Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
do not dismiss my question

there is about 0.04% of CO2 in the atmosphere

most of it from liberal virtue signaling, latest study shows done by experts

CO2 is part of earth's atmosphere, it's needed to support life
If you have 0.04% alcohol in your blood you have a little buzz.
0.10% and you're drunk
0.30% and you're dead

Another good comparison is ink in water:



Jun 29, 2019
If you have 0.04% alcohol in your blood you have a little buzz.
0.10% and you're drunk
0.30% and you're dead
so the world feels a little tipsy

maybe that's why humans were invented

to make the world a little drunk

give it a break, the world has been at it for over 3 billion years

if anybody it's the world that needs a little rest and maybe a double Scotch
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Shush Skoob, i'll have your spam I love it; I'm having spam spam spam spam spam baked beans and spam.

The amount of CO2 in a given area fluctuates depending on the number of deciduous trees in the area.
that's an odd statement

coniferous evergreen trees are cellulose which requires requires lots of CO2

its 400 parts per million and the air is constantly mixed via convection and jet streams
On average, jet streams move at about 110 miles per hour. But dramatic temperature differences between the warm and cool air masses can cause jet streams to move at much higher speeds — 250 miles per hour or faster.

on a planetary scale it is reasonably well mixed

the seasonal fluctuations in co2 levels @ Maun Lau are due to decomposition of vegetation in the northern winter ( more land mass in the north, therefore more plants to consume the plant food, you know ... C02

CO2 can stay in the atmosphere between 300 to 1000 years. .
and yet it is 400 parts per million

does that not make you wonder if there is something else going on?
something the propaganda leaves out of its story ?

Mother nature cycles through a whole lot more CO2 than what man produces

absorption has a logarithmic relationship to concentration. the amount becomes so small it cant be measured, but still there
what is the logarithm of 0 ?
You cant get there from here.

Were closer to controlling the amount of methane that gets into the atmosphere, which can stay there between 7 to 12 years
methane is measured in parts per billion

you are not closer to controlling the amount of methane that gets into the atmosphere
natural decomposition also creates methane and lots of it

Clay absorbs methane, fortunately zeolite clay, the most absorbent is relatively plentiful and scientists are working to improve it.
you do understand that you need to heat (and pressure) the clay to make it able to absorb organic molecules and the clay cartridges have a capacity that requires another burn off to regenerate absorption?

Absorption by clay has been well studied. this not revolutionary
To be balanced: Testing of new materials / structures can produce incremental advancements though

there is also the scale issue
useful for scrubbing small volumes at a known processing source, but your not going to scrub the atmosphere

methane has always been in the atmosphere
its a primary building block for all living matter and it get regenerated when things decompose
the cycle of life.

Therefore cow farts really do cause climate change.
oh boy
Leave poor Bossy alone
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Twat is doing this to create a no win for Justin. He stops the hike April 1 PEE PEE claims the victory, he goes through with it, PEE PEE harps on the higher cost. In fact he's forcing Justin to not back down wanting to run on the carbon tax like his idol Trump wants to run on the border. PEE PEE is a POS!!! A piss stain!! A face that even a mother wants to punch!!!
It's strategically sound.
The Cons are in the driver's seat right now, and as you say it sets up a win-win for them.
Trudeau can back down - that's a win since the Cons can run on "beating" him here and also still run on the issue saying Trudeau is just lying in wait to spring it on people later.
Trudeau can go forward - that's a win in that the Cons think they can run on that heavily.

It also puts Singh in a bind if Trudeau doesn't back down.
Does Singh withdraw support so soon after getting some concessions from Trudeau?
Where does his base fall on the carbon tax issue? Would it make sense to withdraw support but frame it as over something else?
I think most projections right now say that an election right now leaves the NDP is basically the same position concerning number of seats, but with no power since it would be a Con majority.
But it has to be crossing Singh's mind that if the Liberals completely collapse in light of election pressure, some people might flee to the NDP to block the Cons and the NDP might end up in a good spot.
I don't know if anyone really thinks we would see a post-Mulroney PC-level collapse down to a handful of seats for the Libs, but if that happened, the NDP would want to capitalize.

