TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
AdrenalinJunkie said:
Maybe it's time the public struck against the union. Picket their pickets, don't let them go home when they want to. Picket the negotiation site, and nobody - union or managment - leaves until they settle it. They incovenience us, we inconvenience them.

You sound more sensable then me......

b d


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
AdrenalinJunkie said:
Maybe it's time the public struck against the union. Picket their pickets, don't let them go home when they want to. Picket the negotiation site, and nobody - union or managment - leaves until they settle it. They incovenience us, we inconvenience them.
I agree, why not. They have demands and i'm sure most of riders do too. Let's start with providing a decent level of customer service -which is basically simple respect for others.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Saw on citnews earlier a woman who is a TTC employee that wrote in her opinions.

"As a TTC employee, I believe it is easy to criticize when you are on the other side, but about 4 years ago I used to work in a major grocery store. I realized I wasn't making enough money so I took the bus down to Davenport and Bathurst and I applied at the TTC Commission. I believe that it is a matter of choice if people choose to think that we are overpaid.

"I suggest to all those that think we are overpaid they should go down to Hillcrest and fill out an application. It is not easy to drive for 8 hours every day and be away from your family 14 hours of the day and also have to deal with the threat of being assaulted on a daily basis! I do enjoy my job, but I am sick of the criticism we receive from the public."
Charmaine Johni Zamora

And i'm sick of TTC whining and crying every so often about the same issues. I would like to know what level of education this lady has, having worked in a grocery store then the TTC, to think she deserves to be treated the same as doctors, cops etc.

As far as being assaulted on the job. Its always the victim that is innocent in cases like this. But i wonder what % of the assaults happen simply because they were just rude to the riders. Honestly you can say whatever, but i personally dont feel bad in cases like that. Treat others as you want to be treated. Riders pay their salary, if anything, we should be the ones yelling at them for no reason.
The THREAT of being assaulted? And what constitutes an actual threat? Someone whose appearance you dont like? Ya lets just treat everyone the same since its much easier to avoid getting assaulted, or at the least having the riders not appreciate the service.

I have been to a few places around the world, riding their subway, buses etc. And TTC comes No where Close as to the service level, I'd honestly put them in the negatives.

At the time of the last strike, a monk came on the street car and simply asked the driver a simple question as to how to get to her destination. The man basically scuffed at the monk, "you ride the bus and dont know where you're going." sorry mr bus driver for asking you something that you do everyday, vs. Not everyone take TTC everyday and knows the ins and outs.

I also didnt know there was a rule of No cameras/pictures in the TTC? (because of the high risk or terrorism).Correct me if i'm wrong though, if this just wasnt a lady chilling outside the ticket booth demanding her own rules just cuz she's paranoid.

They have cameras everywhere and arent they installing more? Maybe the should install audio as well, so they can actually check on their employees and see if these rider complaints are valid. They want want want, but i honestly dont see how much their giving back.

The union people negotiating-how many of them actually take the subway, bus etc?
Want more money? Make them realize that the riders are the ones paying their salary, so we should be the ones yelling at them for simply not having common sense in most situations.


Mar 20, 2004
Come on, there must be some TTC employees/drivers here on TERB !! Lets hear your side of the story .... lol I guess they are all quiet lol


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
rubmeister100 said:
The union provides irresistibly fertile ground for such self destructive behaviour. I'd go so far as to say they encourage it.
No shit. If there's no rable to rouse they have a hard time justifying their dues.

I like the idea of picketing the union. The TTC can't use the the same tactics as the union does as, oddly that would be called unfair bargaining , but the public sure can.


big dogie said:
Do the people that have to walk to work on Monday have a choice? These stupid fucks are holding the city hostage, they wouldn't do shit to help you, I say give their over-paid ass's a nice beat down and they can stick it right up their kinnier.......

b d
You are one of the many examples of why I would never consider working for the TTC. For the shit I have seen these drivers put up with, they certainly deserve a pay raise. Not only that, but better working conditions. With the way these workers are treated by the public (I have seen someone spit on a driver among other things), I would not be able to deal with it. When I am on the bus I mind my own business and when I get off I thank the driver. I don't have to say thanks, but I do because I value the TTC. Other people I have seen screaming at the drivers, disturbing other people, violence, etc. The only thing I don't like is that they have to let these fools on the bus.

I guess I am in the minority here that does not see the TTC as over paid and have respect for what the TTC does for us.

That said I am hoping they do not strike on Monday. With the price of gas going up, I do not know how I am going to get around. And going to Oshawa from downtown Toronto on my bike is simply not an option. I go there for work (and no, not SP work) 2 times a week. Normally I take the TTC and then the GO. Which means I can take my car or walk from Wellsley/young to Union station.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
I'm glad you don't want to work for the TTC because my preference is that people from you planet are not to drive buses or street cars....thank you very much!

b d

JessiMae said:
You are one of the many examples of why I would never consider working for the TTC. For the shit I have seen these drivers put up with, they certainly deserve a pay raise. Not only that, but better working conditions. With the way these workers are treated by the public (I have seen someone spit on a driver among other things), I would not be able to deal with it. When I am on the bus I mind my own business and when I get off I thank the driver. I don't have to say thanks, but I do because I value the TTC. Other people I have seen screaming at the drivers, disturbing other people, violence, etc. The only thing I don't like is that they have to let these fools on the bus.

