmental Luddite, it's not business as usual.
no its not business as usual
we can not get necessary infrastructure built due to new government regulations
inflation has battered the middle class and devasted the poor
A 23% increase in the carbon tax is irresponsible and cruel[
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
too bad for you the global warming thesis is based upon absorption in the upper troposphere, theoretically because of very little water vapor to compete for the photons
Absorption energy is proportional to the temperature ( in Kalvin) to the fourth power A = oT^4
the upper troposphere is also 50 to 60 degrees colder than at the surface.
very weak absorption in the upper troposphere
90% of the potential energy is absorbed in the first 10 meters above the surface
95% or 99% of the potential energy is absorbed in the first 100 meters above the surface
and so on as infrared radiation propagates upwards to the upper troposphere
very weak absorption in the upper troposphere
the physics of the matter do not support the thesis or the hysterial
Either you are a total genius who will win the Nobel for your iconoclastic new theory of climatology or you're a Cliff Clavin type, Dunning Kruger, fool who thinks they know more than all of NASA, the IPCC, AAAS and pretty much every living scientist.

Maybe its time you submit your theory and find out.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
This confirms the Greedflation from the Big Giants who pretend that their biggest income is from non grocery items:

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
alcohol in your body is a chemical effect. small amounts can have a significant chemical effect
absorption of electromagnetic radiation is a physical effect. small amounts can not have a significant effect

this has been explained to frankfurter many times

chemical effects determine chemical structure
chemical structure determine physical properties
physical properties determine physical effects

therefore as taught in grade 10 science class, do not try to compare chemical effects to physical effects

this has been explained to frankfurter many times

however since he dropped out of school before grade 10 ...........
Why are you picking on frankfurter? Do you not know he had took take the short bus to school. And when he asked his parents why they explained to him it was more fuel efficient and better for the environment than the big bus that all the normal kids got to take school.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
You know what never changes? People whining about taxes. I drive a fairly large car and I pay the tax without whining. I also buy food but the rising prices are due to gouging and corporate greed much more so than due to carbon taxes. Conservative PM Mulroney brought in the GST.... did you whine then?
You know what else never changes. Government debt and nothing to show for it.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Did paying the tax lead you to drive a smaller car or just drive less
to help fight climate change?

Many people disliked the GST when it was introduced.
But they also understood it was a necessity.
I need a car with towing capacity, but I do drive it less


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
A 23% + increase in energy cost in an inflationary environment where the Bank of Canada will struggle to get inflation under control is very counterproductive.

your views and assignment of blame would benefit from a better understanding of the facts , the application of logic and objectivity.
you could default to your failed ideology / propaganda and let someone else determine what you think
Here's a fact for you. The 23% increase in the carbon tax comes to about 3 cents a litre. Meanwhile other market forces regularly cause the price to fluctuate by up to 1000% of those 3 cents. Why don't you whine about those forces?
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Here's a fact for you. The 23% increase in the carbon tax comes to about 3 cents a litre. Meanwhile other market forces regularly cause the price to fluctuate by up to 1000% of those 3 cents. Why don't you whine about those forces?
So when you are an uneducated red neck Nazi hick that doesn’t live in the center of the universe or make $60,000-$65,000 gross, That paid $900 to keep your family warm in January and February March 2023. Or $2,700. (Central Ontario cost, not Northern or NFLD, MAN SASK, ALB where there’s snow Oct-May)

Let’s ignore Oct, Nov, Dec, Apr May ( my 2022 bill was well over $4,000)

How much is tax? ( it’s shocking)
What will it cost January February and Mar 2025

Let’s also ignore what it cost to drive further every day/year and sometimes 3-4 vehicles for kids too.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Here's a fact for you. The 23% increase in the carbon tax comes to about 3 cents a litre. Meanwhile other market forces regularly cause the price to fluctuate by up to 1000% of those 3 cents. Why don't you whine about those forces?
3 cents +21.34 cents+ 14.7 cents+8.84 cents +10 cents +(3 cents*0.13%) incremental tax upon tax = approx 61 cents or 33% of the $1.85 march 2022 price
+ the royalty taxes federal and provincial) paid at the wellhead

taxation on gasoline was already excessive and abusive
it is greater than the retail and wholesale margins

yet morons accuse oil companies of excessive greed and high gas prices
oil companies put billions of $ at risk to deliver the gasoline you demand
meanwhile govt rakes in billions from gas sales for doing nothing


once again you demonstrate your ignorance of the matter

market forces are generally not at the discretion of politicians
taxation is

a 23% increase in the absurd carbon tax when inflation is battering the middle class and devastating the poor is irresponsible and cruel

smarten up
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
too bad for you the global warming thesis is based upon absorption in the upper troposphere, theoretically because of very little water vapor to compete for the photons. Absorption energy is proportional to the temperature ( in Kelvin) to the fourth power A = oT^4. The upper troposphere is also 50 to 60 degrees colder than at the surface. Very weak absorption in the upper troposphere
Holy Jumping Jesus Christ Johnny, are you saying that humanity is doomed? According to your calculations, the troposphere would suck up the ozone layer and dissipate it into outer space...then we'd be truly fucked.

Planet Earth is fragile, we have to take care of our Eden. I didn't know Johnny was an environmentalist, welcome to the club brotha.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Holy Jumping Jesus Christ Johnny, are you saying that humanity is doomed? According to your calculations, the troposphere would suck up the ozone layer and dissipate it into outer space...then we'd be truly fucked.

Planet Earth is fragile, we have to take care of our Eden. I didn't know Johnny was an environmentalist, welcome to the club brotha.
how are you lifting a hand. You live in a cesspool too ( I’m assuming). Or is that more do as I say, not as I do?
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