Say whatever you want about him, but PP is a life-long politician and he knows how the game works. This move makes sense.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
so the world feels a little tipsy

maybe that's why humans were invented

to make the world a little drunk

give it a break, the world has been at it for over 3 billion years

if anybody it's the world that needs a little rest and maybe a double Scotch
Sure, but just because the planet survived while dinosaurs were wiped out doesn't mean you want to bring on intentionally and super quickly.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's strategically sound.
The Cons are in the driver's seat right now, and as you say it sets up a win-win for them.
Trudeau can back down - that's a win since the Cons can run on "beating" him here and also still run on the issue saying Trudeau is just lying in wait to spring it on people later.
Trudeau can go forward - that's a win in that the Cons think they can run on that heavily.

It also puts Singh in a bind if Trudeau doesn't back down.
Does Singh withdraw support so soon after getting some concessions from Trudeau?
Where does his base fall on the carbon tax issue? Would it make sense to withdraw support but frame it as over something else?
I think most projections right now say that an election right now leaves the NDP is basically the same position concerning number of seats, but with no power since it would be a Con majority.
But it has to be crossing Singh's mind that if the Liberals completely collapse in light of election pressure, some people might flee to the NDP to block the Cons and the NDP might end up in a good spot.
I don't know if anyone really thinks we would see a post-Mulroney PC-level collapse down to a handful of seats for the Libs, but if that happened, the NDP would want to capitalize.

Say whatever you want about him, but PP is a life-long politician and he knows how the game works. This move makes sense.
It'll work for older voters but not for the youth.



Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
If you have 0.04% alcohol in your blood you have a little buzz.
0.10% and you're drunk
0.30% and you're dead

Another good comparison is ink in water:

Alcohol in your body and ink in the water are dumb comparisons because alcohol is not part of your body's natural state and ink isn't a part of water's natural state either. CO2 has always been a part of the earth's natural state.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Alcohol in your body and ink in the water are dumb comparisons because alcohol is not part of your body's natural state and ink isn't a part of water's natural state either. CO2 has always been a part of the earth's natural state.
JuanG argued that trace elements can't effect change.
That is clearly not true, that's the point.

CO2 has been in the atmosphere for a long time but global temperatures have risen and fallen with it throughout the ages as well.
So why do you want to change the climate intentionally and so quickly?



Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
JuanG argued that trace elements can't effect change.
That is clearly not true, that's the point.

CO2 has been in the atmosphere for a long time but global temperatures have risen and fallen with it throughout the ages as well.
So why do you want to change the climate intentionally and so quickly?

Dear lord. Somebody brought out the etch and sketch again.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Why is it unhinged? It's not an invitation to a physical fight. It's an invitation to go outside and be open to legal consequences for lying. Not the first time.
That's what it sounded like to me, as well.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Alcohol in your body and ink in the water are dumb comparisons because alcohol is not part of your body's natural state and ink isn't a part of water's natural state either. CO2 has always been a part of the earth's natural state.
alcohol in your body is a chemical effect. small amounts can have a significant chemical effect
absorption of electromagnetic radiation is a physical effect. small amounts can not have a significant effect

this has been explained to frankfurter many times

chemical effects determine chemical structure
chemical structure determine physical properties
physical properties determine physical effects

therefore as taught in grade 10 science class, do not try to compare chemical effects to physical effects

this has been explained to frankfurter many times

however since he dropped out of school before grade 10 ...........