I guess I am in the minority here that does not see the TTC as over paid and have respect for what the TTC does for us.

That said I am hoping they do not strike on Monday. With the price of gas going up, I do not know how I am going to get around. And going to Oshawa from downtown Toronto on my bike is simply not an option. I go there for work (and no, not SP work) 2 times a week. Normally I take the TTC and then the GO. Which means I can take my car or walk from Wellsley/young to Union station.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
JessiMae said:
You are one of the many examples of why I would never consider working for the TTC. For the shit I have seen these drivers put up with, they certainly deserve a pay raise. Not only that, but better working conditions. With the way these workers are treated by the public (I have seen someone spit on a driver among other things), I would not be able to deal with it. When I am on the bus I mind my own business and when I get off I thank the driver. I don't have to say thanks, but I do because I value the TTC. Other people I have seen screaming at the drivers, disturbing other people, violence, etc. The only thing I don't like is that they have to let these fools on the bus.

I guess I am in the minority here that does not see the TTC as over paid and have respect for what the TTC does for us.

That said I am hoping they do not strike on Monday. With the price of gas going up, I do not know how I am going to get around. And going to Oshawa from downtown Toronto on my bike is simply not an option. I go there for work (and no, not SP work) 2 times a week. Normally I take the TTC and then the GO. Which means I can take my car or walk from Wellsley/young to Union station.


I'm not going to attack you. From all the postings you have made you seem like a genuine person who truly cares about others , however thats not what drives an economy.

We as a society can barely afford what the TTC sluggos and all the other drivel servants are currently getting in pay and benefits, let alone give them more. The overwhelming majority of the costs of transit is operations. Think about ridership and how it could increase if the wages paid for staff where in line with value provided and not based on union thuggery. Lower costs would lead to lower ticket prices ,equals higher ridership , equals more efficiency.

Its been less than a month since the sunshine release of the names of the 42,000+ Ontario civil service types who have a salary of over $100,000 per year. Thats salary only, the benefits are on top of that. According to Rev Canada that puts them among the top 1% of wage earners in Canada. Think about that for a moment and consider their "earnings" vs. those of the hundreds of thousands of people who go to real jobs daily and rely on the TTC. It is truly sad when the sluggo driving the bus or sitting on their ass ignoring you in the ticket booth makes that much off the public dole.

Do a Ron on their collective ass, get rid of the lot of them and hold a job fair for those willing to work.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
So let's just say the strike is over and done with. How long after until they raise the price of fares again HA


New member
Feb 28, 2007
wetnose said:
The strike is going to be a pain in the butt for me but I'm curious about one of the union demands...they want full pay for days that they got injured on the job?

Why is that even a demand? Shouldn't it have been given already? If I got injured on the job, for sure I'd want full pay, not reduced pay.
The injured workers get a benefit package that includes salary replacement there is no tax removed at source for this. The other thing is TTC pays the cost of OHIP premiums due to a contract from years ago that was never changed. They don't want to give that up.

Both sides are counting on the province to order the drivers back to work its the same every time this comes up.

A quick thought His Worship Comrade Millar is out of town preaching human rights to the chinese right now. It would make my laugh for days if he comes back to a city locked down by a transit strike he in part caused, and had to take a flight into the Island Airport just to get home.


Dec 24, 2001
I'm prepared to suffer for months if it'll bust the union and bring down ticket and labour costs in the long term.


Jul 22, 2007
big dogie said:
I'm glad you don't want to work for the TTC because my preference is that people from you planet are not to drive buses or street cars....thank you very much!

b d


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Corey said:
I'm prepared to suffer for months if it'll bust the union and bring down ticket and labour costs in the long term.

This is Canada and socialist run Toronto in particular.

There will be no busting of unions, just a brutal rogering without lube of the taxpayers.:eek:



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Corey said:
I'm prepared to suffer for months if it'll bust the union and bring down ticket and labour costs in the long term.
You are a fool (notice I did not use the B word) if you think you can
run a public utility without unions. It can and will never happen.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
It would be interesting to see the actual pay scales for different jobs at the TTC. Drivers, cleaners, ticket takers, etc.

Waiting for the mayor to be out of the city before calling a strike is brilliant. It has changed the news from what the issues are to blaming it all on the absent mayor.


Dec 24, 2001
danmand said:
You are a fool (notice I did not use the B word) if you think you can
run a public utility without unions. It can and will never happen.

I didn't say it was likely to happen. Though it is wishful thinking.

Let's privatize the fuckin' thing!


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
poonhunter said:
Wait till they start full automated entry systems which most "modern" public transit have had for years, meanwhile we a G8 country have tokens, tickets and collectors? LOL Yeah we're 3rd world hiding behind a G8 label.
yup cause god knows the automated 407 is much cheaper and efficient than the New York Thruway that has those old-fashioned human collectors. :rolleyes:
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