You know what never changes? People whining about taxes.
That happens when taxation , government waste and corruption are excessive
and now excessive govt debt will adversely handcuff govt ability to provide services ie health care, education
it also ensures many future generations must be taxed to the max
That is unbelievably irresponsible and downright evil
I drive a fairly large car and I pay the tax without whining.
do you drive it the food bank?
Do you use it to take your kids for a drive while explaining the family will need to cut back on groceries and after school activities ?
I also buy food but the rising prices are due to gouging and corporate greed much more so than due to carbon taxes.
Food margins @ groceries have not increased dramatically. profits from pharmacy items & cosmetics have increased
Farming and the transportation of food are very energy intensive and thus prices are defiantly impacted by incremental energy costs
you do know there is another hidden tax that has been applied- Clean Fuel Standard ?
Clean Fuel Standard and and the carbon tax are
designed to created energy inflation.
A 23% + increase in energy cost in an inflationary environment where the Bank of Canada will struggle to get inflation under control is very counterproductive.
your views and assignment of blame would benefit from a better understanding of the facts , the application of logic and objectivity.
you could default to your failed ideology / propaganda and let someone else determine what you think
Conservative PM Mulroney brought in the GST.... did you whine then?
jean chrétien certainly whined about it , in fact he made scrapping the GST a campaign promise, which he latter reneged on that promise in order to tackle a different mountain of Trudeau debt
this would have been acceptable had he scrapped / reduced the GST once the debt issue was addressed,
it would have been mission accomplished and hopefully a lesson about debt learned
and Justin Trudeau has borrowed more than all former Prime Ministers combined
what new tax will be require to address his debt mountain?