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
alcohol in your body is a chemical effect. small amounts can have a significant chemical effect
absorption of electromagnetic radiation is a physical effect. small amounts can not have a significant effect
Adding more CO2 to the atmosphere is a chemical process, as is adding ink to water.
Both result in physical effects in regard to light and heat absorption.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
PeePee wasted everyone's time knowing full well it wouldn't pass. I wish someone would just flush the toilet.
Pee Pee was busy fundraising while his cronies in Parliament were getting their asses spanked at this "No Confidence" motion:

The Official Opposition leader cast his vote on this rarely employed and potentially consequential parliamentary mechanismvirtually.

His absence was brought up by NDP MP Charlie Angus, who questioned why Poilievre was leaving his "poor" MPs "to do the heavy lifting of bringing down the government" while he was off "fundraising with his lobbyist friends."

Panning Poilievre's ploy as brinksmanship politicking, federal NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green MPs sided with the Liberals, seeing only the Conservatives and Independent MP Kevin Vuong declaring a loss of confidence in the prime minister.

The final vote tally was 204 "nays" to 116 "yeas."


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Please explain to us the life you live because based on all of your comments I have to assume you don't work or bus it to your job. You don't heat your residence or sleep with multiple blankets. You're diet consist of grass and thistles. You probably don't bathe much either and if you do it's with cold water.
You're just lucky they don't carbon tax your breath.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010

climate changes, always has , mostly likely always will

what is needed is the end of unwarranted hysteria driven by propaganda and uninformed irresponsible fear mongering

Ever since man started communicating, there has always been a segment of the population who has predicted the end of the world
They originated as the village idiots, and then evolved to placard carrying spectacles on city street corners and now have moved onto the internet

Thats pure propaganda & fear mongering

Health care is managed by the provinces
Pensions are segregated money managed by independent boards

Social programs ?
require funding and well ........... Trudeau borrowed and spent the revenues from several future generations
Poiliervre will act responsibly given the financial mess he will have to work with

Poiliervre will also drive much needed change at the CBC.
a public broadcaster should not be beholding/ biased to a specific political party in a democracy.
Every Canadian should be very concerned with this corruption

that is so wrong,
how many victim cards do you plan on playing here ?

Poiliervre is just going to displace an irresponsible, corrupt narcists, fool/ PM before Trudeau does more damage.
Poiliervre will not intentionally make life more expensive for Canadians i.e. he is not Justin Trudeau

its all upside unless you are one of the piggies with their snout in the Trudeau taxpayer funded trough or the lunatic segment of the population as described above
You know what never changes? People whining about taxes. I drive a fairly large car and I pay the tax without whining. I also buy food but the rising prices are due to gouging and corporate greed much more so than due to carbon taxes. Conservative PM Mulroney brought in the GST.... did you whine then?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
You know what never changes? People whining about taxes. I drive a fairly large car and I pay the tax without whining. I also buy food but the rising prices are due to gouging and corporate greed much more so than due to carbon taxes. Conservative PM Mulroney brought in the GST.... did you whine then?
Did paying the tax lead you to drive a smaller car or just drive less
to help fight climate change?

Many people disliked the GST when it was introduced.
But they also understood it was a necessity.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Did paying the tax lead you to drive a smaller car or just drive less
to help fight climate change?

Many people disliked the GST when it was introduced.
But they also understood it was a necessity.
The GST for all practical intents and purposes was a name change. If you drive a large car, and don’t think about rising prices for everything. I’ll step out on a limb and suggest you’re gross income, and disposable income, are such that you don’t really think or stress about a lot.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Farts aside, I'll make this short and sweet.

Juan is assuming that CO2 concentrations are the same from the Stratosphere to the Biosphere, wrongo. CO2 is heavier than oxygen, a necessity to drive photosynthesis. The really scary part is that human generated CO2 is making the oceans more acidic. Deniers can deny, acidic oceans are catastrophic for humanity.

Is a carbon tax necessary? 40 countries, several States and cities have carbon policies in place. The State of Mexico (City) has had a carbon tax in places for several years already. PeePee can't be an environmental Luddite, it's not business as usual.

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