Toronto Escorts

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  1. F

    RCMP taser 82 year old hospital patient

    its always the tough ones that are on oxygen. cops gotta be careful
  2. F

    TTC on strike

    plenty of occupations suffer the same problems or worse. work at a store, those guys make min wage ffs...
  3. F

    TTC on strike

    this is insane. no notice to the public? make it an essential service and cut their pay 10%+
  4. F

    Happy Stock Market Thoughts

    well china buys US debt so that the US can continue buying chinese goods. meanwhile the US is growing money supply at double digits. it will just cause inflation to jump in both countries. india is on better ground though.
  5. F

    Happy Stock Market Thoughts

    there are more resets this year and home prices should drop another 10% at least. meaning more people walking away from homes and more writedowns. it usually takes more than a year to clear up an overleveraged economy. consumer spending will drop off over the next 6 months leading to big caps...
  6. F

    Happy Stock Market Thoughts

    they can ride out the drop. i believe they got something like an 11% yield on their investment with citi.
  7. F

    TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!

    what the TTC is doing is nothing more than legalized extortion. they get paid extremely well for their skillset (public sector jobs don't pay the same as private sector jobs) and if they don't like it, find another job.
  8. F

    The end of Windows XP.....

    well taking xp off shelves doesn't solve much. if people aren't going to upgrade they won't. if they're buying a windows product for a new pc it would be smart to give them the option of xp. macs have been gaining in popularity. i might end up going with vista this summer when i upgrade and...
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    TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!

    ticket takers should get paid the same as some mcdonalds employee. takes a lot more skill to make a big mac imo
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    The end of Windows XP.....

    microsoft will be stupid not to give consumers the option of buying xp. they still make a ton of money no matter what os is sold
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    TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!

    ticket takers make over 20? wtf? it would be cheaper to replace them with ticket machines
  12. F

    TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!

    fuck ttc workers
  13. F

    Star Wars question

    you fail
  14. F

    Motley Crue announces Crue Fest-yes Toronto in it too

    they playing at nursing homes?
  15. F

    Most Pornstars makke only 200K or less

    can't compare adult to hollywood movies. hollywood movies bring in loads more money
  16. F

    What Kind Of Boxers To Wear When Seeing An SP....

    superman undies all the way
  17. F

    DNA from all those charged....

    imo the government should have a database of dna and fingerprints. eventually replace standard ID's with fingerprint ID for more security. also, eventually dna screening for possibly medical complications in the future.
  18. F

    Financials recovery may take 25 years

    no retail bank should be allowed to do investment banking. abolishing the glass steigal act was part of the reason so many american banks are having major problems. td bank looks like they're in decent shape though, as are most canadian banks.
  19. F

    Revenue Canada has no sense of humour...

    lol, readin this thread makes me want to move my business offshore and only pay taxes on what i bring in for myself
  20. F

    3 to 13 minutes sex is best?

    3-13 minutes? did they only survey nerds who rarely get laid or something?
Toronto Escorts